Friday, February 20, 2009


I always look forward to GG on Friday's! It's so easy to do, and it lets you guys know a little more about me each time! So, if you would like to participate, click here! Thanks, Tina, for the questions each week!

1. What is your favorite family activity? Definitely, roller skating!! It's so fun and it's great exercise!!

2. Do you know how to play poker? LOL, when I was around 13, my step brothers showed me how to play!

3. Have you ever been to a chiropractor? Regularly? Never have. Honestly, I don't think I'd be

4. Have you ever slopped pigs or milked cows? I have no idea what "slopped pigs" means..LOL! Milked a cow??? No thanks, I just like seeing them on the hills when I'm driving!

5. How are you doing with the goals you made for the New Year? I'm actually doing good with watching what I eat. I'll indulge myself once in awhile, but I will get back on track the next day..or the next!

6. Is there something you dread doing every day? Yah, cooking!

7. What room in your home would you most like to buy new furniture for? The living room! I would love to get a new couch!!

8. If I had a dollar for every _______________, I'd be able to ______________. "time my kids asked me for something"....."have my husband retire now!"
(not a question, I know, but it's my game!)


Tanya said...

I love your blog it's so pretty, you have a beautiful family. I'll pkay the game too.
And I'm following you.

Denise said...

lol, another good meme.

Nicole Marie said...

You know what, now that you said that...we need a new couch too! LOL BTW...Love the new look!

mama's smitten said...

Oh man you Rock! Two meme's in one day!LoL. Yeah, I don't like cooking much either!:)

Alicia W. said...

FUN! I'll have to look for you to do this next week and join in. I love your list. :o)

momstheword said...

Boy, we could be rich if we got money for every time we had to remind someone of something and tell them to do something!

Samantha said...

These look like fun. I'm going to have to break down and do one before long.

I had added your new button to my page, but it was so far over it cut it in half. Any suggestions??

really.truly said...

That was a fun read! Now I know a little more about you.

Here's hoping you get takeout tonight...and don't have to cook(I'm right there with you):)

Debbie said...

These were great. I'd like to have those dollars too!

Mel said...

ok i am with ya on the money one and the cooking one...i have milked a cow and slopped a pig...

Anonymous said...

Never been to a chiropractor either-something about paying someone to crack my back seems odd.

Susie said...

I love these. A little known fact about me...I am a card shark. My husband and I play poker all the time:-)

Aubrey said...

I loved your last entry on this post! So true, so true!

Anonymous said...

I am right there with you on the cooking, I wish I could afford a chef. Great meme

He & Me + 3 said...

I agree with the last one...I think it is 100 times every shopping trip. I will have to count next time. LOL

Anonymous said...

Way to go on your eating healthy!! We are still doing okay...could be better but has been alot worse!!
I'm with you on the cows...I'll just look at them and let someone else do the milking..

Melissa said...

good questions and some great answers!

can't believe you've never heard of slopping the pigs!

Jane Anne said...

Those questions were so fun! I loved reading your answers. I am with you about the number of times my kids ask me for stuff... especially the number of times they ask me where something (like a toy) is!

R and R Stacy said...

These questions are fun! I don't like to cook either. lol

Yes, and thanks for adding me to the linky....I forget to do that. I'm still learning.

Thanks friend!

We are SO excited daddy will be home in 3 hrs.

Happy Friday!

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

What a fun game!

Tina said...

1. I will like roller skating with the family a little more when my kids are old enough to fend for themselve and not need me to hold them up!

4. LOL!!

5. Good job!

8. GREAT answer!!

Thanks for playing!

Erica said...

Uh yep, I could have written the last one too (along with most of the other Mom's I'm sure)! I just saw that you have a button! Have you had that? Am I blind? Anyways I joined in tonight too!

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

What!?!?! You've never slopped a pig? I thought everyone had!

JK ;)

joanofalltrades said...

You should really try a chiropractor. It's not uncomfortable at all. I've never heard anyone report a negative experience.

Sweet Blessings said...

I'm hearing the music and feelin' the skating ring! How fun! Amanda:)