Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I had so much fun joining in on this contest last week! This week's them is "Joy"! All you do is submit a photo of your child/children, and link up on their blog! Click here for more details!

This was at the park last summer, and I was able to take a couple of really good random photos with my Blackberry! I just love my son's expression here! Doesn't he look JOYOUS while his sister is giving him some love!! LOL


Debra Kaye said...


That is so precious! It makes me joyful to see it!

Love ya!

Unknown said...

Your kids keep getting more adorable and precious everytime you post a new pic! Thank you for having that giveaway last week. I really appreciate everything you have done to help me get started!

Nicole Marie said...

They are so sweet! I love seeing pictures of your kids!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

I love it! What a cute pic!

Kristin said...

Beautiful picture! I love the sand in the background. love it!

Shoebee said...

Great pic. Nothing better than sibling love

Kelli W said...

SUPER cute picture!!

Lisa said...

Alicia your kids are so beautiful and to love each other too...that is awesome.

joanofalltrades said...

I heart your kids' faces!

JMBMOMMY said...

Oh doesn't that just melt your heart!!!

He & Me + 3 said...

So cute...I love it!

Anonymous said...

That is so cute! I love those moments when my kids are showing the love...

momstheword said...

Aahhh sibling love...isn't that better than fighting!

angie {the arthur clan} said...

That's exactly how my son looks when his sister is loving on him. :) So cute!

So glad you were able to join in on the fun!

co-founder of I ♥ Faces

Laura Lee said...

Fab-totally fab! Alright...I'm in on this one, too. I suppose you had me at hello ((yuck yuck)).

Unknown said...

That is so sweet! I love their relationship!

Hugs and blessings Alecia!

really.truly said...

Totally cute! Nothing like sibling love, great shot:)

Stacy said...

Aww sweet kisses!!!

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

I love sweet sibling photos! Thanks for sharing...

amanda said...

cute! i played this week too. what fun!!

Anonymous said...

Really cute pic! Your blackberry is good!

The Farmer Files said...

Your kids look so warm! I am freezing in San Diego!

Anonymous said...

absolutely frame-worthy! i would have guessed they were at the beach though, LOL

Erica said...

That picture is so sweet! I love it when the siblings are being sweet! I might have to join in on this one sometime!

Unknown said...

Alicia! I just love this. Totally, totally, totally love it. It made me feel joyful : ).

McCrakensx4 said...

Gotta love that sibling love! Too cute!

Susie said...

Your kids are too cute!!! All the time:-)

Lorie said...

I love sweet sibling pictures....there's nothing more joyful.

Beth in NC said...

Too sweet!

Its Me(SARA) Behind the Camera said...

AWWW what a sweet JOYFUL picture! :)

Muthering Heights said...

You have the sweetest kids!

Daphine said...

Awww! They are soooooooooooooooooo CUTE!!!

Mozi Esme said...

Very sweet photo!

Mc Allen said...

aww, Im seeing quite a few of these Joy pics, this one is seriously precious!!! They are so sweeet huh? Love this age... ♥ LA

Rose said...

What a wonderful (big!) family you have!

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog last week. Crazy how fast they grow.

Elisabeth said...

That's precious!

Jennifer Bowen said...

What a great capture of a beautiful moment! That is a rare occurrence in my household. LOL Fantastic pick for this week's contest. :)