Monday, January 19, 2009

"Not Me! Monday"

Here's to another week of things I did not do! To join in "Not Me!" Monday's, click here!

I totally did not "bust" myself on my OWN blog when my hubby read that I "did not" buy my girls french fries one night after I told my boys I didn't take the girls to Burger King!

I am not excited about the 3 day weekend coming up. I was really looking forward to a fresh day of homeschooling!

I did not drink coffee at 8:30 at night because I didn't have it for two days in a row. I wouldn't say I was a caffeine addict, right?

Because I did not drink two cups of coffee at 8:30 the previous night, I did not go to bed till around 3am!

I did not make my own button for my blog and then proceed to write a post that I would offer to make ones for free. I did not change my mind at the last minute just in case I got too many requests for my own good!

I am not sitting here on my computer updating myself on other people's blogs while my sister in law is outside sweeping my porch.



Denise said...

Woo Hoo, happy monday.

Davisix said...

LOL...great list. I would have been the exact way with the coffee. I love my coffee but it would indeed keep me awake all night. Next time, try decaff. :) xoxo Ang

Stacy said...

Coffee makes me sleepy. It has to be the warmth of it..idk. I love your new button. Wish you had not changed your But I'm sure you would have been flooded with request!

He & Me + 3 said... hubby reads my blog daily, so no getting away with stuff and fessing online. I will get caught everytime. I did the coffee thing too...Hubby was mad because I didn't come to bed. I couldn't be still I had so much caffine in my system...never again. Ugh.

Andy said...

i found your blog while jumping from a blog to another blog waiting for my newborn to wake up.

you PAD project is a great idea...i'm doing the same thing but calling it P:365 (project 365). i have missed a few days though : / i guess ill just make up for them on different days.

your family is beautiful!

Stephanie said...!!! I say that as I am loading my face with it right now :)

Free buttons..whoo hoo you better be glad you retracted that might not have time to sleep!

Happy Monday

Daphine said...

You totally crack me! I always appreciate your transparency though!

Happy Monday! It's a happy one for me. I'm off today and tomorrow! Woo hoo!

Susie said...

Tooo funny! I love Monday morning confessional:-) Hee, hee, hee.

McCrakensx4 said...

You are too fun! I always seem to bust myself too since my hubby reads mine daily! Great list...Happy week!

Elisabeth said...

Oh, darn! No free buttons! Great list!

Anonymous said...

Pulling weeds too!
Great way to get the kids out and helping to. Danny is the BEST helper. Eli likes to help, but complains a little about what hard work it is. Veronica doesn't want to get dirty.
I left you a great big pile of weeds to pull. Hint-Hint

Alicia W. said...

Great not me's Alicia! :o)

Clickin Mama J said...

Happy Monday! Wonderful list!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Too funny about being busted by hubby! I did warn mine this week before I included him in my Not Me Monday list. I think he got a kick out of it.

Thanks for the laugh!

Laura said...

LOL @ the last one! Too funny.

I love 3 day weekends!!

joanofalltrades said...

LOL! I love it! I am not secretly hoping my business trip gets canceled tomorrow so that I can stay glued to the inauguration coverage on TV. Don't these people know that history is being made?!

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Great list! I'm new to blogging so I haven't busted myself yet...I'm sure it's just a matter of time though.

Sweet Blessings said...

That was hilarious! I cannot drink coffee past 4pm. Blessings to you! Amanda:)

The Blonde Duck said...

LOL! Put that sister in law to work!

Anonymous said...

Not a coffee drinker, but if I was, it would have me up the entire night. I'm usually up till 2 or 3 every night anyway. I'm getting ready to make a button too, not sure if I know how to place the code for it, but I'll research it and figure it out. Off to grab yours.

Cascia Talbert said...

That's a great meme! If I drank coffee at 8pm I think I would be awake until 3 too. Thank you for sharing!

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

I can drink a gallon of coffee and still sleep- maybe I'm defective LOL
Happy NMM!

Anonymous said...

Blogging is much more fun than sweeping. If she also blogs, she will understand and forgive you ;)

Anonymous said...

Your hubby caught you! That's so funny!

I'm gonna nab your button now!:)

Debra Kaye said...

Happy Monday, my friend!

Anonymous said...

Those were funny! We've been gone for a few days so I was late getting mine up on my blog. Thanks for the laugh!!

Unknown said...

You are so, so funny : ). I totally understand the coffee thing. I need it too. Like I need air : ).

Erica said...

Happy Monday! I'm not a caffeine addict either! My hubby can't access my blog from work, so he doesn't usually read, but I might get caught one day ;)!

momstheword said...

Girl, I am so feeling you on the caffiene! I can't have it late at night either.

I don't think my hubby reads my blog. Honestly, he is so busy he is just not interested. I do have him read some posts though, if it involves sharing information about our finances or frugal type stuff that I want his input on.

You are right. Everyone would be asking about the button.

feather k said... coffee at 830 pm is a bad thing??? well...I haven't been doing that a few nights a week for the past me :)

Andy said...

Yes! I saw that picture. I love that red/black off the shoulder number you were wearing! Rocking it 1989 style : ) Our stories are very similar though...I have a few more children to work on though : )