I asked my mom to bring her box of pictures over so I could sift through them for this meme. So many wonderful memories came flooding back from when I was a little girl. My parents got divorced when I was 10 years old, so the pictures she has of her and my dad together are priceless to me. I'm so happy to be able to scan them, 40 years later from the time they were taken!
I wasn't born yet when this was taken. This was the summer of 1966. My mom and dad were married that same year, and she gave birth to my sister in Jan. 1967.
My dad always dressed so cool and was a perfectionist when it came to his clothes and just his personal things. LOL, I didn't inherit any of that! Back in the day, he was a pretty good looking guy, and many of our friends and relatives would refer to him as the "Filipino Paul Newman." Honestly, he did look like him!! And for you younger gals who may not know who he is, you may know him by his face on the salad dressing bottles!
That's such a nice photo of them...they both look great!
I love your mom's red dress and your dad's white pants! They were definitely stylin'!
It is a very nice picture! They both look great! STUNNING!!!
I love this picture! And you're right! He does look like Paul Newman! LOL!
You are right, they are a cute couple! I want your moms dress! How cute is she in that?
I love this picture. Really. They both look so cool, your dad was totally stylin' and your mom looks cool and chic and I mean in the French way not the country music twangin' way. And I love the parked cars in the background. Don't you wish you could transport yourself back to that moment for a while??
My parents divorced when I was 11 or 12 (I don't remember exactly...blocking the bad memories, lol) I feel ya with the priceless pic of mom and dad.
Thank you for sharing this photo. Not sure why exactly, but it really touched me :)
What a sweet picture! My mom was just telling me that she cleaned out her picture closet! I can't wait to see them when I visit in July! Happy Friday!
That is a precious flashback. Your dad is very handsome and if he has that genuine Filipino personality he is probably very caring and lovable. Your mother is also very attractive in the photo.
Such a lovely picture!
My parents seperated when I was 2, I don't think I've ever seen any pictures of them together as a couple, I totally understand how much this picture means to you.
Such a lovely couple.
What a sweet picture! Love the dress (I love red!). You know, I can see a resemblance between your dad and Paul Newman!
I imagine just seeing these pictures is bittersweet! But how great to have them!
My older brother looked alot like Elvis Presley. In fact, when one of my other brothers was little, he thought that our brother WAS Elvis! He thought he made movies and everything!
Wow! That is a blast from the way past...beautiful pic of your parents. I can understand why it means so much to you.
That's a nice picture!
I just gave you a One Lovely Blog Award! Go to my blog to check it out!
What a great photo and what great memories come with it.
truly priceless and precious!
i have posted mine already! :)
by the way, what do you use for mr. linky? i mean what do you choose when you are making a wizard? :)
do you know how to speak "filipino"? :) have you ever been back here in the Philippines?
thanks for this great meme!
wow! what a lovely couple. :)
Have a great weekend ahead. :)
What a great picture! I love that red dress....very fashionable!
That is such a cool photo. I don't have many pictures of my parents when they were younger. Their is one that makes me laugh as my dad looks like such a hippie.
Very nice! I like the dress your mom has on:)
Wow look at him....so cool! That's a great picture!
My parents divorced when I was four, so,like you, I love to see life "before".
I love your picture...your parents looks so fashionable. Your mom's dress is "in" again. (I knew who Paul Newman was without the salad dressing reference...and realized so many of the bloggers wouldn't.)
I can see Paul Newman in his face! I love this picture and all you wrote about it. Your mom looks so much like you!
cute cute! and you look a lot like your mom...because it would be funny for her to look like you. lol. mimi's comment made me giggle because i was thinking wow she looks like her mom. and then she said she looked like you. lol. :0)
That's such a sweet picture! You do look a lot like your mom!
They are so perfect. Your mom is beautiful and your dad is very handsome. Great picture.
Adorable. Your mother was rocking it in the red dress...look how she posed her foot. Just too cute! They call my town little Manila 'cause we have a large Filipino population (higher than blacks, smaller than whites, Hispanics, ) so in my humble opinion...yeah you're dad's the Filipino Paul Newman...very handsome! I don't know Pinoy...but your parents are...maganda (please say I typed beautiful?)
Very chic even way back when. What a nice treasure to have all those pictures and now you can make sure they'll last forever.
Oh what a great picture! That's too funny about your dad!
I know what you mean about those pics. My parents divorced when I was 3. I have their wedding pics. No one else in the world wants them. But they are precious to me!
Lovely photo - and look at all those awesome cars in the background. Oops, did my hubby's voice just come out of my mouth? ;)
I like your mom's dress!
wow - that is such a neat photo!! I would participate, but I don't have a scanner...:(. I'm enjoying everyone elses though! Thanks for hosting this!
Lauren @ Walking by Faith
Your parents look wonderful! I love that dress your mom is wearing. :)
They make such a lovely couple. I think they both dressed wonderfully!
My mom and dad divorced when I was 2 but I have one picture of them together. Maybe I can dig it out. Your parents look great in the picture. They made a wonderful couple.
I like the flashback carnival! I just happen to post old photos today so I'm joining in. Thank you Alcia for the sweet comment on my blog today.
WOW! You're right!Such a dashing and handsome man.
I can appreciate how you would find the old pictures so very special. As kids, the divorce of parents often gives a completely different experience.
Bless you!
Your parents are good looking but I am not surprised - look at their daughter!!
I think you look like your Mama! They are both beautiful!
Oh, I love your picture. And your dad is very handsome. Paul Newman indeed!
What a beautiful couple!!! I can definitely see why people referred to him as Paul Newman! Are there people out there who really don't know who Paul Newman is?? Man, I'm old.
I love this Flashback Friday meme...I'm gonna make a note to myself to participate in it next week!
WOW!!! This is a great picture! I am glad that looking at the pictures of them being together still brings you joy!
Have a great weekend!
hi; this is such a cool meme to play! I added my link to Mr. Linky and I'm looking to participate in this when I can.
what a great picture of your parents; your dad is very handsome and your mom beautiful!
have a good weekend!
Cute cute picture! Catching up on the posts' that I've missed.
Your son is an amazing artist!! The detail of the palm trees...I gotta go look at that again.
and all the pictures of the food...after I log off...I'm gonna go scope out the pantry....
thanks for stopping by and leaving such a sweet comment.
Blessings to you and your family...and have a great weekend!
What a great picture! I'd love to play along some day. If only I could get to my box of pics...then again, I'm not sure I'd want to post some of those! LOL!
Just found some wedding photos of my sister. My nephew is almost 4, and my sister and her husband are now divorced. They were separated shortly after he was 2. I had the thought this afternoon when I found the pictures that I need to save them for her. Glad you shared yours!
I was just looking at the Friday Photo Flashback of Beth in NC
and popped over here to see your blog…very lovely indeed!
~ Hope
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