1. I knew I wanted to marry my husband after only dating him a couple of months. I was only 19 at the time (20 years ago)!!
2. I will take a picture over and over and over till I get it right! Especially if it's of me! It's all about the angle!
3. I used to snack late at night and as a result gained weight. Now, I don't eat after 6pm and feel so much better!
4. I can still get emotional thinking of my parents divorce which happened in 1979! I know that is something that the Lord is still working on in me!
5. I can be a total flake when it comes to calling people back. It's so weird because when I was a teenager I could stay on the phone till all hours of the night!
6. I love to make people laugh!
7. I only crave chocolate once a month (wink).
8. I'm still scared of the dark. Thanks to all those horror films I used to watch! This is why I will never allow my kids to watch those kinds of movies.
9. When I get nervous, I start to "giggle."
10. I have a pet peeve when it comes to spelling (except for slang)! Not just for myself but with other people too. Sorry! LOL
I'm not sure if I'm supposed to pass this on, but if so, I would love to read more about ALL OF YOU! So, just take this award and tell us 10 juicy tidbits about yourself!!
Oh yes, my li'l brother loves horror films, but my g'rents ruined me by dragging me to the drive-in with them every weekend in summer. I saw the Omen, Salem's Lot, and The Shining all before I was ten!! It's a big show of love when I sit through a fright with him, but I talk the WHOLE time. No wonder he never takes me to the theatre! :D
fun. thanks for sharing.
Oh great now I'm selfconshus of my spelling errors!! Lol !!! My aunt did say you like to laugh!!!
Okay so let's see my must haves basics : foundation, multitaking minerals as a concealer, well rested for the dark circles, warmth and glee as blush colors. Oh don't forgett the mineral veil!
Congratulations on your award! I love this list. We have so much in common:-)
We have so much in common!!! I love to make people laugh, I take pictures over and over and I used to snack late at night and so on and so on!! Great post!!
THATS WHY yoe dunt reed my bloge!!!! I kneu thare was sumthig rong!!!
I am right there with you on #5!! I think I used up all of my phone time as a teen.
My latest post: Thursday Thanks Tank #74
Great list...I so need to get better about the late night eating. 6PM is so early!
I love these scraps!
That was so fun to read. Thanks for sharing it all!
Cute post - you'll be seeing it on my blog very soon.
I am the same way when it comes to pictures of myself. And....it is all about the angle girl!
That was great!!!! I love learning mroe about folks
Great list, Alicia!!
This was good. Now I know more about you girl. Me too about those films..grrrrrr. Praise God I no longer watch them. Well I knew I wanted to marry Randy when I first met him,LOL...yepper..I even said to the girls at work, "that's the man I'm going to marry".LOL.18 years old, and here I am going to be 45 in two months, with that man!!That is SO GOD!!
Enjoyed it! Fred & I were engaged after dating for 4 months. And I take WAY too many pics! I could talk for hours on the phone until cell phones came along...now you can only hear every other word, so why not just email! :)
Loved your list!
When I get nervous I have to go to the bathroom....sorry, I suppose that was way to much information....
I hate the phone now!! I would rather do everything by computer and would love it if I could. I don't understand it at all..I used to be able to sit on the phone forever and now I don't even like to answer it.
Love the honesty...I have a thing for spelling too, but I am terrible at spelling. Thank God for dictionaries and spell check:)
I enjoyed reading your honest scrap list!
i like your list and this meme and I am going to take the award AND do the tag! How nice of me! LOL
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