How will I make my home sing this week?
One word...DEVOTIONS!
I wake up way before my kids do, so I will have my own personal devotion time. However, when the kids wake up, I'm so busy trying to get them organized that I tend to overlook having devotions with them.
I need to start putting that as a priority above anything else. I need to be filled and refilled with the Holy Spirit daily, and so do they! I know when I haven't been in the Word, I'm more irritable, and I am just in my "flesh."
My two older kids are old enough to where they can have their own time with the Lord without me having to remind them. Nothing blesses me more than seeing my children in their rooms, soaking up Gods word!!
So, to keep us all accountable, and to stay motivated, my two older kids and I will read a chapter from the Old Testament and the New Testament every morning, and when we're all done, we will come together and share how the Lord spoke to us through His word.
I'm excited to do this with my children, and to see them really meditate on Gods word. It's part of training them up in the Lord, and for them to continue to grow spiritually!
What a great way to make you home sing.. it will sing beautiful songs I am sure.
I love my devotion time.
Praise the Lord! I will pray that you have a blessed week!
Ours do devos alone in the morning but I like the idea of having them start to share it after word. I will try to implement this as well. We also have family devos after dinner so this is a good sharing time too.
Sometimes Satan really rocks this musical in our home and we loose sight. thank you for this. May God truly use it in a tremendous way in your lives. Thanks for being so open!
We need to do better at sharing what we learn when we study individually. That's a great idea!
My Walk Monday is very similar to what you have written this day...
blessings to you as you serve your children in Christ's love.
My children are still very young (5, 2, and 8 mo) but taking time every day to teach them about God is important to me. Especially with my 5 year old as he is at that great teachable stage. This is something I definitely need to improve on. Thanks for sharing and for your encouragement!
Yep, I get pretty cranky when I don't have my devotion time. Thank you for the reminder to make it a priority. And I love seeing my son read his Bible. What a blessing!
I agree Alicia...you can't go wrong with that idea! In the morning and before bed....I tell them it helps with pleasant dreams :) I truly believe it does.
Great way to make your home sing:)
Amen sister!
Your committment is very inspiring.
Such a great way to do devotion Alicia. I have really been lacking in this area lately!
What a great way to facilitate family devotions. DH and I are so guilty of having our own devotions, but we need to be more intentional about taking the time to discuss what we are learning each day. We also need to be more intentional of having a family devotion each night before KK goes off to bed... Thanks for the words of encouragement and idea. We will start doing that TONIGHT! :) Lana
That is truly how you make your home sing. If we can all start our day that way it makes the home run so much more smooth. I can hear your home singing all the way over here. :o)
Thanks too Alicia for linking me up on Friday...that was SO sweet...I had a feeling you would do that for me...you just seem so thoughtful that way. Thanks again!
I can't think of a better way to make our homes sing for Him!
You're right, if I'm not in the Word, than I tend to be living in my own strength that day!
I, too, love seeing my boys reading their Bibles!
Forgot to say thanks for joining us today!
What a wonderful thing to do with your children.
Such a wonderful reminder that my spiritual life can really bless my home - more than a clean kitchen sink ever will!
That is so awesome. I really need to be better at that with my boys. Thanks for the reminder
the perfect way to start out your day and make your home a beautiful place!
That is awesome Alicia! Perfect way to make the home sing.
That will definitely be a blessing for you all. (Now, I pray you can be consistent...that is where I struggle with anything I implement.)
Love it.....may God continue to be glorified in your home.....
....beautiful! :)
What a great idea!
Do you have a similar plan for the younger ones?
That is awesome!!
I have been out of the bloggy world for awhile and am now catching up on everyone's blog!! It's good to be back!
That's a great idea Alicia! Thanks for sharing.
Oh, Alicia! This is a GREAT idea! I hope you'll blog again a little later to tell us how it's going!
I love this....I am going to try this with my little one!
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