I know I've shared Flashback photos of me, my mom, and my sister before, but I just stumbled across this one and had to share it. Especially now that it's Mother's Day on Sunday, I thought it would be perfect! But, what I trip out the most on from this picture is that my mom was 40 years old at the time (1986), and that is the age I will be in three months! I was like, "Oh my gosh!!" Haha! I didn't realize it till I saw the date on it! And get this...my mom had braces here! I totally forgot about it! I was like, "Ew..what's wrong with her teeth?" Then I remembered..lol! I was only 17 years old here, but gosh, I think I look so much older than that! Must be because of my big gold leaf earrings!! Oh, and if you didn't know, that is me in the red! This was taken at a studio, so I can't take credit for it, therefore I want to give thanks to Olan Mills! LOL.
Wow, you both look VERY lovely and youthful for 40...you have some great genes in your family!
I LOVE it! I really need to start digging through my 35 mm pictures! Memories....
Girl, you all are such beautiful women! Love this photo!
I need to jump on board with this. I sure have LOTS of old pictures that I could share. Hmmmm....we'll see! Your old pictures are coming out so well. Are you scanning them? The quality is really good! Ooops...there I go again! lol!
i love it! love the hair! You do have a lot of pics!
So very lovely.
excellent idea for a flashback to mother's day. Tito had braces too on our wedding day....lol
Very nice photo of you all. I am just in love with this meme.
That is crazy that she's your mom, I was thinking sister! Good genes!!
I have about a billion photos of myself sporting that same hair style! :)
awe..... I thought you were all sisters!
We have a family photo taken by the same company! I've been looking for it!
I have a lot of photos, too! I can't seem to find them all & it's driving me crazy!
I'm loving these flashbacks to the 80's!!!
That's a great picture! Your Mom sure does look young for 40 and so do you now! I would have never guessed that you were anywhere near 40!
Whoa ladies! You are some hot mamas! I love how everything is posed just so...the hair, the expressions, the shirts.
Great pic!
Yes, I did recognize you but I would have assumed that she was your sister, not your mom! Wow!
You all look so pretty!
Wow your mom looked a lot younger than 40 and you look a lot younger than what you say your age is!!! Way to grow older (not old)! :)
I am loving FPF!!!! Great meme!!
its my second time to join today :) hope you can drop by :D
you are from the philippines right? i am from the philippines. im located at sta rosa laguna. have you ever been here?
happy weekend! and of course, a happy mother's day to you too.
by the way, you might want to join mommy moments. its a weekly meme for mommies like you and me :D check it out at my site :D
Wow! you all look like sisters! I would have never known it was your Mom! My mom was like that too. Everyone asked if we were sisters! Were you all really close? I am sure you had so much fun growing up!
What a beautiful picture!
Hey did you see that? Mr. Linky put a smile after my name! I didn´t do that! So cool! Does the smile stay? I´ve got the Joy Joy Joy!! that´s for sure!
Love that 80's hair!! You are so lucky! Your mom looked really good at 40 and so do you:-)
I remember wearing my hair exactly like that. My kids laugh everytime they see pictures of me from the '80s.
What a great picture! All 3 of you look beautiful!
Thanks for pointing out which one was you. lol I wasn't sure.
Oh I love those earrings :) So cute!
Beautiful! You all look like sisters.
I love this picture!! It is so 80's!! I love the hair and the cute little outfits that you are all wearing!! Great flashback!!
Whoa - that's some big hair. I think I had bigger hair if you can imagine that. I'm loving these flashbacks. Happy Mother's Day!
Haaaa! I'm loving FBF. I almost used an 80s pic but I couldn't bring myself to publish an Afro. Anyhoo...I did my sister as well...and went a little further back. You and your mom look like sisters, the eys, chin line...I love those dresses...Did you guys get those at May Company? Broadway? Gottschats? Orbachs? Are they Jag? Is your sister wearing a Gucci or Swatch watch.....
I love flashing back...Happy Friday.
Man...you still look young for turning 40 soon. I turned 40 in November and I'm still not use to saying.....thirty-whatever.
Gotta love those Olan Mills pictures, we have tons! I guess I will have to drag them out for future FBF posts!
You are all three just beautiful!
Thanks for stopping by. I have to say, looking at that pic, you make me jealous! I always tried for hair like that... sigh...
On the carnival... go ahead and link up an old post. You can link to all 3 blogs if you'd like! Glad you are in!
just saw your comment on giveaway addicted mommy's page re splurge and had to check out your blog. I'm trying to revamp my own.
Very cute! and Lovely family! Love the photos.:)
I really liked your post home sing monday too... you're right yelling is lazy parenting. Good reminder to me. :) Some times that's just what we need ... a little reminder.
Have a wonderful day.
I have to agree with the others, I would have thought ALL 3 of you were sisters...beautiful! Have a wonderful Mothers Day!
You all look like sisters! What a beautiful picture!
Have a blessed day, my friend.
o.k. Alica...I'm back.
I remember thinking things were so cool because when we went to visit my aunt we'd shop at Emporiums. Turns out...my May Co./Robinson's store was owned by the same company....o.k. I had the Gucci watch too (with matching school bag.)...but not until 1986 when I graduated high school. I thought I was to cool for my Swatch watch. We were sooooooo fashion and label conscious in the '80s.
that is a great picture!
I wish I looked as young as your mom! What a beautiful picture.
so cute. :0) i love all your old pictures.
Ya'll are so cute!
No wonder you look so young....your mother looks fab at 40 (as do you)....you have good genes!
You sure don't look like you're about to be 40. But now I see how young your mom looks at 40. You have some great genes.
This is the first time I visit your blog (via The Mommy Journey).
Nice memorabilia :) Honestly speaking, (don't get offended please)you look younger in your current picture than your picture above. Maybe because of your hair style before.
And your mom really looked young then if she was really forty when the picture was taken. I am wondering how young your mom look like at the age of 63 :)
Happy Mother's Day & God Bless!
Gosh...you all look like sisters. So pretty. Even with the 80's hair. lOL I had it too:)
What a beautiful pic...I was surprised to read that your mom is in that picture because she looks SO young...I thought it had to be 3 sisters.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the follow! 'm following you now too! II hope you'll be participating in our We Heart Art Contest/Giveaway!!
I smile when I see pictures of my mom at the age I am at now. How is that possible?! Life just keeps movin on, doesn't it? Great picture! I grew up always getting pictures made at Olan mills, too.
You girls are SUCH beauties!
Now it all becomes clear why you all look so young and beautiful! You are Filipinas! That makes sense now! My hubby´s mom is 60 and she doesn´t look a day over 40.
Do you cook Philippino? Do you speak Tagalog? My Hubby sometimes wishes he had learned. My F.I.L is coming to Spain this month. We can´t wait. We are going to ask my hubby´s step mom make some good Philipino Food!
That is a trip! Totally 80's! My parents have some old family pictures of us just like that! You and your mom both look like a very, very young 40 (not that you are that age yet)! ;)
You guys all look terrific...your mom looks like one of the three sisters. Love that she had braces...I got mine on at 32!
Serioulsy, you all look like sisters! Young, young, young! I remember those days of big hair and shoulder pads and big earrings and...
Wow, I would have NEVER known that was your mom!!! I agree...sisters..but not your mom. Wow, that is some good genes!!! The hair is lovely and so big :)
Terrific pic!!!
As I was looking for a photo to post I started thinking, Mamie must have been around my age there. It's a crazy thought to have. And why is it that when you look at those photos of the teenagers back in the OLD days, they look like 40 years old. Don't get me wrong. I'm NOT sayin' you look like you're 40 there. As a matter of fact, I think you look very pretty and just like a 17 yr old should. VERY YOUTH FULL! I'm just sayin' that kids back then look so much older than the kids these days. You know what I mean. Right?
Hi, thanks for this site, now I can look back and laugh at my old pictures...
You look younger now compared to this picture hehehe..your mom looked young here too.
I'd be looking forward to seeing more 80's pictures here...thanks for the link too.
Love, love, love the hair!!! LOL. I love seeing your pictures from back then! It's great!! Sorry I haven't been commenting. It's been crazy around here!!! I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!!!!
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