My 8 (almost 9) year old son, Eli probably has one of the most gentlest and sweetest dispositions. For some reason, out of all my children, people are drawn to him the most. Believe me when I say that I'm not boasting about him, but it's so funny to hear how many people have said that they want to take him home with them, or they will whisper to me that he is their favorite. I totally don't get offended and think, "Well, what about the other ones?!" We have accepted that there really is something special about him. Not that our other kids aren't, but we feel that the Lord really has a special calling on his life. We don't know what it is yet, but I know that he has a way of turning anything negative into a positive, and really makes me think twice about something I've said, or just my "attitude" in general! He's not one of those kids who is nice to your face and sneaky behind your back. He's a good friend to everyone he meets, and he also knows how to interact with adults! And who said that homeschooled kids were not socialized? Okay..that's a totally different post altogether..hehe.
There IS a point to this post...I promise!! One of Eli's best friends is named Keith. They have been friends before they could even talk. Well, recently, he was bitten by a big dog and was hurt pretty bad. When my husband told Eli what happened to Keith, the tears immediately started flowing. He assured him he was okay, but I can just picture him thinking of his little friend and how scared he must have been, and that it could have turned out a lot worst if his brothers weren't there.
This is Keith & Eli back when they both just turned 5 years old! My favorite picture of them together!

I told Eli that he should make him a card, so he made one for him the other night. It was so cute, that I wanted to share it with you!
This is the front of the card!

And this is what is on the inside. On the top left, he wrote, "This is you in the future Keith!!!" Then there you see the muscle guy he drew underneath, and next to that he wrote, "Your like President to me." And finally, you can read what he wrote on the right.

Stopping by for the June Comment Challenge.
Have a great weekend!
aaww so sweet!
That is so precious.
He has such a tender heart. What a great kid. I pray his friend heals quickly.
he got me all teary!! so sweet. i think my amelya will be just the same way.
that card is so sweet.
my husband's aunt went to a homeschooling conf. the other week and bought the book 'the socialization trap'. the books author was there for the conf. and after she reads it i want to. i think the world places too much emphasis on 'socialization'. sure our kids should get 'out and about' but i also do not think they need to be as much as 'others' say they think they should be. sorry. getting a bit passionate there. :0)
Aw he is very sweet and caring! I hope his friend is doing better:)
What a sweet fella! He did a great job on the card! I hope his friend is feeling better soon!
Awww, how cute!
Have a great weekend :-)
What a sweet and tender heart! He sounds like colin, we call him our cheerleader and lover! I hope that Keith is alright.
What a sweet card! And how sweet of him to tell his friend he is praying for him!
Loved the "hulk" muscle man, he did a great job!
I hope his friend is doing okay!
Judging by his card, your Eli IS a sweet boy. It will be exciting to see what God has in store for him! :-)
what a sweet boy. I love the card and I am sure that his friend Keith will love it too.
How adorable! I love that pic of them. What cuties!
I couldn't help but to cry..This warmed my heart so much. :)
Oh my goodness.....what a sweet boy! You don't find many adults these days that won't turn around and talk about you behind your back so to find it in a child is truly a magnificent thing! Shows you and your husband are doing a wonderful job!
Glad his friend is okay!
You are right, he does sound like a keeper! Actually, my Elijah has a similiar heart! Is it the name? Or the awesome mothers?
That is the SWEETEST thing!
The portrait of future Keith is hilarious...LOLOL!
Could he be any sweeter?!? Wow. What a wonderful boy you have! Such a BIG heart!
Everytime I read one of your posts about your children, my heart absolutely melts. You must tell me your secret to raising such wonderfully compassionate and talented children. I feel like all my kids ever do is fight with one another, color on my walls, and take pleasure in calling each other "fart-head" and "butt-wipe" (oh, but not in private of HAS to be when we're out in public when at least 10 strangers can hear them).
Your son is incredibly sweet...his little friend must feel so blessed.
He does sound like a sweetheart!
Awwww...the card is just so sweet! Love the picture of them together!!! Soooooooooooooo cute!
Happy Sundy sweet friend!
That card is so great! How awesome that his heart shines through to everyone. Wish you lived boys would just love him!
I love that he wrote him a card! I am trying to teach my boys to write cards, too. When our eldest couldn't write, I would trace his hand and write his name inside. But cards are so important! My hubs and I have been married almost 11 yrs and I first learned the importance of writing cards from HIM! Cards were so impt to his grandmother and mother, and he really wants me to teach the importance of sending cards for different occasions to our boys! It is becoming a lost way to communicate!
What what a great friend he is! That is such a special characteristic to have!
What a tender spirit Alicia, you can be so proud of him.
Oh my gosh! SO cute. Your like the president to me....
so cute! you are blessed!
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