It was my oldest daughter's birthday on Tuesday, so we had a picnic at the park that afternoon! The kids were all playing in those play structures so I figured that was the perfect time to try to get my picture with them! I wanted to use the self timer option, but yah right! They can barely stand there when I'm taking the picture!
Oh..and this picture is so funny because my son kept making goofy faces and poses in the background! Of course, my daughter's phone is ringing off the hook from her friends wishing her a Happy Birthday, and in case you are wondering, my three little ones were busy playing in the sand!
Your Kiddos are so cute, just like Mommy!
It was just about impossible to get all my kids to stand still and take a decent photo when they were young. There was always some joker in the group making a face, etc. That's really a pretty good pic. Thanks for sharing!
LOL....He is too funny in the back making those "Myspace" faces..lol.That what I call them because my niece has pictures of that everywhere!
Great picture!
That is a great candid shot! Mom is all smiles and nobody else is taking the picture seriously! I love that your daughter is on the phone, and your son making faces in the background is too funny!
What a nice cozy shot!
Love how you captured this moment in time. So sweet.
What a great picture! So "real life"!! Happy Birthday to her!
Too cute, that picture captures the real life of kids and mom.
Us...always wanting to get the picture.
Them...just wanting to go about their business.
Great picture!
That is such a fun picture...your son is cracking me up! And look at your girl on the phone. You....I can never get over how you look like their sister!
this is my favorite so far of the challenge!! funny.
OH I love this picture! Your kids are too funny! Hope she had a great birthday!
So funny...looks like you certainly caught their personalities in this picture!
I love it becuz I am sure that pic is as close to real life as it gets!! :) You have such a pretty smile...
Your son in the back ground is cracking me up!
Cute! I don't know if I'll ever get used to the idea of kids having cell phones. I got my first phone when i started driving. The world has gone forward and left me behind I believe.
LOL! Don't you just love your kids when they do this!! Too funny!
Just stopping by to say via the 52 weeks!
Hi! :-)
Hehe, teenagers!!!! Great picture!
Loving that smile of yours, and the kids well lets just say "priceless"
Ha ha ha - background boy!!
LOL, Everyone is in teenage mode and mom is just a smiling all sweet! Love this candid shot. Great pick for your "pictures of me"
I think this is so funny. I am loving his face. The girls on the other hand look beautiful! Great shot.
This is the best photo! It really captures life. I love it! His face could be put on any of my boys faces...just priceless....Boys who try to look hard...but they really don't have clue about anything really "hard." I LOVE IT!
you have a very cute family.
Your family is so cool.
Another great one! You have gorgeous skin, Alicia!
Love your son´s face in the back
I love seeing kid's personality shine through a camera lens.....
....and are you even old enough to have these children??? You look 21!!
Life in it's truest form!
Great picture :)
I love this picture, there is so much going on! You with a beautiful smile, your daughter on the phone and looking at you. And your son in the background. Ah! It just makes me smile.
Yes, Alicia, I did get the Gold at Blenza. I already had some sort of membership so I just upgraded. It was something like $3.66 because I was already a member and it's partial year. I half wonder if it's not a way for them to make money. Not that I blame them one bit!!
You always are so photogenic girl! So are you kids. Even Mr. funny-faces in the background!
Are you doing to upgrade and pay for Mr. Linky? I've been thinking of doing that myself. What're you gonna do?
Great pic - love the "real life" this shot tells! Beautiful smile you have!
Too funny! She is way too busy for a photo with Mama!
LOL, I LOVE the face he's making!! What a goofball!
You look great though! ;) that´s all that matters right? jeje
Love the kids faces. Really shows the timer aspect. LOL
Hope you have a great week end!
What a fun shot of real life! It doesn't get more true to life than that. Too funny :D
Love this meme idea. This is the first I've heard of it. Glad I stopped by, as usual :D
OMGosh this is the cutest and funniest shot! Gotta love teenagers and there phones! lol
Looks like something my kids would do :)
Cute picture!
Great picture, and I'm smiling at all the comments, too. There's a lot of character in this shot.
That is a nice photo.
Your daughter is stunning. Sounds like a fun birthday celebration. I love the fact that you got the pic despite timer, goofy faces and phone ringing. What a story in itself.
Well, hey...atleast you did get a pic with 'em! lol! I think it's a sweet picture!
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