Thursday, February 5, 2009


I just adore my son Daniel (he will be 7 in July)! He is the one who does not mind doing any "manual labor." When I ask him to get the clothes out of the dryer, he just says, "Okay!" He even likes to help me do the laundry! One time he was shouting for me to come to the bathroom to help him with something, and when I walked over there, he had the plunger in the toilet trying to unclog it! LOL! He knew exactly where it was, and he just went and got it himself and tried to just "fix it." I was like, "Awwwwwwww!!" He loves to help outside too, like sweeping, watering the grass, and pulling weeds! And just at the bbq we went to, he was helping our friend grill the burgers because he was so fascinated by the smoke and wanted to learn how to do it! Our friend told him that next time he bbq's, he's going to have Daniel help him again! This boy is all boy! He does not care about getting dirty, he has no fear when it comes to climbing (lol), and although he has the softest, sweetest voice, he is definitely not a push over! He has his boundaries for sure! Well, he just loves to learn and to be "hands on." He told me his favorite subject is Science because of the experiments he gets to do! Well, I should not have been surprised that he was all in the mix when my husband was putting my daughters dresser together (thanks to my sis in law for buying it for her). My husband said that Daniel helped alot! I wish he called me in there earlier because I could have taken more pictures!

Helping with the knobs!
He loved using the drill!
Daddy holding the knob so he could use both hands to use the drill.
Big boy!!!



Denise said...

God bless your little helpful man.

JMBMOMMY said...

That is precious. Our son got to help daddy fix something this week--and the delight in his eyes was priceless!

Unknown said...

What a great kid you are raising there! He is going to make a future wife very proud one day! I love watching kids help their daddies, there is just something about it that yanks at your heart everytime.

really.truly said...

Awwww, that is so sweet! And I love how he was working along with daddy. That is just too cute.

Susie said...

What a great tribute for your son:-) He seems like such a great kid!

Lorie said...

There is nothing like a good "fix it" man to have around.

I'll share your sweet bday wishes with my Drew.

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Your son sounds like an amazing kid...I can definitely see why you are so proud of your little man!

joanofalltrades said...

Can we clone him? These days it's hard to find kids with some work ethic. Good for you, mom!

Kristin said...

how adorable! You should be so proud!

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet!!

B said...

How awesome that your husband has a helper like that!

Just the other day my husband and I were watching a little guy help his dad shovel snow. He said he couldn't wait until the kids were out there with him making the job twice as difficult and ten times as enjoyable.

Julie said...

Too cool! I hope my boys will help out like that!

He & Me + 3 said...

That is so sweet. Daddy and son time...what a sweet helper boy you have there too. Cute pics too. A priceless moment.

Jane In The Jungle said...

Wonderful pics proud Mama!!

Maki said...

OMG! You have a huge family who look sooooo adorable and wonderful!

I love looking at a family like yourself that is full of love and laughter!

Have a nice weekend:)

Alicia The Snowflake said...

oh wow! How precious! He sounds like a good kid. Keep up the good work mama!

Alicia W. said...

It's great having little helpers around the house. Not to mention the quality time spent together is priceless.

Angela said...

I will be emailing my address to you so just send him on over and he can HELP me too! What a sweet boy!

R and R Stacy said...

What a sweet boy!

Unknown said...

I love your son...

Elisabeth said...

That's fantastic! Don't you just love the little helpers around the house? I know I do!

Sharon said...

Awwww that is so cuteeee! It's great to watch father and son work together, and dad will always remember and cherish those moments.

As someone said~~~Priceless

Have a blessed day

Samantha said...

That is so sweet!

Danyele Easterhaus said...

i stumbled on your blog from a follower...and i just want to say that you have a cute little helper there and the rest of your fam is fab too! great work momma!

Laura Lee said...

I love how boys "cowboy-up" when there's work to be done! Both of my boys, ages 4 and 8, love to help dad and mom with "real" work--not just daily chores. Their voices even get deeper!! And then I have work: to keep a straight face. :D

Laura said...

I think Kyle is going to be the exact same way! That is great that he's such a great helper. Can you send him over to my house to help with laundry? LOL

Beth in NC said...

What a little blessing!

mama's smitten said...

How precious! You are blessed with such a sweet boy! Thank you for stopping by today and thank you for your kind words!Hey I just realized your from Ca. Me too!

Susan said...

Oh, he is just precious! I pray he never changes.

One of my sons was like that, and now that he's grown he STILL IS!!

What a blessings♥

Anonymous said...

Oh you've been blessed for sure! I know many kids nowadays grow out of that helpfulness much earlier on and never even get to his age, lol

Muthering Heights said...

What a sweet kid - he's going to be quite the Renaissance man when he gets older!

Stephanie said...

That's awesome!!! Mine run when it's time to do something :)

McCrakensx4 said...

How fun for him! I wish my boys were that helpful! He will make a special girl really happy being that handy!

Kimberly said...

What a sweet and thoughtful boy you're raising there. I'm sure your future daughter in law will appreciate that some day. :)

mama's smitten said...

No way ! I am probably less than an hour away!

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

what a sweet little man you have