Friday, February 27, 2009


Hey...I might have just started my own meme! LOL! Now, I'm going way, way back!! I'm so glad I have a scanner! I'm also using this picture for my Facebook profile! This was around 1993-94, and my husband and I were not married yet. We were at Great America with his sister and his nephew (who is in between us behind the stuffed animal). LOL, we actually broke up at the end of this day! Oh gosh..can you just say..DRAMA! Ugh..I'm so glad that that is way in the past!! Thank you Lord for new beginnings!
I just found Carrie's blog (Candid Carrie) for more Phun Friday Photos!!


Denise said...

Great picture.

Stacy said...

Great picture both of y'all look so young.But I guess you were Isn't it great that God had planned for y'all to break and get back together to make you stronger?

Susie said...

What a great memory!!

He & Me + 3 said...

That is a great picture...too funny how one picture can bring back a flood of memories, kindof like songs.

Sharon said...

What a greatttt picture, love those smiles.. memories like this are pricelist aren't they!
Those flowers in the background are also so pretty.
Thanks for sharing apart of your memories.
Have a blessed day & weekend

Stephanie said...

I love that..what a fun carnival that would be!!!! you should start that :) Talking about drama...that is one thing that I absolutely DO not miss!!!!!

Kristin said...

Good picture! It is always fun to look back at old memories!

really.truly said...

I love pictures like that! That is so fun and cute!! You guys look adorable.

Thank you for praying for Sam last night....all is good!!

Unknown said...

Look how cute you are. I sometimes look back and remember the drama of high school and college! And then I just THANK GOD that our drama is so much different now. Those drama filled years are just TOO crazy for words!

R and R Stacy said...

What a great picture!! Too cute!!

Momisodes said...

So sweet. Oh how I do remember that drama. So glad that is all in the past! :)

Anonymous said...

Look at you two, you both look so cute!!! I love looking back at C and mine's old pictures I just wished I still looked that young and skinny :)
Have a great weekend!!!

Kelli W said...

Great picture and great idea for a meme....though I don't know if I would want to post old pictures of myself!!

Anonymous said...

Oh that is a classic picture! It isn't fun to look back and giggle at how things have changed!

momstheword said...

What a fun picture! I love looking at our old pictures, we look so much younger! And my hair in some of them.....what was I thinking?

Anonymous said...

All I remember was why did he have to pick today !
What an uncomfortable ride home.

Really glad you stuck it out with him.

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Ahhh!! Are you sure this is great america, not the GUN SHOW!! umm???

Did you break up because too many ladies were staring!?? LOL!

Ann On and On... said...

Jumped over from C. Carrie..... You have a really cute blog!

Fun photo.

Julie said...

Is it bad that I find it funny that you posted a pic from a day you guys broke up?

mama's smitten said...

OMG! I love this ! Too Cute! I have so been there ! Do you guys still go there? Haven't been there in years!

Teri said...

Glad you didn't let that slight upheaval keep you apart!

Found you on Candid Carrie.

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh how fun! What a great picture!

hello said...

Awww great pic, you look so cute!!

3 Bay B Chicks said...

Great America? Are you serious? I didn't know you were a local girl, Alicia.

What fun! Tell me more. What area of the Bay are you in?

Great picture.


Anonymous said...

Great picture. I should find some photo from way back but then I would need a!

Tanya said...

Oh, Man! I remeber 93, that seems like yesterday! You guys look really cute.

LaTonya Yvette said...

Cute picture. I'm glad you made it through the drama...well worth it!

Mel said...

Great photos!!! you are so so photogenic.

Anonymous said...

Even from far away I can still see that beautiful smile!

Anonymous said...

Great keepsake photo :) And my scanner doesn't scan that clean n crisp!

Muthering Heights said...

Pssst, stop by my blog today!

McCrakensx4 said...

What a fun memory to remember! Gotta love the look! Thanks for sharing :)

Daphine said...

Awwwwwwwww! Don't you two look soooooooooooo cute?!!?!? Great picture!!!

Daphine said...

It's me again....
Did you change your blog again? Sorry girl...I am so behind with everyone...I just can't seem to remember right now. Please forgive me if you changed it and I already commented on how fabulous it looks! LOL!

Have a great weekend!

Jane Anne said...

What a fun flashback! I love looking at photos of us before we were married. That's so fun that you are using it as your FB profile pic!

Christy said...

Great picture! Welcome to Foto Fiesta Fridays! I look forward to seeing many more wonderful pictures! :)

thank you for stopping by my blog as well!

Laura said...

That is such a great picture!!! Very cute =)

tiki_lady said...

LOL, love it! I did this on my FB account