Monday, January 26, 2009


Here's to another week of things that I absolutely "did not" do! If you would like to join in on the fun, click here!

I did not forget to wear my walking shoes to church on Sunday night, and then joke with my friends saying, "These boots were made for walking!" I did not have sore feet the next day!!!

I did not doze off for a few seconds at my bible study the other night. I so would not do that! I hope I didn't snort! Nope, not me!

I did not get excited one night while thinking of myself drinking my cup of coffee in the morning! Who does that?????? I'm sure I have better, or rather MORE IMPORTANT things to ponder!

It was so not me who threw a rag up in the corner of the wall to get a spider web down instead of getting a chair to stand on to get rid of it. That would be straight lazy!!

I am totally not taking pictures of myself to see if there is a difference from when I started walking and eating differently. I'm not that obsessed!!!!!

I was not editing my blog on my Blackberry during the Coaches Banquet because I realized I posted something that was not yet ready to be posted! It was not during the Chief Of Police's speech either! I'm not that rude!!


Beth in NC said...

Ha. I love your list. I am "not" guilty of throwing towels to hit those pesky webs either! And I "dont" take pictures to see myself shrinking either! :o)

Bless you today!

Denise said...

Great list.

Christie said...

Hmm, taking pictures to see yourself shrinking, great idea!! I mean...of course you didn't do that, how silly lol!! Great list, happy Monday!!

He & Me + 3 said...

Too funny. I loved this week list. I dream about coffee. LOL

Lisa said...

cute list and kuddos on the exercise...I so need to get back there. Tito is working on my ipod music because I need more motivation at this moment than a book. I will still take time to pray while walking.

Mel said...

Not Me Monday is the best...The coffee comment well lets just say it is a totally normal and understandable thought...

Debra Kaye said...

You are too cute! I loved reading this. Happy Monday, my friend.

JMBMOMMY said...

:) I love reading these---okay, I can't wait to see your before and after pictures!!!

Anonymous said...

Those were great...I had a hard time pulling any out this week...but I gave it a lame shot!! Anyway your list is funny. I walked in flip flops before because I forgot my tennis shoes...and I also walked with my tennis shoes but no socks and rubbed a huge blister on my ankle...
Have a great day!

Sara said...

I love your not me mondays!

Julie said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one dreaming about coffee! LOL!

So you're saying that editing a blog post at a banquet is bad?!?!

Stephanie said...

Great Not Me's...I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one with spiderwebs that are only removed by throwing objects at them!

momstheword said...

Funny not me's, girl!

Anonymous said...

Shame on you falling asleep at bible study....Been there before adn done that :)

Laura Lee said...

Update on the eating & exercise plan, puh-leez! new pics included... ;-)

Angela said...

I fall asleep all the time at work while staring mindlessly at the computer. I drop my pen, head bobs then I quickly wake up praying I didn't snort or snore then also pray no one in the other office saw me so I was HAPPY to hear you did "not" fall asleep in bible study so you don't have to wonder if anyone saw you!! Looking at your blog when I noticed you call your husband "hubs" like I do then I also noticed you have an Elijah AND an Isaiah just like us! Hey you know what they say "great minds think alike"!

joanofalltrades said...

LOL! I love reading your blog on Mondays! Your blatant honesty is amusing.....

Melissa said...

Hahaha! Love that you were blogging at a banquet! Too funny!

Also love that you wore your walking shoes to church. LOL!

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

Alicia my fellow coffee lover...I too get overly excited anticipating that next cup!! lol xoxoxoxoxo

Mimi said...

Urg, I can't help but laugh about falling asleep in bible study. That would SO be me!

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

You bad multitasker- you hehe!

Christie said...

Thanks for following!

Kelli W said...

I think I sometimes get SUPER excited about chocolate....I really should have better things to think about. I gave up on the spiderwebs a while back....Now they just coexist with us peacefully!

Anonymous said...

Those are funny ones, Alicia. I'm with you on the spiderwebs thing. That extra five or ten seconds is just not worth getting a chair for.

Lorie said...

I dream of coffee at the oddest times as well. I think that is an addiction I am going to have to face! Thank you for your prayers for my friend. I so appreciate them and you!

Susie said...

Hee, hee, dreams:-)

Jane Anne said...

You crack me up! Oh, and I never ever get excited anticipating my next trip to the coffee house.

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

Did you get that spider?

Fun NMM, have a great week.

Alicia The Snowflake said...

You are too funny my friend! Now I'm gonna have that song stuck in my head. AAAAAHHHHHH!

These boots are made for walkin
And that's just what they'll do
One of these days
These boots are gonna walk all over you.

Are you ready boots?
Start walking!

Anonymous said...

That's the same way I would have gotten the spider down. It's actually much safer. You could have fallen off the chair or something you know ~wink.

Muthering Heights said...

It's a good thing I don't have a blackberry, or I would NOT be blogging on it either!!!

McCrakensx4 said...

Great list friend! I left my house the other night wearing my slippers and didn't realize it until I got to where I was going! Oh well! And then I forgot to post about it in my Not Me's! Oh well!

Anonymous said...

Oh my, just a moment ago, I was thinking about how wrong it would be to have about the 5th cup of caffeine just before sleeping...Oops

Mc Allen said...

yep, these were good!! I did mine today too, a little more off color maybe tho, lol i love the towl thing, im gonna use that! ♥ LA

Daphine said...

Great list as usual! LOL!