The message at church yesterday was awesome! We are going through the book of Mark, and we were at Mark 10:1-16. Our Pastor spoke about marriage, and how the worlds view of marriage is. For many people, it's not seen as a covenant, but a contract. People want out because they are not getting their needs met. When you are married, it's about putting the other persons needs before your own. Laying down your "self" for your spouse. The world emphasizes, "What about me? What have you done for me lately?" Me, me, me!!
BUT, even as a Christian, I can sometimes let that worldly "attitude" or "mentality" get in the way. We need to also train our children for marriage by our example. If we're not in agreement with each other, do we work it out together, or are there arguments and tension in the home? How my spouse and I treat each other directly shows my children what is and isn't acceptable in a godly marriage.
My sister in law blessed me by getting me The Love Dare book for Mother's Day. I heard about the great challenges that are in there! I'm excited to read it, and bless my husband, my marriage, my children, and ultimately, the Lord. I just want to do what is pleasing in His sight.
I have that book also but haven´t been able to do the whole challenge, really need to do it because I think that even if you have a happy marriage, there is always room for more as we are not perfect.
Thanks for reminding me again of the need I have to be a teacher to my girls of what a godly wife I need to be. they are always watching, even when you don´t want them to :)
thanks i really need it..we also have the love dare but never completed it i guess we will just have to start all over..lol
Alyica, hey girl!!! It's time it's time. Danielles ready to get working on my blog, Cha-Ching
I never thought about it that way, but you're right. The world treats marriage as a contract, not a covenant. Contracts can be broken with some financial penalty, but what about a covenant?
I pray you enjoy the book!
Our biggest job as parents is teachers and the marriage lesson can be a hard one. Great post today:-)
I also have that book but haven't started it yet. I bet that was a great sermon.
Such a great reminder. I needed to hear this. I have been so selfish lately. Thanks for sharing!
wonderful post!!! it is true that many look at marriage as a contract not a covenant so decide it is not a big deal to undo said contract...
you are also spot on with our kids watching our marriages they indeed generally learn by our example.
I've been thinking of getting that book too! Great post...thank you for those wise words.
Love that you posted this today, thanks for the reminder. Have a fantastic day Alicia and I hope your mothers day was all you wished for. :o)
Excellent post!
BEING a wife & mom is so much more important than the DOING.... It is so easy to get caught up in the necessary, but mundane, tasks that come with taking care of family & home. But when we take that time to sit at Jesus' feet (instead of being frantic in the kitchen) not only will be be blessed - but we will be a blessing to others.
Great post with great insight. thanks for sharing; and as for the book...it is great and I hope it does great things for you. Have a wonderful Monday
Grr! I typed something up and it didn't post. (Second time this morning this has happened on Blogger).
Anyhoo, I totally know what you're saying. This is exactly what I've been studying and trying to put into practice these last 4-5 years!
I want to recommend another book that is SO awesome. It's called "This Momentary Marriage" by John Piper and it parallels our covenant-keeping marriage with the covenant of Christ and His bride. It shows how our marriage reflects what's eternal here on earth. SO beautiful!
That should read "It shows how our marriage here on earth reflects what's eternal.
You are so right, we are setting an example for our children. Many times their expectations for marriage will come out of what they see in their parent's marriage.
Many times they will unknowingly seek to emulate that. That can be good or bad, depending on the example!
I have seen that book at Costco but haven't read it or anything. Let me know what you think!
Thanks for linking up with us today, my friend!
This is so true-- a covenant is something sacred and when we treat our marriages as sacred in God's sight our homes are filled with the glory of God! Thank you so much for sharing this! It helps to be reminded of this everyday!
I totally agree, Alicia. So many people rush into marriage just to rush right back out. So many marry for the wrong reasons. I have a sister who did get a divorce. She tried desperately to make it work but it was he who didn't put their marriage first. He wasn't a good influence for their boys either. And til this very day he isn't. I believe that their are times when divorce is the best thing to do. If it means protecting yourself and your children. She and the boys are so much better off now. They're happy and at peace! I'm so blessed to have found my best friend and my husband all rolled into one. If only everyone were so lucky.
OH...I came over to wish you a HAPPY BELATED MOTHER'S DAY. I hope had a beautiful day!
I have that book and need to start it. Amen to your whole post!
Hope your Mother's Day was special!
What a great post! It is easy to be selfish and say "me, me, me!" Ugh! I have that book, too, but admit that I haven't read it yet.
That is so true...everything you shared. Our relationships with our husbands set the spirit for our home. I have the Love Dare book...very good and very helpful. You have a lovely family!
AMEN!! :0) the love dare book is fun. and shaun and i loved doing the 'fireproof your marriage' couple's kit too. :0)
In a generation that was defined by our parents' divorces, I've worked hard to understand what made marriages work and what led to divorce...I was determined that I would not do to my children what had been done to me. My marriage is a living entity and that needs nurturing. Thanks for the reminder.
Wonderful and so true excerpts you have included from the sermon yesterday, we too had a good one on Mother's and I am so glad my oldest was sitting beside me instead of at her soccer game.
Great Post....I might do your Tag post tomorrow if I have time.
AMEN! Great post!
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