Friday, May 15, 2009


I started "Friday Photo Flashback" because I have so many pictures from my PRE-digital camera days. I thought it would be fun to scan them and share them here with you. I'm having so much fun doing this, that I would love for you to join me, too! So dig out the photo albums and put your scanner to good use! Just sign in to Mr. Linky so we can all visit and comment on each others blogs!

This is me & my hubby on our wedding day, July 6, 1996! Nothing about it was "traditional." I didn't wear a white dress, and I was already in my last trimester of my pregnancy! FYI, this was our "BC" (before Christ) days. We both gave our lives to the Lord in 2000. Anyway, while on our "honeymoon" in Monterey, my water broke and I gave birth to Isaiah five days later (4 weeks prior to my due date). My friend had this dress made for me, and it was a pretty light peach color. After the wedding, we had a reception at a local restaurant called Tarpy's, and we had a private banquet room that held 40 of our family and closest friends! Very small, yet very intimate!

And in case you're wondering, that is my husbands NATURAL curly hair!



Sara said...

Look at how cute you are! So pretty! And, OH MY GOODNESS!! That is some CRAZY curl your hubby's got going on!!!

Muthering Heights said...

WOW! Now that's a memorable honeymoon!

Krisha said...

You both look so cute! Lovin your hubby's curly hair! Has he let it grow out lately?

What a memorable honeymoon :)

Muthering Heights said...

Yep...I'm home! :)

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

So cute! That is great! I love looking back at photos...I love how your hand is on his chest! Adorable!

He & Me + 3 said...

You are gorgeous pregnant and all. Wow...hubs looks so different. Very nice picture of you both. Professional picture or just a friend taking it?

Kelli W said...

Ohmygoodness that is some curly hair. You look like you are so happy and glowing!!

Denise said...

That is so sweet.

Lisa said...

what a weekend that was ! premature labor and all.
love it and you

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said... sweet! And Tarpy's in Monterey...I've been there several times...yum!

momstheword said...

Oh what a precious picture!!! Look how young and cute you both are!!!! (Still are!)

I LOVE your husband's hair, oh my goodness!

Chris said...

great picture! great memories to come with it too! and a truly memorable honeymoon that is! :D

Susie said...

That is some awesome hair he has there!! You look so beautiful and happy:-) Great memory to share!

Shoebee said...

When I read that you were married 7/6/96 I had to laugh....
1st our Danny's are just alike,
now I see you and I were married the same day. (luckily yours is better than mine since hubby left me 6 yrs ago)
Wonder how else we are alike

really.truly said...

That picture is beautiful. Look at the curls! Do you realize that you and your hubby look great in every "era"?

You know I love your photo flashbacks!!

Stephanie said...

That is a great photo!!!! Love Love Love his hair :) I can't believe you went into labor while on your honeymoon...boy i bet that put some excitement in the room :)

Nina said...

What a great photo. My wedding was not traditional at all either. I was so against the idea of all things wedding.

Happy Friday!

Pam said...

That is a great picture of the two of you. I thought my honeymoon was eventful (got food poisoning), but yours was much more so!

Kelly said...

Beautiful picture! Have a great weekend!

Becky said...

That really is a beautiful picture. The photographer captured a precious moment.

Serendipityissweet said...

Sweet! I love it :D

Pilar said...

aaawwww, you look so beautiful!!! This photo is so sweet

Anonymous said...

That is quite the honeymoon story!! You two look so cute and young :)

Lisa said...

Your dress is beautiful, you are beautiful, hubby is very handsome. Tito had more hair then too.
This is so fun.

Anonymous said...

Love the hair. Great picture!!!

3 Bay B Chicks said...

The earlier version of ourselves is really something, isn't it? When I look back on pictures of my husband and I from when we were teenagers, I still smile.

I had to come by today after seeing that our artist-friend Wendy highlighted your We Heart Art post on Helene's site today. Such fun.

You really do have a Picasso in your midst. Thanks again for playing along!


Wayfaring Wanderer said...

I love old photos!

Today's post at Wayfaring Wanderer just happens to be with scanned polaroids!

Lorrie said...

Wow! You guys look so cute. What a honeymoon to remember. Blessings.

Aubrey said...

Awwww! What a great picture!!You both look SO happy! And what a story!

Melissa said...

That is such a sweet photo and such a great story!

I can't get over your hubby's hair!!!! WOW! He looks so different!

And you were absolutely GLOWING!

Darcie said...

I agree with the others, you are looking so lovely on your wedding day!!

So out of all your kids, please tell me someone got that amazing curly hair.

I really am loving Flashback Fridays!

jen@odbt said...

It's a great picture and who cares if it was traditional or started your family that day.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Alicia! Nice to "meet" you. You look beautiful in your flashback picture. How is it that you and your husband look younger in your sidebar pictures on your blog?! You are a homeschooling mom of five kids! Why don't you look tired?

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Re: the Asian eyes. Have you ever done the computer thing that tells you what celebrities you look the most like. No matter what picture I use, the two celebrities the computer always says I look like the most are Jet Li and Lucy Liu. They're both amazingly beautiful so, yeah, I wish....but I'm not Asian. It's crazy.

Thanks for hosting the Flashback party. This was fun! I'll have to do this again!

amanda said...

you guys look so happy. and i love the curly hair!! i bet you will never forget the honeymoon!! oh and that ww picture of you son is adorable!!

Neisha said...

I love this picture!! You guys looks so young and happy. You look beautiful. You can see your pregnancy glow.

momstheword said...

Um, I'm not sure but I think it may have been around 2000, but I'm not really sure. We went that year so it's possible!

The Farmer Files said...

LOL love everyone's hair. Love the water breaking story!!! That must have been some honey moon!

JMBMOMMY said...

Great picture! Oh my that is some curls!!! :)

Sawatzky family said...

Thanks for the great comment on my blog! I love comments! lol
Danielle did a great job on your site! I think blog makeovers can be addicting lol!
You have a great looking family!
Shelly and gang
I will definitly be adding you to my list of regular reads!

Sawatzky family said...
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Unknown said...

Praise the Lord we are under the blood! I am so thankful for you my dear sister! Lovely picture and you are a beautiful bride. A picture of what the Lord can do in our lives! Your family is a living testimony!

Tara said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting. This was my first time participating in Friday Photo Flashback and plan to be back. I love your picture. You were so pretty and I would have never guessed your were that PG. Love the honeymoon story and glad everything turned out fine!

Aunt Julie said...

I love this photo! And I LOVE your husband's hair! It's so nice that you can share these old snaps...classic!

Mozi Esme said...

what a cute couple! and an interesting honeymoon... :)

Femin Susan said...

Very nice picture of you both....

Erin said...

I love the story and I think you look lovely. (My second child was born in Feb '96!) I think you got an awesome wedding present...

Sorry I'm so late to the party, but I'm here at last!

Daphine said...

Girl, you looked amazing! Lovin' your hubby curls in all! Great picture of the two of you!

Eco-Friendly Mommy said...

Hi Alicia! Thanks for visiting my blog. I found your blog on Love your blog.

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

What a beeautiful picture! :D Love the curls!

Always a Southern Girl said...

Your husbands hair is great.. Love it. Your are so pretty too. What a great picture.

Have a great weekend.

Lorie said...

WOW....What a great wedding gift! You guys look fabulous!

tiki_lady said...

you were absolutely glowing. I love that pic! A baby on your honeymoon! so, have you since celebrated a honeymoon with just the 2 of you?

Anonymous said...

OMGoodness! You have quite a following here my dear! and such an awesome photo!

Miti said...

What a beautiful photo!!! You look so pretty and your hubby has the most perfect curls I've ever seen. My husband and I went to Monteray while on our honeymoon to San Fran. It's so beautiful there!!

Laura said...

Wow! Look at them curls!!!

I've been a horrible bloggy friend these past few weeks!! So sorry! I am still reading.. but I have to do a catch up! I signed into google reader today and had 100 unread posts! LOL.

Alicia W. said...

I would have never known he had such tight curls! WOW