Saturday, January 17, 2009


I'm excited to participate in this new meme at Altering Life called Picture A Day! It's so easy! All you do is take one photo a day, and then post once a week sharing all 7 of your photos! The photos from Monday to Friday were taken with my cell phone so that's why those are totally fuzzy. Some come join us on Saturdays to post your photos of the week! Click here!

Saturday-Kids going to the movies with m sister in-law.
Monday-"Look Up!"
Tuesday-Getting in Shape
Wednesday-Park Day
Thursday-Waiting for the dentist...
Friday-I am not tempted!!



Lisa said...

Alicia, I love that meme and what a bunch of nice pics you have selected. I especially love the close ups of Daniel and Veronica.
Getting in shape, you go girl.

Stacy said...

Great pics! I might have to try this meme out. If I can only remember to take a picture a day.

Anonymous said...

Those are great pics...I think I will have to start this next week.

Jennifer Bowen said...

Hi, Alicia! Great photos. You have a beautiful family. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I really enjoyed reading the comments you left. And to answer your question: Yes, I'm Filipina and proud of it!

Keep on taking those wonderful photos! I'll be checking in to see them. :)

Davisix said...

What a super cute idea! I loved alllll the pics!! :) Ang And sorry I've been MIA.

Alicia The Snowflake said...

How fun! I especially love the close up of your son upside down!

Sweet Blessings said...

Very cool! Love the pics:) Amanda

JMBMOMMY said...

You and your family get out so much and do things inspire me!!

He & Me + 3 said...

Great know I love pictures.:)

Stephanie said...

Love the pics!!!

Unknown said...

Your week in pictures looks so fun! You are creative to the max : )!

Laura said...

You know whats ironic? I thought about doing something like this on my blog! Im glad theres a meme/carnival/whatever they are called for it now!! How fun!

Shasta said...

Great pictures, you have such a beautiful family! I love the idea of this meme, I'm almost tempted to participate, but I already post a million pictures! haha I guess this would combine them all in to one post though.

Sara said...

What a cute idea! I might have to jump on this one!

joanofalltrades said...

I love your oldest daughter's pose in the first pic. You just keep giving me stuff to borrow. I like this meme.

Kimberly said...

I love Miranda's expression in that first shot, and the light on the playground. Great week!

momstheword said...

This was fun! We really don't take enough pictures of our family. We did when the kids were younger.

Shauna said...

Awesome~! Hope you have a beautiful weekend! ♥ Hugs :)

Jane Anne said...

What a fun meme! I take pictures most every day so it would be easy to participate. Maybe I will soon. I enjoy the peak into your week!

Elisabeth said...

You're not tempted, but I am! Yum-yum!!

McCrakensx4 said...

What a cute meme! I wish I had more time! You captured some great shots! Happy weekend!

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

How fun!!! I've been wanting to do the PAD thing...but realized it doesn't work when you forget to take pictures.

I love all the pictures of your beautiful family!!

Laura Lee said...

OK, I'm on board this coming week! Your pics are too cute!

Now, I'm trying to figure out how the text fell off my button?? Hmmm...

Rhea said...

Nice photos from the week! Cute group of kids. And yummy bread and pastries.

Susie said...

What a great week!

Anonymous said...

Your kids are so photogenic :) Those cookies looked pretty good too, lol

Christina said...

Alicia, your life looks so full of love and fun! Wonderful pictures!

Anonymous said...

You might not be tempted but I am! This is a fun meme! I can't wait to see what's happening at your place over the next week too.

Lorie said...

I was tempted on your Friday pics!!! I'll try to remember to do this next week! FUN! I love photos!

Erica said...

That is a great idea! Though I'm not sure I'm organized enough to pull that off! I love the looking up shot!

Don Mills Diva said...

What a great idea - I might have to steal it from you...:-)

Denise said...

Great meme, love the pictures.

natalie said...

I'm doing PAD, too! Although I called it Project 365.

Loved seeing your pictures! Can't wait to see them again next week!

Lisa said...

Fun! Glad you are joining. You have a beautiful family.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who for a second(only)thought that the upside down picture was Danny, but then I saw the eyebrows and said that's Nani. LOL


Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of joining you in this one... I actually have been thinking about it since you posted it... it looks like fun, I just don't want to let myself down when I don't get it done... I'm TOO hard on myself!