Tuesday, February 24, 2009


On Saturday, our church hosted a Young Woman's Purity Conference. We had four ladies (and one teenager) share their testimonies and at one point they had a panel of four, young, godly boys/young men from our church give answer questions that any of the girls had. It was a blessing to hear these young guys share their views in terms of girls and relationships from a Christian boys perspective. I tell ya..these boys have wisdom beyond their young years! There were 30+ girls who got saved and many who made a commitment to purity. I'm so glad I was able to go with my daughter and for her to really understand the importance of being pure not only in a physical sense, but also staying pure in heart!!! Purity is not only skin deep, but heart deep as well!

Me and my friend Gina. Love her! She's sooo sweet!
My daughter (far left...of course making another goofy face) and a couple of her friends.

During the conference, one of my friends was planning her husbands surprise 40th birthday party. Her husband was helping at church, so she was able to do everything while he was gone. It worked out perfectly because he had no idea what was going on! Around 9'ish, we decided to put on some music and dance!! They had moved the couch out of the living room that morning, so after clearing out the tables, we had a "dance floor!" We were grooving to salsa, meringue, and 70's and 80's jams! The kids were even getting into it too! It's so awesome to have our families be able to do stuff like this, and have nice, clean fun!!! So, about 1 AM'ish, we called it a night!! Oh my gosh..we were sooooo tired in the morning because we had to get up for church!! LOL, I slept all afternoon when we got home!

The birthday boy is on the far right in the gray sweat jacket!
Gotta have Worship!!
When the dancing started!


Melissa said...

Busy is right! But it sure sounded like fun!

Shoebee said...

Sounds like you had a great time. You sure can party girl!

Stacy said...

I bet that was so nice to share that special day with your daughter.

Y'all really know how to have a good time!

Angela said...

I tell ya girl, you have the most amazing parties. lol. Praise God! What an awesome post. What a powerful impact that night will have on your daugther..seeds have truly been planted within her spirit. Glory to God..

Girl, let me tell ya, I'm flyin down and getting into some of these awesome evenings of worshipping the Lord with you and getting on the dance floor!!

Kristin said...

Sounds like you had a fun time! I need to throw a dancing party that sounds fun!

Susie said...

Another party!! Yahoo!! Awesome:-)

Anonymous said...

Looks like the party was a hit, I threw my BFF a suprise 40th this past Sat. too it was fun.
So glad that you had 30+ girls accept Christ, what an awesome experience for them and you.

Beth in NC said...

The party looked great! And what a blessing to take your daughter to a purity conference. I wish I had been taught about that as a young girl!

Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

How wonderful that you and your daughter were able to share this time!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely fun! How wonderful to have good clean fun and your church family sounds superb. Wow and praise God!

He & Me + 3 said...

How fun for you all! That is great! Love the picture of you and your friend too. Gorgeous!

Muthering Heights said...

I love the idea of a purity conference...it sounds fun!

That party looks great. I think it's awesome when adults get to celebrate birthdays with friends.

Denise said...

Sounds wonderful.

Julie said...

What a great weekend!!

JMBMOMMY said...

What a great conference--purity is such a beautiful thing!

momstheword said...

My husband and I gave a purity talk (he did the boys and I to the girls) and it was just so awesome to be able to speak with these young kids.

The party looks like fun. Our family loves having get togethers with other families.

Anonymous said...

You sure can throw a party!

joanofalltrades said...

I'm a sucker for good company, good music, and dancing (notice how I left out good here). Sounds like the conference was a blessing. Couldn't see the pics since Google's Gone Wild!

Unknown said...

I love that. What a blessing. I am so excited that your church did that. I am so thankful you could go with your daughter. What a beautiful thing!

Oh, and that party....too much fun. I wish I was your neighbor : ).

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great night!! It is hard to get up for church after a late Sat. night!! Good thing for naps :)

really.truly said...

Fun day!!

And you did some dancing to the old stuff....girl, you know I like that!!!

Stephanie said...

That's a great picture of you and your friend!!! sounds like a fun time.

amanda said...

oh that sounds so cool! glad it went so well. and i love that you stayed up til one...i don't know the last time i did that!! lol.

R and R Stacy said...

How special! I love that! Great pictures too!

Laura said...

When Leah gets older, I would love to go to a Purity Conference with her. I love that idea! And you are so right, purity is not just about the physical stuff.. it's about our hearts, too!

Casey's trio said...

Sounds like a great weekend spent with family and friends!
p.s. Jealous that your kids are older and you can nap when you need to:)