Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I officially have two 12 year olds living under my roof right now! Well, it will be that way till July 11th when my eldest turns 13! If you're still a little confused, I'll clear it up for ya. My two oldest children are 10 1/2 months apart, so for a month and a half, they are the same age!

But today, it's all about her, and I look back and think how fast these 12 years have gone by. Ever since she was a baby, she was always just a tiny little thing! But, let me tell you, big things come in small packages!

She's so independent and definitely has a mind of her own. One of the qualities I admire about her is that she will not compromise her beliefs in the Lord, and she is a leader, not a follower. She knows what she wants and she's not afraid to try anything! She's strong, yet sensitive. Beautiful, yet modest. But she is also honest, smart, funny, loud, brave, and loyal.

I just pray that the Lord will use her in a mighty way, and that I continually look to Him for guidance in raising not only her, but my other children as well.

We love you, Miranda! I'm so blessed to call you my daughter.


Mamí♥Picture said...

Happy Birthday Miranda!!! Wow, Time pass fast...and you have been doing a wonderful job as a Mother and Friend for your children! You have a Big Beautiful Family ~ God Bless You!

Always a Southern Girl said...

What a beautiful daughter!! My nieces are the same age for a week. My sister says she had twins the hard way! Ha.

I hope Miranda enjoys her day.

L2L said...

May is an amazing month Alyica, you celebrate 12 years and we celebrate years one day before. Oh how I love my May baby!!!!(oops I mean boy, lol)

Mel said...

Happy Birthday Miranda!!!

Beth in NC said...

That is so sweet! Happy Birthday Miranda!

Stacy said...

Happy Birthday! Boy did you have your hands full when they were babies...lol!

Denise said...

Happy Birthday to dear Miranda. She is really lovely.

Parsley said...

We are in the same boat. I have a teen daughter now. Loved your blog. Feel free to stop by mine.

Jenjen @GottaLoveMom said...

Lovely girl!
Happy Birthday =D

Kelli W said...

Happy Birthday Miranda!! I didn't realize your oldest two were so close in age...that is almost like having twins!

McCrakensx4 said...

Happy birthday Miranda; I am sure God has big things planned for you!

amanda said...

happy birthday miranda. i love that you are close in age with your brother. i love that you will not compromise your relationship with the lord. i pray that my kiddos are the same way.

alicia. did you ever tire of hearing 'your hands must be full' comments? or what was your response to them. mine is just a smile. but it also drives me nuts sometimes. because sometimes people will say it not so nicely. okay done ranting. :0)

cat said...

Lovely post and gorgeous girl. Wow, I admire you bringing up Irish twins. Veels geluk Miranda (that is "Happy Birthday"

Stephanie said...

Happy Birthday!

That preteen/teenage stage. I'm so dreading those days :)

Susie said...

I hope she has a really great birthday:-)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!! She is beautiful :)

Sawatzky family said...

Simply beautiful :)
Hope you all have a wonderful birthday celebration! We do 'em up big at our house! ;0

Carin said...

what a beautiful young woman, inside and out. And you are doing a great job bringing up your children.

Happy Birthday!

Kelly said...

Happy birthday to your sweet Miranda!! Have a great week!

Kristin said...

Happy Birthday Miranda! You must be so proud!

Momisodes said...

She is truly a beautiful young lady. Wishing her a very happy birthday!

Alicia W. said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet Miranda. :o) Hope you guys have a great time.

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday Miranda....you are so lucky Alicia to have a daughter with such great qualities of course I am sure you instilled those in her with the Lord's help;
I am ready to give up on Mr. Linky it disappeared on my end so I don't think anyone can link up.

Lisa said...

WOW. I remember the day you guys went to the hospital and I stayed w/ Isaiah.
My beautiful niece gets more and more beautiful every day.

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

Happy Birthday Miranda!

My nephew and neice are the same way...from September to November they are the same age. Too crazy!!


The Farmer Files said...

HAppy Bday....and what a blessing to have a modest daughter! I pray my sons find modest wives!

Darcie said...

Happy 12th Birthday Miranda!

You have a beautiful daughter. My two older brothers are also 10 1/2 months apart...almost(almost) like twins. I bet they have a lot of fun together.

Jane In The Jungle said...

Happy Birthday Miranda!!!

My hubbys sister and brother are 11 months apart, it happens!!

mama's smitten said...

She is beautiful Alicia! Inside and out , I'm sure!:)

Julie said...

Happy Birthday! What a beautiful young lady! 10 1/2 months? How did you manage?!?! :)

He & Me + 3 said...

She is beautiful! Happy 12th Birthday Miranda. Love that picture of her.

DarcyLee said...

What a lovely daughter you have. I hope her birthday is very happy.

Pilar said...

How much in sock were you when you found out you were pregnat so soon?? Too personal???

Happy bday to your beautiful girl!!

Lana said...

Wow! I hope you all had an awesome day! My DD is only 4 and I can only imagine how exciting is going to be when she turns 12!!!! Hopefully, blogging will still be around so I can look to you for guidance! :) Lana

momstheword said...

She is so pretty! Happy birthday Miranda!

Wow, you must have had your hands full twelve years ago, lol!

Pam said...

She is beautiful! Happy Birthday, Miranda! And that's such a sweet tribute to her too!
Plus, soon you'll have a teen in your house! : )

Mozi Esme said...

Happy birthday to a beautiful Miranda!

Unknown said...

She is such a beauty! Just like her Mama!

Muthering Heights said...

Awww, happy birthday to your beautiful girl!!!

Sweet Blessings said...

she's beautiful and i loved how you share your love for your children!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Alicia. She's a beautiful girl! I hope she had a very special day.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Alicia. She's a beautiful girl! I hope she had a very special day.

tiarastantrums said...

happy birthday to your almost teenager

Jennifer said...

So sweet! Happy Birthday Miranda! :-)

I had to chuckle about your kiddos being 10 1/2 mos apart. When my son was born, I was living in fear of being pregnant again because I was soooo not ready to give my body over to someone else! LOL! I missed feeling 'light' again! Ha!

Anonymous said...

That's so sweet! She truly beautiful!

Laura said...

Wow! Only 10 1/2 months apart?! I bet that was hard when they were little. Miranda is so beautiful! I hope she had an awesome birthday!

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

She sounds like an amazing young woman! Happy birthday Miranda!

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

What a beautiful picture! Happy birthday to Miranda!

Neisha said...

Happy Birthday to Miranda!! That is a great picture. I think it's cool that they are both the same age for a while.

ocmist said...

What a beautiful girl. My son and daughter are 11 months and 13 days apart, so I know how that goes. Hope she had a wonderful birthday... Enjoy them while you've still got them around! Mine are scattered all over the US now. :(

ocmist said...

What a beautiful girl. My son and daughter are 11 months and 13 days apart, so I know how that goes. Hope she had a wonderful birthday... Enjoy them while you've still got them around! Mine are scattered all over the US now. :(

Casey's trio said...

I hope Miranda had a great 12th birthday!

Melissa said...

Happy belated birthday, Miranda!

She's so gorgeous, Alicia! Look at those eyes!

Daddy better start target practicing now, cause in a few years he's gonna need that there gun! ;)

Unknown said...

Wow, over fifty comments on these last few posts! A lot of bloggy love goin around here! That´s so great!

Happy Birthday, Miranda! 12 is a special age. Keep your eyes on Jesus and He will lead you to where you want to go. Don´t go and hope that He will follow. When I was 12 I dedicated my life to serve Jesus. He wants to use each of us. We just have to be like clay in His hands. Let him mold you and make you into who He wants you to be.
A song of dedication for you this your 12 Birthday
"You are the Potter. I am the clay. Mold me and make me. This is what I Pray."
Love Mrs. Daniela all the way from Spain!

Krisha said...

Happy belated birthday, Miranda!

Alicia, my oldest daughter shares your oldest daughter's birthday! Kelcie will be 13!