Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I can't believe how time flies! I was looking through old picture files, and this was one of my favorites! He used to give her rides on the tricycle. Sigh... my two youngest babies are growing up so fast!!

JULY 2005

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Denise said...

Beyond cute.

Stacy said...

Oh they are so cute!!!

Doublebanker said...

Don't you just hate to see them grow up!

My WondWed post

Debra Kaye said...


This is a precious pic, my friend! Your children are just beautiful.

Happy Wednesday to you!

Stephanie said...

Wow I tell ya they grow so fast! Great pic!! I love looking back on them when they were little.

Anonymous said...

I just can't stand how time flies. Your kids are so stinkin' cute, Alicia.

Anonymous said...

That is the cutest picture!! I love their little expressions!

Lisa said... precious.

Shoebee said...

Oh, how beautiful.

Hootin Anni said...

Gorgeous kids!!!! Love the lighting in this photo.

Come on I'm taking y'all on a tour of the Texas State Aquarium via photos!!!! See ya later alligator...Oops, I let the 'cat out of the bag'...Yep, there are alligators. One photo anyway.

Happy Wednesday.

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh how cute! They grow up way too fast!

Anonymous said...

That pic is so great, frameworthy!

Cascia Talbert said...

That's a beautiful photo. Yes they do grow up fast.

JMBMOMMY said...


Laura said...

Awwww, they are so cute!!!

Davisix said...

BEYOND precious!!!!

He & Me + 3 said...

Beautiful and I love the editing

Susie said...

So precious!!

momstheword said...

They are so precious!

Everyday Mom Designs said...

Very very cute picture!

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Momisodes said...

They are so darling together! Time really does fly.

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

Oh my goodness, they were (and still are) GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!! That picture needs to be framed. BEAUTIFUL!

Unknown said...

Oh that is precious!!!!

Time sure does fly and this stage is so precious while it lasts!

Hugs and blessings,

R and R Stacy said...

What a great picture!!

Julie said...

What an awesome picture! They look SO sweet & precious!!

joanofalltrades said...

That is so cute. What a cool big brother!

Michelle said...

What a sweet picture! The soft edges makes them look even more angelic! :)

Anonymous said...

This is the sweetest picture that I have ever seen (with the exception of mine of course LOL).

Muthering Heights said...

But they're still so cute!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet photo. Your children are beautiful.

McCrakensx4 said...

That is so precious! They do grow up way to fast!

Lindsay said...

That is such a sweet picture!!

really.truly said...

Oh that picture is just too cute!!!

Lorie said...

Bittersweet....I always tell my children that I want them to grow....that's part of life, but I wish it wasn't so fast! Precious picture!! Your family is beautiful!