Only one week left of our Christmas break. We haven't really done anything but veg out at home. But, the kids haven't complained once. I think they have enjoyed
not being on a schedule, and honestly, so have I! It will definitely be an adjustment getting back into the swing of things!
I tried to watch my carb intake today, but that totally went out the window when my sister in-law brought over cookies and stuff to make clam dip! Who can resist these homemade goodies?
I was so behind this year that I didn't send Christmas cards out. In fact, I don't even take a picture of all the kids like I normally do.
Did I mention my dog is pregnant? Her puppies will be so cute! They will be half Chihuahua and half Bichon. I know it's going to be hard not to get attached to them! She looks like she is due any day now! Any advice?
There's a really popular Chinese take out place that has the best egg rolls (they're actually known for that). They are busy EVERYDAY! These don't last at our house! We just had to have them with our Christmas meal!
My mom got me a giftcard at Macy's, and they are having this awesome sale. I've always wanted one of these! I thought it would be perfect since we have home fellowship at our home, and I'm always serving a hot dish! I can't wait to use it!
My kids got Twister for Christmas, and it was a CRACK UP watching them play (and cheat)!
And finally, it feels so good to have been able to visit your blogs, and catch up with you!!!