Monday, January 5, 2009


Here's to another week of Not Me's! It's so fun, and I encourage you to try this meme if you never have!! To join in on the fun, click here.
  • I did not tell myself I was going to have an extra piece of pumpkin pie since I was going on a diet in a few days anyway! Nope, not I! I have more self control than that!
  • I was not thinking that the Wii is like exercising, so which means I really don't have to "exercise."
  • I still don't have Christmas cards that are sitting on my desk that needs to be mailed out! How ridiculous would that be????
  • I totally did not assume that a package that came in the mail was for me from my sister. I did not leave a message on her cell phone immediately telling her how much I loved it. I did not realize later (after I took said gift out of the package) that she bought it for herself and just had it sent to my house since she will be back here in few days. AND she did not end up letting me keep it since she said I sounded so excited when I left her that message! NO, NOT ME!!


Lisa said...

That is too funny about the Today is the 5th and the resolutions are officially underway...

Susie said...

I love the last one!! Too funny!!

He & Me + 3 said...

I am cracking up about the package. Nice capture! I would have totally told you to give it back. LOL
Get those Cards mailed already:) Great list!

Unknown said...

LOL about the package. Sounds like something I would do, just never admit it. Great list. Happy Monday!

Davisix said...

The last one was THE BEST! But, I can sooo relate to the first. That's me too...can't diet while company is here so might as well enjoy my food now. :) Have a great day! xoxo Ang

Mrs. Chief said...


Krisha said...

OMG....I STILL have my Christmas cards, too!

Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

You mean the wii doesn't count!!! Oh man!

Anonymous said...

Those were really funny. I did my first Not Me Monday list and it was really fun.
By the way....I thought playing the wii was as good as exercise..I would so count it!

Kelly said...

Of course the Wii counts!! What about running in place while watching GMA and eating a donut?!

Alicia W. said...

Oh yes, wii = exercise in my book. :o) P.S Girl, I came down with a horrible stomach virus that has passed through my family on Saturday. No new church for me on Sun but it will def be in the future that's for sure. :o) Just wanted to let you know. Have a great "Not Me" Monday.

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh I love that! Too funny about the package! Oops!

Daphine said...

Happy Monday!

This was H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S!! Oh my goodness! LOL!

Anonymous said...

What a nice sister you have :)
Ok, so I am not the only one who thinks if I play the Wii I don't have to walk on the treadmill....

Anonymous said...

LOL @ that last one! That is tooo funny!! How sweet of your sister to give it to you, though.

Jane Anne said...

I have never eaten extra because I was getting ready to start cutting back! Too funny. I loved the one about the package. Man, you have a sweet sister!

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

too funny! I would have eaten the extra pumpkin pie too! :P

LucieP said...

haha! that is so funny about the package! Your sis sounds sweet though!

Michelle said...

My parents send stuff to my house all the time (good stuff, too). I should definitely try your "thank you" trick on something I really like!

Claremont First Ward said...

I personally like late Christmas a late gift.

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Exercising - all covered by the Wii huh, lol :) And you got yourself a 'new year's gift', brilliant! :)

Debra Kaye said...


You are too cute for words!! The Christmas cards sitting there cracked me up...and the package from your sister was too funny!

Happy Monday, my sweet friend!

Erica said...

That's hilarious about the package! I only did e-cards this year (with a picture and all) since I knew I'd never make it in time! Oh and I've completely worked up a sweat boxing on the Wii, so that must count!

Anonymous said...

Those are so great! And your sister is a doll to let you keep it. I love that.

Everyday Mom Designs said...

haha, I love the one about the package.. haha..

McCrakensx4 said...

Oh, you are too funny thinking someone sent you something in the mail! I heart the mailman! Great list!

Anonymous said...

I did a My Walk Monday today!!!! It's been so long!

I miss you I hope you can join me again- even if it has to be on a Thursday :o)

<>< Carolyn

momstheword said...

Wow, what a nice sister! I am going to have to try that sometime, lol!

B said...

love the things you haven't done. too funny.