Friday, January 16, 2009


I have a new bloggy friend, Rebekah @ Life with Kaishon. I was immediately drawn to her blog because it's so pretty, but more importantly, you can tell she adores her family, and loves the Lord! I was reading her latest post, and I was pleasantly surprised when she passed an award on to me. I really liked her intent behind the award. She says to step out of our comfort box and make new bloggy friends! So, that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to pass this out to my newest blog pals, and I want you to tag some of your new friends!

I pass this award to my new bloggers in crime. And please, please forgive me if I left anyone out!!!!
LeAnn @ Tollesons4Him
BlueViolet @ A Nut in a Nutshell
Joan @ Joan Of All Trades
Caribbean Shulamite
Laura Lee @ Drill Sergeant Redeemed
Shasta @ Crackers and Chaos
Carrie @ Capturing Glimpses
Everyday Mom Designs
Sweet Blessings @ Just A Small Part Of The Bigger Picture
Lorie @ Thinking Out Loud

Also, I'm so excited, I did my own button with link box, and it came out pretty good! It was easier than I thought, thanks to the instructions from LoopsDesigns! I already had an idea how to make it because I tried it a few months ago, so thank goodness it wasn't as confusing! If you're interested in making your own I suggest her site!!

I also tweaked my layout. I love having a wider space for my main post and sidebars. Of course, my header doesn't stretch out, but that's okay. I like how I can see more of the fushcia background. Also, this allows me to post bigger pictures! Now all I need is a better camera! LOL



joanofalltrades said...

I am too flattered that you passed this award onto me! I love your spirit! Thanks for the button info. I've gotta go check that out since I'm an amateur and made my own makeshift buttons and headers.

joanofalltrades said...

BTW.....I am going to borrow your My Award slideshow idea that you have in your sidebar (giving you credit for it of course). Great idea!

Susie said...

Congratulations on your award! I love the slideshow! I think it makes it so much easier to display them all when you get a lot.

Denise said...

Congrats sweetie.

Elisabeth said...

Congratulations. You received an award from me on my blog!Go check it out, thanks!

Anonymous said...

sniff sniff you left me out! Just kidding congrats on your award you really deserve it!!! I love how you have redone your blog how did you get the 3 rows? You did a fabulous job making your button got it posted on my sidebar :)

Alicia The Snowflake said...

What a pretty award! I missed the slideshow. I'll have to check it out. And I'll have to go check out the other blogs. I love making new friends :o)

Lorie said...

WOW! Thank you so much! This will be my first award. I appreciate you thinking of me and honoring my blog.

Laura said...

I really like what you did with your page! It looks great. I wish I had more time to get on here and mess around and learn more about html. I am clueless about it, so my blog is super simple, LOL.

Have a great weekend, Alicia!

Anonymous said...

Awww thank you :)

Shasta said...

Thank you so much for the award!! It's so nice to make new blogger friends and I think your layout looks great!

He & Me + 3 said...

Congrats,and thanks for the link.

Laura Lee said...

Oh! this is too much fun. Where have you been all my bloggy life??!

Thanks for the award and link! I made a button, too!
((...although taking a few tips along the way, I changed my name to match the url...crossing fingers that it works!))

Laura Lee said...

OK, now teach me how to link the award button and I'll be a'postin' my own shout out!

Everyday Mom Designs said...

Thank you for the award.. I will try to get to it soon.. Things are busy, as you know.. so we'll see. Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

Why, thank you Alicia! It has only been a short while, but I'm indeed glad our blogs collided! :)

Momisodes said...

Congratulations on the bloggy bling :)

R and R Stacy said...

I enjoyed reading your blog. Very nice.

Anonymous said...

p.s. adding your cute button to my page!

p.p.s you've been tagged too at my page :D

McCrakensx4 said...

Congrats on your super cool award! It looks great on you! Have a fab weekend! ;)

Anonymous said...

You are so sweet to honor me with an award and you know I just love you to bits! Thanks so much, Alicia!

Sweet Blessings said...

Awww! I just got home from a long day-this was a nice treat to come home to:) I miss you when we don't "talk":). Hope you had a wonderful day! Love the new layout!! Amanda:)

Lisa said...

Congrats to you Alicia, I think your blog is lovely too.

Jane Anne said...

Thanks for passing on the LoopDesigns link and the info about adding a button. I am really excited about trying that out and I just started looking at it.

Anonymous said...

Alicia..thank you so much for the blog first one!! I am so glad I have gotten to "know" you. You seem very sweet and have you have a beautiful family. Thanks Again!

Anonymous said...

Thank you again Alicia!!! I even went over to LoopDesigns and said thank you too! :o)

PS. I'm not so sure how I feel about your wider design - I cannot see the cute polka dots at all anymore!