Friday, May 29, 2009


I started "Friday Photo Flashback" because I have so many pictures from my PRE-digital camera days. I thought it would be fun to scan them and share them here with all of you. I'm having so much fun doing this, that I would love for you to join me, too! So dig out the photo albums and put your scanner to good use! Just sign in to Mr. Linky so we can all visit and comment on each others blogs!


My mom found this picture of me when I was in 8th grade!! I remember being able to wear lip gloss at this age! I had such great memories from middle school! It's so weird to think that my eldest is the same age that I am in this picture! Oh..and what is up with that shirt????
Click on the Mister Linky box below and a new window will open. Add your info so we can all visit you!!


Denise said...

You were so cute.

Momisodes said...

I love your feathered hair. You're such a cutie!

Anonymous said...

That's a very cute picture!

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

Now c'mon that shirt was in style when you sported don't be HATIN on yourself...and the dual feather..I mean that took talent. You had to work at it...;)

Lovin all these pics, I might have to dig some out of the archives....Jelly Bean I come...!

Melissa said...

Little cutie!

Lorrie said...

Hello! The shirt was sooo in style. Does anyone remember Ohbachs! and Miller's Outpost...that's where that shirt would have come from when I was in the 8th grade. Very matches the feathered hair!

Joyeful said...

I love the feathered hair! You were so in style! Much more than I was in the 8th grade. Umm, I think I shredded every last remaining 8th grade picture that I had! No, really, it was bad. You, however, look darling!

McCrakensx4 said...

Oh My...What a flashback, although Miranda looks just like you without the hair and shirt that is!

momstheword said...

oh aren't you cute! I can see your daughter in you! I'm remembering the feathred look, I had it too.

BTW, when I did my linky I had to delete somebody's info to link, so the next person to link will have to delete mine. Hope they fix Mr. Linky soon....

Phoenix said...

I love this picture of you! I think it's kinda neat that your oldest is the same age as you in this picture, I think you both look a lot alike. :)

Laine said...

wow! nice picture. you look so cute and beautiful. and you look like angelu de leon an actress here in the philippines.

here's my entry :

happy friday :)

Pilar said...

How can you always look so pretty in photos, do you ever take a bad photo??? You are so photogenic :).... did I spell that right?

Chris said...

nice photo! :d im sure it brings back lots of great memories!

Lana said...

Nice pic. You were definitely "in style" b/c my sister had the same hair style when she was in middle school!!! :) Lana

Stephanie said...

now that's a killer shirt :) Don't you just love the style back then!

Beth in NC said...

You look the same girl (well, except for the hair and clothing tastes). :o)

Too cute!

I am about to do my post.


really.truly said...

Oh the 80's! I had that same hairstyle.....Farrah, right? I would work so hard on the curls and then it would flop by first period.

You look adorable.

Darcie said...

Isn't it funny how the hardest part about posting these pictures are the clothes we were wearing or our hair styles. But hey they were ok when we were sporting them.

Yeah...for lip are looking pretty and your lips are all nice and shiny.

Pam said...

I had some shiny lipgloss and a shirt that almost identical. Plus, I even had the same hair cut! : )

Muthering Heights said...

Wow, your kids look so much like you did!

Tara said...

I'm glad the styles change but like they say, hold onto stuff because that style will come back. Like someone said before, you are very photogenic.

Kelli W said...

Ohmygoodness! What a great old photo! You were so cute...and that shirt is SUPER cool! I love the hair too!

Muthering Heights said...

Whoops! I added my link to Mr. Linky before I checked my comments, s I'm accidentally on the list twice! Feel free to delete one, LOL!!!

Laura said...

LOL, love the feathered hair! You know, you still look the same as you did back in 8th grade. Of course, prettier! =)

Krisha said...

awe, what a cute picture!

Alicia W. said...

Look at you! I swear you still haven't aged a bit. Hair has changed but that's it. You have some great genetics.

He & Me + 3 said...

Oh 8th grade. What a great year. I had that same hair do. Great picture my friend.

Serendipityissweet said...

Sweet! I had that same hair cut, lol.

mama's smitten said...

Love the "old school pic!" I really need to learn how to use our scanner so I can join this meme! Okay I start school June22, so how about getting together in the next couple of weeks? My work schedule change agian. How about a Tuesday evening or a Friday evening?

The Farmer Files said...

LOL love you, love your hair, love your shirt!

hello said...

hehehe... love it Alicia, totally 80's!! Sorry that I have been majorly slacking in sharing my own flash back pics. I will try to share next week, I need to scan some pics! :)

Denise said...

I think it's a GREAT picture. You were definitely in style. I had the same hairstyle, only mine was longer.....I think just about everyone I knew had the feathered bangs.

Sara said...

So cute! And, I love the hair too!

Nope, I don't mind.. :0)

BrnEyedGal said...

Why did we all look basically the same in 7th or 8th grade, LOL

Lovin the feathered hairdo too...but really, you were a cutie pie!
Hope you have a wondeful Friday Alicia.... :)

Neisha said...

Love it!! Great picture, and the shirt is not bad. I finally linked up this time. Yay, I'm getting more computer savvy.

Anonymous said...

I had a similar shirt too :) Your feathered hair look is just way too cool!

Lisa said...

Nice flashback photo, I don't even want to go

Kimberly said...

Hey, don't knock the shirt. I have one currently that looks VERY similar. ;)

Sarah A. Galang, Ph.D. said...

wow, you look great. I was trying to look for my old pictures but i failed. maybe next time i will try to take pictures.
God bless

momstheword said...

Funny you should mention that. Tomorrow I'm doing a post inviting people to join me. You can read about it tomorrow, lol!

Sweet Blessings said...

love the feather bangs! this is a fun meme:) blessings! amanda:)

Jennifer said...

LOL! I love this picture! And I think I may have the same shirt! Ha ha!

Daphine said...

LOL! I am laughing at this because I came across my 8th grade picture no too long ago....I looked about as dorky as one could! lol!

But, seriously!!??!? Girl, you were still nice looking even wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy back then!

Mamí♥Picture said...

You were so CUTE!!!

Always a Southern Girl said...

You still look like that. Love your pictures.

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

I'm having flashbacks just looking at your photos...but I really need to participate again...I've been such a slacker on Fridays!

Martha said...

I just found your fun Flashback Friday meme - I'm adding you to my photo meme list and will plan to play along as often as I can! Really cool idea :-)