My husband and I are co-teaching a class that they are having at church every Wednesday night. I'm sure most of you have heard of Tedd Tripp's book, "Shepherding A Child's Heart."
We're not actually "teaching" because every week we watch a couple of sessions from his DVD, and afterward there is table time for us to discuss some questions that are given to us.
This will be the third week of the class and we have already learned so much from it. Honestly, every week we are convicted!!! Even a seasoned parent has much to glean from these videos.
What he focuses on is the matter of the heart issues. The bible says, "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." Matthew 12:34b. Without getting to the heart issue, we will only fix a problem on the surface. We can manipulate our kids to behave the way we want them to, but that is not getting to the root of it.
We will never reach our kids with the gospel, for example, if we say, "Stop acting like that! You're being so obnoxious! I've had it with you today! Oh, and Jesus loves you and died on the cross for you."
You see, it will never fit together, my friends. We have to get to the heart, and what is it in their hearts that is causing them to behave a certain way. Our words can't change it, but Gods word can. That's the only way. Yes, it will take time, and you have to be consistent, but in the long run, it will all be worth it. And really, while the Lord will be working in their heart(s), He will work in your hearts too.
Jesus will always be involved as long as you are focusing on the heart issues!!
This is SO VERY TRUE! Our kids and grandkids are THE most important people that the Lord has given us to teach, and we do it more by example than by "telling."
Showing God's love and forgiveness in our everyday lives and studying to find the wisdom God wants us to have, and promises to give, if we seek and ask for it is the key to helping them see HIM in our lives.
Some of this has been touched on in Proverbs- A Bible Study blog. Have a good week! Linda
this looks very interesting.. i mean shepherding a child's heart...
i would like to learn more about it...
thanks for sharing today! it definitely enlightened me...
Wow Girl! this is so good! That´s so great you can be part of that group at church watching these edifying videos! I thave the book. Need to review. Need to revamp.
thank you for sharing this. I especially needed the thing about... them being obnoxious. *sheepish blush*
amen sister!! this was AN AWESOME devotional.
, "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." Matthew 12:34b.
May my heart be filled with the love of Christ so that my words will be filled with Christ's love..amen amen amen
This is a good thing to do while the kids are home for the summer. A great reminder of why you brought them here in the first place:-)
That class sounds awesome. what great lessons. thank you for sharing.
This is a great post and so true! We have to act like Jesus for little ones to understand! (also, how can we expect them to change when they ask Jesus in their hearts if we don't exemplify that change?) I really loved reading this and I do believe that you make your home sing every day!
What a great class and thank you so much for sharing that with us. Have a great day Alicia!
great insight!
Isn’t it wonderful how God looks at our hearts? He knows us so well, and even when others may not understand us, God knows what our true intentions are. I am comforted knowing that He judges my according to what is in my heart.
I have read this book and I think is so good, and it help me see things that I didn't understand before like how kids can grow up with good rules and still end up so wrong.
It is not just the teaching the rules but help them to understand and make them theirs.
I would love to find that video in spanish. I need to check and see if I could find it. I think it would be a great resourse to have in our little church.
Blessings to you today my fiend!
great post Alicia. I'm so guilty of that you're being obnoxious ...oh and Jesus loves you. sigh. good thing we are definitely a work in progress!
I love this book. I didn't know there was a dvd with it. I will have to look into that, it would be awesome to have as a class at our church.
Thank you for mentioning this. I have suggested this book to lots of people, great book.
Thank you for linking up today too!
oh I like it!
That really sounds like a wonderful class. Again I say, your church offers such wonderful opportunities.
This is an awesome book and my husband and I did this class a bit of time ago with our son. We were truly blessed by it.
I pray you and your family are blessed by it too. Thank you for your prayers while I was in the hospital and now recuperating. I love ya bunches.
SO true... we too have really appreciated using the truths from this book with our family.
Sounds like a great book. I have not read the book, but it is something I have thought about a lot. I will have to find the book. Have fun at the class!
Lovely reminder...glad you two are enjoying this class you teach as it teaches you, too. Happy Monday!
This is a wonderful book and I've heard about it but haven't read it....what wonderful insight...your right...we need to work on what we can do..i.e. praying and ask God to work in and through our kids.!
Oh...I forgot...I'm taking a little pole over on my blog today where to send my family...if you get a chance please throw your hat in the ring!!!
I've heard of that book, and I've always wanted to read it...from your post, it sounds like I should read it asap!
Very inspiring.
It really is all about the heart isn't it?
You are a blessing! Thanks for sharing
That sounds like an amazing book!
Perfectly said. thank you
I am going to check that book out, sounds great and you are right we have to get to the heart not just lip service.
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