Sunday, May 3, 2009


See the TV screen?


'Nuff said...
You would think I knew more about this boxer since he is probably some distant relative of The guys were hyped to see this fight last night! It was over before it was over! TKO in the second round! I kinda felt sorry for the other guy...



mama's smitten said...

Alicia! I heard you met my mom! I really wanted to go, I kinda thought you'd might be there, but M had her last game and award ceremony. So glad your not a weirdo!!! LOL!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What is it about boys and watching other boys beat the crap out of each other? Love the picture!!

Melissa said...

so cute, all their little heads turned in one direction! Not one single face turned to look at the camera. Total guys! LOL!

Alicia W. said...

We watched the fight last night too. So funny that you said you felt sorry for the other guy because I always feel the same. :o)

Beth in NC said...

Ha, poor guys ... all ready for the fight, then poof ... over.

He & Me + 3 said...

Why do guys like Boxing and wrestling? I hate to see people fighting.
Really stinks when it is over so quick too.

Denise said...

Guys, and their sports.

tiki_lady said...

i just glazed over. I can do baseball, football, soccer and basketball, possibly hockey but boxing and that other kick boxing boxing thing. I just can't watch.

Susie said...

I can smell the man cave from here!! Hee, hee, hee:-)

really.truly said...

Male bonding indeed! And that poor boxer!!

Muthering Heights said...

LOL, they look absolutely riveted! Were they all terribly disappointed that it ended so quickly?

Stephanie said...

What a cute pic!

I've never been into boxing but my husband likes to watch it from time to time.

Daphine said...

Girl, they were all into it, huh?

Ain't nothing wrong with some male bonding....well, not with this kind of male bonding. lol!

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

Oh that boxing is the male grunting!!! =)

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

I'm not sure I've ever seen so many men crammed into one place paying so close attention to something. Great pic!