Tuesday, June 30, 2009


The weather that is!

Honestly, I don't know how people handle living in over 100 degree weather! That's how it was here all weekend! It was crazy!

It seems like we've been on the go since last Friday! With different functions going on all weekend, it felt like we were moving non-stop!

We cancelled our home fellowship on Friday night because our two older kids (plus a few of our friends kids) were involved in the skit that the kids in day camp performed that evening. My kids were not in the play, they were there helping out all week. After the play, we all just hung out at church with our friends and chilled out!

There's Miranda on the left and my friends kids who were getting ready to paint the kids faces! Because they helped out at day camp, they are able to take $25 of the summer camp fee!
Miranda painting a tiger face!
"The Guys." That's my hubby on the far left. It's hilarious being around them!! All our kids are good friends too. What a blessing!
I call Miranda a poser because she's always trying to look cool in her pictures! That's her and her BFF! Her dad is the one in the white shirt above.
Isaiah (on the far left) and his buddies. These boys are awesome! They can be goofy and silly, but they all respect each other! I love them! All these boys take turns sleeping at each others houses!! I think I saw Isaiah one day last week..lol!

On Saturday, our church had an outreach that consisted of a bbq, 3 on 3 basketball tournament, and a demo by professional Christian skateboarders. Approximately 20 kids got saved that day! Isn't that awesome??!! Besides the 103 degree weather, it was all good!

Here's Danny taking a break from skateboarding. Can you see the dirt on his sweaty face?
"You go, honey!!" My baller! LOL!
After the outreach, we all headed to a birthday party at the park. Of course, it had to be the hottest weekend, ever!!! It was fun though. More bbq, and more sports for the guys!

Love this picture I took of Veronica, Danny, and my friends girls. She has five girls all together! Her eldest is Miranda's friend above!
I don't know how the guys were able to play football in that crazy heat! See the shade at the bottom of the picture. That's where all the girls were sitting! We're the smart ones! :)
Sunday was Eli's birthday! After church, a bunch of us went to Hometown Buffet! Can you imagine seeing this bunch of kids walking into a restaurant? After lunch, they all went to our friends house to go swimming!
Later in the evening, I bought his cake. I know..bad mom! I told him that I would have baked him a cake if it wasn't 100 degrees outside! He totally understood and didn't mind that I bought an ice cream cake from the grocery store! It was really good, too! In case you're wondering what's on the top, they are Oreo cokies! So, that was pretty much our weekend in a nutshell! Busy, but fun!!


Casey's trio said...

The crazy heat....yikes! It's been WAY too hot for my comfort level. You always seem to have lots of fun events keeping you busy! Happy belated bday to Eli:)

Susie said...

That is hot!! But how much fun can one family have? Hee, hee, hee:-)

really.truly said...

Hot, hot, hot...makes me think of that song!

What a fun weekend. You seem to have such a fun and friendly church family!

Lana said...

Wow! What a busy, but FUN weekend! I just thought when we went out to Sunday lunch that we had a large crowd (10 kids). You definitely have us beat! :)

He & Me + 3 said...

You all are always so busy. A good busy though. Wow in the hundreds. Yikes that is hot. VA has been mild so far. Thank God.
Loved all the pictures and the cake looked yummy.
All those kids into a restaurant? You are crazy. LOL

Beth in NC said...

You are so blessed to have such a great group of friends! Looks like a lot of fun was had by all. And girl, I prefer air conditioning! Yuck -- heat.

That cake looks GOOD!!!

Kelli W said...

Goodness! You did have a busy weekend! It has been SUPER hot down here too...and I have been staying inside in the AC because of it! That was a huge group of kids to take to a buffet...I bet there were a bunch of people staring at your group!

Alicia W. said...

You guys always have so much fun no matter what you do. Such a busy fun family. I love it. Have a great day sweetie.

Denise said...

Such awesome pictures. Praise God for the salvation of those 20 kids.

Sweet Blessings said...

That was a fun weekend! I loved the picture of the boys with the skateboard-I liked the lighting and their sweet faces. Blessings! Amanda

Stephanie said...

Wow...it's been hot here too but in the 90s..pray we don't hit 100!

That cakes looks yummy!!!

Darcie said...

First...Happy Birthday to Eli!!

Seems like you have had some busy days, but with much fellowship, wonderful for you and the kids.

Hope it will cool down for you soon...we had in the 100's last week and today the high is 77!

Lauren said...

WOW - what a super fun weekend!!! The heat sounds crazy -- but looks like a complete blast! Thanks for all the great pictures! :)

A Joyful Chaos said...

Sounds like a great weekend inspite of the heat.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you all have been very busy!! Love all the pictures!!

Debbie said...

You can't beat ice cream cake on a hot day! Great photos.

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

sounds like a great week despite the heat!

Jennifer said...

I love all these pictures! Everyone looks like they're having such a great time! ... and it does look hot! ;-)

Unknown said...

What a fun weekend Alicia : ) I love that you were ministering as a family! So cool!

Pilar said...

Enjoying time in fellowship with friends is such a blessing. We are trying to get as much as that as possible while we are here :)

Granada is like that, always way over 100 during summer. It takes your strength away from you. You know you have lots of things to do, but you are unable to get up.

Another thing i am enjoying, full power a/c.... I forgot how high everyone keeps it in here :) you can go all summer withough sweating a drop :)

LifeAtTheCircus.com said...

parties, friends, kids coming to the Lord, more parties, more friends, and ice cream cake... man sounds like a PERFECT weekend to me!!

Laura said...

We hit the 100's last week and I was miserable!! Can't stay outside for long.

I love Oreo's.. that cake looks delicious!

I would have ran the other direction if I was a server when all those kids came through the door, lol. That's a lot of people, but I am sure you all had a good time fellowshiping with one another.

JMBMOMMY said...

I always read your blog and see your pictures...and think wow, that is living out the word "community" :) I think it is great....haven't accomplished that in my life yet....but think it is wonderful.

Right here with you....Texas and 100 Temps....we are swimming everyday! :)

Aubrey said...

WOW! What a great weekend!

I hear ya about the HOT weather though. We are melting over here. Either that OR in a downpour of rain. LOL

You pictures always make me smile! Love them!

Mommy24cs said...

I can feel the heat through the pictures LOL.

Looks like everyone had a great time despite the hot weather :o)

Liz Mays said...

20 kids in one day? That is amazing!

Your family oozes happiness.

Muthering Heights said...

That does look like fun...I can't believe you all were able to stay out on that heat! LOL!

Cascia Talbert said...

Yes it was hot around here this past weekend. I thought it got over 100. Anyway I stayed indoors in the air conditioning all weekend.

It looks like you had a great weekend and were able to have fun despite the heat. Thanks for sharing your photos!

Jen said...

Baked or bought, that cake looks delicious! And there is no way that you should be cooking anything in 100 degree temps. As much as I love the warm weather, there is a limit to how much I can take.

amanda said...

wow and i was complaining about 95! :) you have it hotter. you win. looks like so much fun though. what an awesome outreach you did. 20 souls saved!! praise the lord!!

and i love the ww pic above. she seems to be so concentrated. :0)

Lisa said...

what a busy time you had. We could use a little of your hot weather, it has been quite cold here.
I love how you have so many kids involved at your church, how I wish we had that...I pray for that.
I always have the kids invite their friends to church and hope one day their families will start coming and so on and so on and so on......

Unknown said...

Boy you sure were busy! With a house full of kidos of all ages you probably are running a lot.
Then your hubby´s friends too! LOL
What about your friends? They prob. didn´t want to show up on the blog. LOL

tiki_lady said...

oh, i love that cake!! i love the "baller" in your family too. He's a big kid too!

Mocha Momma said...

Wow! You were busy and it looks like everyone had fun. It is so neat that you all have friends that hang out together, help each other and help the same ministries.

Your kids seem like great kids. God bless them and you & hubby.

We celebrated my son's birtday yesterday with an Oreo cookie Ice cream cake too. It was good!

Have a fun 4th.

Nannette from Life: Be In It