Yes..that's right! My two older children are only 10 1/2 months apart! So, until July 11th, I will have two 14 year olds!
On her birthday (last Thursday), she made cupcakes to bring to school, and her best friend also made her a cake. What a sweetie!! She was even able to get away with not wearing her official Jr. High "attire." Notice the basketball shorts she's wearing?
Anyway, for dinner, she decided she wanted Olive Garden. There's a new one by our house, so it was nice to not have to drive far! Thanks to my sis in-law for taking us out to dinner!!
Here she is the night before, decorating her cupcakes! Look at that concentration!
Her "bff" on the far left cutting her cake during lunch! And that's my girl on the far right!
Now for dinner pics!
Pizza appetizer. Bummers, I didn't get to try it!
Birthday girl chose pizza for her meal.
Yummy ravioli!
Shrimp & scallop fettucini. So good!
And I didn't even notice they got dessert!
We ran into my best friend from high school and her hubby! I haven't seen her in a long time, so I was catching up with her for awhile!
And they wouldn't sit still to take a nice picture, but this is THEM! My loves!