I'm taking you back...way back, to Moffett Field, California! We dad was in the Navy and we were stationed there. We lived there up until I started Kindergarten. I had to be around 3 or 4 years old, and yes, I was skating already!! Those weren't the plastic wheels, those were the old school metal wheels..lol. And as you can see, my parents did not worry about me spraining my ankle (see the unlaced boots). It' so funny when I look at this picture because Veronica totally has my legs!
This picture is a little blurry because I'm sure I was skating, and back then, the cameras didn't have the "sport" option. Oh, and I just remembered something! My dad took my sister and I roller skating when I was in elementary school (in fact, it's the same place we take our kids to go roller skating now) and I remember him skating so good! He was rexing and skating backward! I found out later that he was a roller skating champ in the Philippines when he was a teenager!!! No wonder my kids picked up on it so quick..heehee.
That is the cutest photo! Are you inspired to hit the rink again?
You are adorable! And I remember the metal skates. We had a really slick garage floor that we'd zoom around on and our driveway had a nice incline for shooting the duck, lol.
What fun memories :D
OMGoodness, look at that smile on your face!!! It's obvious you were totally diggin the skates!
I totally remember the metal wheeled skates!! And they didn't have stoppers either, from what I remember, right? My dad used to yell at us when we'd skate on our black asphalt driveway because we'd leave white marks from the metal wheels. It used to drive him nuts!
We're in the process of painting our house so I can't get to my old pics so I'll have to skip out on the meme this week :-( But I'll be back next Friday!
Oh...I love this pic! So cute and such cool memories!
My dad was stationed at Moffet Field at the same time...I'd love it if you emailed me your maiden name so I can find out if my parents knew yours!
Look at how cute you were in all of your roller skating goodness! Oh, the roller skating days with the parties at the rink and the limbo and the hokey pokey....I was a pretty clutzy skater myself.
So adorable! Yes, who needs to lace their skates? Come on, this was the 70's! Don't you wish you had those skates today! So cool about your dad! this might be a silly question but what is "rexing"?
You are so cute!!! The skates I had with metal wheels strapped onto my shoes.
You can definitely tell it is an "old" picture....no knee pads, elbow pads or helmet, not to mention the untied skates. LOL, wow I wonder how any of us survived childhood.
What a great memory and picture to go with it! I remember going to the skating rink every weekend! So much fun!
Oh aren't you a cutie! I used to love to roller skate when I was a kid.
I eventually learned to skate backwards but I wasn't as good as your dad!
I looooved my roller skates! I loved them! I screamed when I opened my Christmas present and there they were! Oh. I love this picture. It reminds me of those days. :-)
Oh I LOVE that photo. I loved roller skating. That photo is priceless. I love the fact that you've got no helmet, no knee pads, and you're o.k. I hate to say I don't like those laws...because my kids think they're fearless because of the "protection." What a great photo...just adorable.
Love the pic! What a cutie! I LOVED roller skating!
OMGosh you look so adorable! I love the smile on your face and your outfit! :)
you look so cute. even if cameras that time was not that hitech yet but then i love the way it was captured. cool:)
Happy Friday :)
Look at you! so cute!
You look so Precious!
Have a ♥Lovely♥ Friday!
ur so cute...my entry is up now...
Happy FPF!
That's a great picture, and a great memory. I remember working for a month to earn my first pair of skates - but not until I was 10!
What a cute picture! As soon as I saw it, I thought it looked just like Veronica! SUPER cute!
You can see how much your girls look like you in this picture esp Veronica. :o)
I LOVE skating! Let's all go together :)
Your unlaced skates scare the bejeebers out of me! That is sooo cute though and how cool he was a skating champion! Go DAD!
Xanadu is popping into my head - way to go roller girl. Love your big smile! PS: Did you know roller derby is big again? My SIL is a roller derby girl and loves it.
That is an awesome memory!! That's pure joy on your face!
fun! i don't think i could rollerskate if my life depended on it!! rollerblade, maybe! i haven't done that in years either! lol.
your daughter is a beautiful artist! your house is full of god given talent. and i love that you give him the glory for it!! :0)
Aren't you just the cutest thing!!! Man if I had gotten on rollersktates at 3 maybe I would have enjoyed it more a few weeks ago. ;o) That seriously is the cutest picture.
Now I know where your kids get the being talented from.
You look so cute!
Oh how cute! Veronica definitely looks like you!
You are too cute! And what?? He was a skating champion...that is amazing..LOL.
I had that kind of roller skates too and they were so noisy, weren't they?
You're adorable!
That's such a cute photo - you look like you are having such a great time. :)
I have an photo of myself that is very similar!! Except my skates were laced up :) You gotta love the 70's
So cute ! Roller skatining champ! No kidding! I just want you to know you can hold me to meeting up for dinner no matter how long it takes! :)I saw my cousins this weekend and thoughtof you!
So cute ! Roller skatining champ! No kidding! I just want you to know you can hold me to meeting up for dinner no matter how long it takes! :)I saw my cousins this weekend and thoughtof you!
Don't you just love old photos!! Last week I was housesitting, babysitting and dogsitting at my parents' house and every night I looked through TONS of old photos from 1963 until now!! Great memories! Needless to say I have plenty now for flashback posts! I am giving you an award later so stop by!
I love seeing the scenery around you - all those old cars!! And you were working it, girl!
That is a cute photo. Roller skating is a lot of fun. It's been a while since I've done that.
So cute, Alicia! That's pretty impressive that you were skating so young. I STILL don't know how. Oh well, I guess it's never to late to learn.
Love it!!! You look soo cute. I love to roller skate too. I'm not so good anymore though.
Awesomely cute.
Awesomely cute.
I love that picture. Look at the sheer joy in your face! You were having so much fun. I remember those metal wheels. Remember being envious of the kids who got the clay wheels? They were sooo lucky! I loved going to the skating rink, but I skated in my neighborhood whenever I got the chance. No one worried about our ankles back then. Oh, it was so fun. Switching to inline skates was tough.
Look at you go. you still love skating today. How cute you were. :)
Awwwww...how CUTE!
What a fun photo…you just look so cute and so happy!
Wonderful memory!
I love the fall feel of this photo.
Aww, how cute. I can't believe you were skating around with the laces undone, LOL!
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