1. In your post include a link back to the person who has tagged you.
2. Post one of your intriguing, or shocking, or challenging passage of scripture from the Bible showing scripture references (chapter and verse) with Bible version.
3. (Optional) You may choose to state what you currently understand it to mean; You may also encourage others to comment or share on what they understand that excerpt to mean.
4. Tag at least 5 or more new people to participate.
Here is my Marvelous Musing to share:
For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins. Hebrews 10:26 (NKJV)
I tag:
Denise, Carolyn, Lisa, Stacey, Debra
Great blog! Welcome to MBC.
Very good scripture. Love it!
Hi, so glad you're joining in!
This verse is right up the alley of something I am in the process of thinking/blogging about for a few months now, along with Vee of Living Journey (a wordpress blog).
I daresay that's one of the more shocking, holy kinda fear-inspiring ones huh ;)
This is definitely a challenging scripture! Thanks for sharing my friend! I love the meme!
Ouch! Thanks for the reminder!
Happy Sunday Morning friend!
I am so glad to be involved in this, thank you. I am studying Proverbs so now I have something to work on.
I feel so blonde...I'm not sure what I am supposed to do! Am I supposed to leave my comment here or post something on my blog? Now it's not nice to laugh at me! lol
I have been gone all weekend and have not been around a computer or I would have responded with confusion earlier! lol
I'll await your response on what I'm supposed to do. Hugs to you!
I'm going to share a musing too! Can you tell I am planning something big, lol?!
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