Most Joyful Among Us Blog
This gal always sees her coffee cup "half full" and the joy just pours out of her site. Her joyful attitude is what keeps you coming back for more.
You'll have to go to the website and see all the different categories! It's truly awesome! I'm so blown away that people would take the time to even nominate me! Really, it's a blessing! For me, blogging is just another outlet for me to just do what I like to do...ramble on and share pictures! I'm glad that my blog is able to reflect "joy", but you all know that that is the joy of the Lord, and not of myself!! I love the Lord, my family, and my friends....and I just love to share snippets of my life and how the Lord continues to show His grace and mercy on me!
So, thank you ladies...you blessed me more than you know!!!!
I love you my friend.
very cool!! congratulations
I am loving your blog.
congrats! you deserve it. I love your blog!
That is VERY cool! Congratulations on your nomination:-)
So happy for you Alicia, I know I was surprised too- just when you think not many people know you ever exist.
Good for you!! You do have a great blog and you are a very joyful person!! Congrats!!!
Congratulations. I found you from the Internet Cafe blog where I am one of the devotional writers. I am so blessed to see you receive this award. This is my first time visiting your blog.
It's nice to meet you!
Congratulations again!
Congratulations my friend! You do deserve it! Joy shines through your face & your blog. Even your family pics show the joy of the Lord. Thanks for being such a great blogger my friend! May we have many more happy blogging memories in 2009!
Congrats...you deserve it.
Yay! Congratulations!
That's awesome! :)
Congrats! You definitely deserve this award. The quote says it all!
That is so awesome! What a blessing. Congratulations!
Congrats !! It's no surprise though. I know i feel blessed to have found your blog!
So happy for you, my friend!! Congratulations and sending you a great big ((hug)) from Florida!
Congtrats...what an honor!
Alicia! Congratulations. You and your blog ARE joyful!! I love reading it...proud to know you;)
Congrats friend!!
congratulations! That is awesome! You ARE a superstar!
AWESOME!! Congratulations!!!
Hooray!! When I went and looked at the Top 100 I was so blessed to see so many of the ladies i enjoy recognized!!
Wow! That is so awesome! Congratulations!!
congratulations Alicia!! that is so awesome. love you and your blog sis!
wow! congrats to you! you deserve it for sure!
Thats awesome!! Congrats, Alicia :)
Yay! My friend that is so exciting! I am soooo proud of you. You are a great blogger & a great friend. Plus you have a cool name :o) And you are always full of joy. Thanks for sharing it with us!
How Wonderful!
A most deserved honor!
This isn't spam and I am not a robot I just couldn't figure out how to email you so I'm leaving a comment.
My name is Gabrielle and I came across your site as I was looking for christian women to connect with. I am a designer and seamtress of modest, sophisticated and modern clothing. My main goal is to make clothing that women, of all ages, will find appealing but will be modest. I started up an etsy shop because I have known so many, too many women, that are struggling to be christians and also to fit in with modern fashion and hence give in to the low cut shirts and miniskirts. I believe since we are christians, we should not fit in, or give in to the immodest apparel of this age. Therefore I started making clothing, that was fashionable but also modest. I design and make, skirts, dresses, shirts, blouses, tunics and so on. I would really like to get the word out there about my store and help the church! It is in desperate need of a wardrobe change in my opinion. I can't believe the things I see girls wearing to church these days. Anyways if there is any way you can help me to spread the word I would appreciate it, and I would be willing to give you a discount of 20% at my store. I actually have two stores at Etsy, Etsy by the way is a handmade community, everything on there is handmade and there is also a christian community on there, called the cast team, which I am on. The first store name is www.ikvothamashiach70.etsy.com and the second one is www.yapaclothing.etsy.com Thank you for your time and I hope to hear back from you. Thank you.
Gabrielle Knight
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