Sunday, February 22, 2009


She totally rocked! All I have to say about her voice is, "Wow!" The way she sounds on her CD's is exactly how she sounds live! If you ever get an opportunity to see her in concert, it will be so worth it. She puts on amazing show, which is flawless by the way!

My friends employer owns one of the penthouse suites, so although we were way up high, it was nice to have the comfort of like being in a living room!

This is my friend Jyl! She actually has an amazing voice too! She sings on the Worship team at our church!
Packed house!! This picture came out pretty good with my cell!
You go, girl!
This is the suite we were in. On the far right is a TV, counter, sink, & fridge! There's a balcony connected to this room that overlooks the arena. That is where the chairs are set up. How awesome is that!

Here's a little clip that I took with my camera! I don't recall the name of this song though. Of course, her last song she sang was "My Heart Will Go On" from the Titanic movie.


Denise said...

Beyond cool my friend.

3 Bay B Chicks said...

Day 3 of the Where’s Wenda? Contest is here. Today I am visiting all of the SITStas that commented on Three Bay B Chicks. That means you! Thanks so much for stopping by and for being a great SITSta!


Jennifer Bowen said...

Love Celine Dion! Isn't her voice so much better live? Glad you enjoyed her concert and got to watch somewhere comfortable--away from the crowds. :)

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh what fun! Sounds like you guys had a great time! I will not tell you how insanely jealous I am :o)

Take care my friend!
Hope you have a great Sunday!

Elizabeth said...

I love Celine! A dear friend of mine also was blessed to attend her concert just recently. And I love that song "Taking Chances". Sounds like so much fun! ;)

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Sounds like an amazing lucky girl!

Mel said...

Wow what a fun fun time!!!

He & Me + 3 said...

Concerts are so fun! She does have an amazing voice.

McCrakensx4 said...

I heart Celine Dion. I have actually seen her twice, before she made it big. She opened for Michael Bolton!! She does rock and I am a little jealous! How fun!

joanofalltrades said...

Looks like it was an awesome experience. Celine has such a wonderful voice. I believe the song is "What Do You Say to Taking Chances." I love her remake of the song "Alone" on her new album. Thanks for sharing!

momstheword said...

I love her voice, it is so clear. We have one of her cd's but I don't remember which one.

R and R Stacy said...

Wow, very nice. I'm so glad you had a great time. great pictures!

Anonymous said...

You are so lucky that you got to go to that!! I know you had a great time...I think Celine Dion has a gorgeous voice...I would love to see her in concert!!

really.truly said...

How fun! She IS so talented. Looks like a fun time!!!

Susie said...

What a wonderful night!! Although I am not surprised! The fun always finds you doesn't it?:-)

Stacy said...

Very cool Alicia!

You phone takes pretty good pictures too!

Laura said...

Hey, Alicia! I havent been by in quite awhile! It's been extremely busy around here. I've missed reading your blog =)

I really like Celine Dion, she has an amazing voice. That is awesome that you were able to go to her concert!!!

Your purse is cute!! Your husband did good, hehe.

That smoochy face/lip thing, I think, is the new hip thing to do. I see it everywhere. Not sure where it came from, but the teenagers love it.

I was going to ask you, do you guys already have a dog? Or no?

I think that's it. I figured I'd just leave a comment in one post. I have lots of blogging stuff to catch up on!!

Hope your weekend was great!

Melissa said...

awesome! I love that song that you took a clip of! she's such an amazing singer and I wish that could sound half as amazing as she does!

Anonymous said...

I have adored Celine since i was a child. Seriously. In a major way. She is actually the ONLY singer -who's not singing Christian worship- that I would really take time to listen to now. My admiration of her voice is untouchable.

Casey's trio said...

Awesome...glad you enjoyed yourself!