I took my kids to the park again on Wednesday and I took my handy dandy camera so we could take some cute shots on this bridge overlooking (dirty) water. Of course, I take two pictures and then it shuts down on me!
Well, thank goodness for my Blackberry!
I know these could have been way better if I took them with my regular camera, but I'm still thankful I was able to get these shots. With the help of Photobucket, I used the "Auto Fix" option and it made the color more vibrant!
Miranda's friend Phylicia, Miranda, Mocha, Eli, Danny, & Veronica
This is Miranda acting like she's falling in the water..LOL! Ewww..swine flu!

Phylicia, Mocha, Miranda, & Daniel. DON'T FALL IN! SWINE FLU!

Phylicia, Mocha, Miranda, & Daniel. DON'T FALL IN! SWINE FLU!
This is the shot where I wish I was able to use my regular camera!!! Love it! Oh..and after this shot, they all ran down the hill, and of course, Veronica falls, rips the knee part of her pants, and starts bleeding! That was our cue to go home...
...our cue to go home. haha! love it.
I to love the one of them on the top of the hill. Very cute.
Stunt Man always falls too. Poor baby I hope she is ok.
Your BB takes great pictures. I hate when my batteries die. I always carry a spare now.
That last shot is awesome!! Too bad someone got hurt:-(
Alicia that happens to me all the time no battery and it usually happens when my bil the photographer is around and then i get the "look".
Your blackberry did pretty good and your editing helped. I just printed a lot of photos taken with my big camera and I have to figure out a way to reduce motion, the camera is so heavy and I need to brace myself. Sorry to hear about Veronica's knee poor baby.
awesome shots on your blackberry even!!!!
Always happens to me. The other day I made sure to have new batteries only to forget to put the memory card in!
The photos came out nice, the last one is so cool!
LOVe the last picture...such a great shot! yes, injury is ALWAYS a sign to go home!!!
I feel ya. When my battery dies a piece of me dies with it. (hehe) But, a picture taken with the cell is a whole lot better than no picture at all. AHHHHH...Isn't Technology a wonderful thing!!! I love last photo!! VERY COOL!!!
Looks like a fun time at the park! I love the picture of all the kids on the hill! My camera battery always seems to be low right when my boys do something hilarious that I want to take a picture of!!
OH, I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one who has camera troubles :o) But thank you for the reminder, I need to go charge my battery...NOW...or else I'll forget about it!
Take care my friend! Have a great Sonday!
And yes, our kids our getting old...but we're not right?!?!
those are really great shots! I love the last one too. And mocha...so cute :)
Awe! Cuz agian! You see my fam more than I do! I know that whole dead battert has happened to me too! Bummer! But you blackberry did the job! Love the last picture! How fun ! I know I have not been very good about my blog lately !
Yeah, I probably would have taken that as a cue too!
Looks like you had a grand time...sorry to hear about the knee, thankfully they heal quickly.
I love that last one, so great! Doesn't that suck? That was me last week, brand new niece, mom's in labor, I grab my camera, which feels sort of light, and realize I left the batteries charging at home!
Your pics turned out great. I keep thinking I'm going to save up for a back up battery, but alas I have not done it. They're expensive aren't they?
yes, hate when that happens!! With my new camera--it HAS to have the card...no internal memory..and I always forget it in the computer from uploading--so many times I take a ton of pics only to find out I really didn't b/c of no card--I get sooo mad! lol.
The last shot is my absolute favorite! What a fun day you must have had!
thanks for visiting nikonsniper.
as you are a child of the King ... it's great to know He created all photographed. you are taking pictures very well now and have many more years left than me. you will naturally develop skill in different areas in new seasons of life. when i was younger i could not do what you are doing now with your pictures ... so keep at it ... you have great talent. keep proclaiming the name of Jesus.
nikonsniper steve
Those are great pictures. I especially love the last picture!
Such a precious family!
aww, they are so cute, and seems like they are good sports too, lol. I can't seem to get mine to pose for me anymore . Thank you for sharing your day w? us;) ♥ LA
Girl, your blackberry does a great job in capturing GREAT shots! Seriously!!!! I LOVE the one of them on top of the hill! LOVE IT!!!!
Murphy's Law :)
Even with your phone that last one is great!
Great pictures!! It looks like it was a beautiful day. We hit 103 in Phoenix today : ( Kids look like they had a great time. Mocha is looking adorable.
And yes, our stories sound very similiar. Thanks for being my blog reader, I know that I can always count on you to read my blog : )
What a great series! It looks like your blackberry takes wonderful photos!
Such fun pics.
Just stopped by to let ya know that I have an award for you over at my blog. Hop on over and pick it up!
Have a great week.
Would falling in the water give you swine flu? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm? Just goes to show that I am such a terrible mother, I don't even know! And, I let my kid play in a creek this weekend...jeepers creepers! I love these pictures. Your kids look like they are SO much fun!
I think the pics turned out great. I love the last one too!
I really like that last picture sweetie.
Good Job! Pictures they came out great! Sorry about your baby!
I love the last picture, they look lovely.
i love the last pic :D
Your BlackBerry takes great pictures..lol. I like the last one the best.Hope she was ok.
Great pics. Looks like a nice park.
The last picture is sooo frame worthy! LOVE IT
WOW....that last picture is breathtaking!
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