Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I'm sure I'm not the only parent who loves it when their children play nicely together, or lovingly share their things with each other. Living in peace and harmony is my goal! Am I being unrealistic? I think not. Okay, maybe a little!

What do you do if one of your kids gives something away (to their brother or sister) that they don't want anymore, and then later change their mind?

Do you...

1. Tell the receiver to just give it back?

2. Tell the giver, "Oh should think about it next time you give something away?"


3. Just let the two handle it on their own?

For example, we had extra cardboard boxes so Eli was all excited to make something out of them. Well, Veronica wanted a box too, so to be fair, we told Eli to give her one. Anyway, she ended up giving the box to Eli because she didn't want it anymore, but then later that night, she decided she wanted it back!

You can see how that all went down! Of course, the pictures are totally blurry since there was so much "action" going on!


All you could hear was,

It's mine!

No, it's mine!!

No, it's mine!!!

It's miiiiiiine!!!!

Nooooo, it's miiiiiine!!!!!


Who do you think got to keep "THE BOX?"

How do you think I resolved this problem?

The first person to guess correctly will be the winner of this box!


Be sure to visit 5 Minutes For Mom for more Wordless Wednesday, and 7 Clown Circus for Wordful Wednesday.


Mamí♥Picture said...

so funny! I have 2 guesses~
I think Veronica Won!!! My little girl always wins, jajaja j/k...
Neither won the box, I think you took it away>

Have a HAPPY WW!!!!!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

I struggle with this on a minute by minute basis. Isn't parenthood grand?

Denise said...

Woo Hoo, let the games begin, lol

Salty Incisor said...

I guess Eli

Tara said...

ahhaha that is so funny.. I love it.

Thanks for visiting my blog! :)

Joyeful said...

I want the box!!
It's mine!
It's mine!
I think Veronica got it--those girls know how to get what they want!

Anonymous said...

I think you got the box!
I know when my oldest two get into it, and fight over a toy it always ends up being MY toy. Lol!

Ms. Latina said...

Hmmmm I'm guessing it broke in the tug of war LOL

Hope you post the answer!

You made me laugh so much cause I have said all of those expressions to my boys. This week my boys 14 and 8 decided they had to call me fifty million times at work (OK I'm exagerating a little LOL) to have me referee who was going to watch TV. I finally told them handle it and hung up!

FYI: You have a beautiful family and are indeed very blessed!

Happy WW!

Night Owl Mama said...

OH OH pick me pick me. I know I know!! MOM mom got the box. wooo whooo Do you need my address? LOL

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

My kids know any 'toy' fought over is mine and they know I'll go thru with it.. did you keep it?

But I always give them a chance to fix it first. I let them know it's not my problem and I tell them to deal with it(they already know the ground rules, that hitting is never allowed) but I tell them (over and over) that they have to come up with a solution...

Only when it gets bad do I take it and the toy is no more... (I'm mean that way, but it only takes once, and they BELIEVE you after that!)

Stesha said...

Nobody won! You used the box to start a fire:)

Hugs and Mocha,

Unknown said...

hahahaha... oooo that´s crazy! I feel badly for kids. They just don´t know what they want. then I feel badly for Moms. What we have to go through.
I think you had to take the box away or it ripped and they split it/ shared it.
Def. have to post the outcome.
These things get me keyed up. ;)

Susie said...

I would let them figure it out. That way, you are teaching them problem-solving skills. If they can not resolve it peacefully, you take it away and no one gets it. I think that is what you did:-)

Becky said...

Like several others have mentioned, I think I'd go with Mom put it in the garbage (or recycling!). That's what has happened in our house on a few occasions :)

Liz Mays said...

And you just stood back and took photos thinking about what a great blog entry it would make....LOLOL

just another mother said...

Wow - that's funny, I tweeted about something similar yesterday w/ my 3 and 10 yo's!!! Kids.... gotta love em, even when you wanna scream!!!

Happy WW!!

Unknown said...

Hey even though you already have this award... wanted to re-state how lovely your blog is! Love it and it´s so fun to come visit!
Keep Christ first!
Dani Joy

Dee said...

I'm still laughing that you stood there and took pics of the whole thing and they didnt even notice you!

Stacy said...

I think V got the box:)

I usually tell them they need to figure it

So do I win the box???? LOL

Pilar said...

If my kids fight about a toy I just take it away so.... I am guessing that is what you did??

Serendipityissweet said...

Familiar struggle. I usually tell them they need to find a way to share and work it out. If that doesn't work I'd probably try to give them equal amouts of the things to settle the arguments. If it just escalates I'd be the mean mom and take all the boxes and say "no one plays with them if you can't play nicely." Grrrr, LOL.

Alicia W. said...

Oh yes! Sibling rivalry. NICE! :o)

jen@odbt said...

Looks like your girl is giving him quite a fight. I bet she won. I would have let them battle it out too.

Amber Dupree said...

My logic says to let the receiver keep it. You can't give something then take it back.

But, in real life, I would take the box away from both kids...and keep it myself (for important scrapbooking materials), or throw it in the recycle bin.

Staci said...

The intensity in her eyes! WOAH!!! We have these types of battles nearly daily! They resolve at my house by me putting the item on top of the fridge.... Great capture!

Kelli W said...

That is too funny and sounds just like my house! My vote would go to Veronica...Eli seems like a sweet big brother who would finally decide to share with his little sister! That and girls are good at getting what they want!

Laura said...

I would have told them if they couldn't figure out by themselves who got to keep it, it would be MINE! :)

Carin said...

What they say is so true, no one wants a toy, they want a box. did they share? Or did mom crawl inside and claim it?

Lauren said...

hahahahahahahahaha ... this is to funny!! I saw a lot of this in our home when we were foster parents to twin boys... a lot of this...

Sheila said...

I'm guessing your daughter won but the box broke so no one got it.

Jane In The Jungle said...

I'm saying Eli and I'm also guessing you let them work it out themselves as long as no blood was shed!!

Sawatzky family said...

This had me laughing out loud!
I am glad to see other peoples kids doing this! lol

latree said...

oh it happens!
but this one, i can not forget. so touching...

who won the box? you, I guess. so, do I win the box?

Unknown said...

This is awesome...I love the fact you had your camera right there...LOL!! Memories!!

really.truly said...

I bet YOU got to keep the box ;)

Was I right??

Sara said...

That happened with Logan and Tanner. They share a bunk bed, T on the bottom, Logan on top. Logan decided he wanted the bottom, got T all excited for the top. Then, when it was time for bed, he changed his mind. What did I do?? I wussed out cause it was bedtime and let him have his way, and talked T out of it. Sucky parent move.

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

OMGoodness I hate that. My kids are always doing that. It drives me nuts. I honestly have went back and forth on how to handle this situation. Now if it's something like a cardboard box I'd probably say oh well you lost it, don't give your stuff away. BUT if it's something like a important toy that makes it a bit different. I just wish they wouldn't give their stuff away to begin with! Jeesh. Great pics tho lol.

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

OMGoodness I hate that. My kids are always doing that. It drives me nuts. I honestly have went back and forth on how to handle this situation. Now if it's something like a cardboard box I'd probably say oh well you lost it, don't give your stuff away. BUT if it's something like a important toy that makes it a bit different. I just wish they wouldn't give their stuff away to begin with! Jeesh. Great pics tho lol.

Anonymous said...

This really looks like what goes on in my house on a daily basis. Lol! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog, i always enjoy the comments you leave. And yes we own the waterslide, we bought it last spring for the boys, we spend so much on birthdays every year with renting stuff for the kids to play on, we figured it would be a great investment. And it is alot of fun. If you lived closer you could borrow it.

Stephanie said...

Well she's female so I think she got it :) That's how it usually works,right?

This happens all the time around here. Jacob gave Lucas his watch because Lucas' broke and Jacob said he didn't want it anymore. A couple of weeks later Jacob wanted it back again...end of story he has it but we go through it all the time!

tiarastantrums said...

well I know what I would have done - trash bin!

Nina said...

Kids are so funny! My boys are much younger but we do have the same issues.

Brenda said...

Its all preparation for life. . . some of us are still fighting over the "the box" :)

Jane Anne said...

Boy, this happens all too often at my house. I wish I were consistent in how I handle this problem. Sometimes, I say that it was given away and that is a done deal. Other times I say, talk about it and work it out or I am taking the item away and no one gets it.

You have to let us know what happened! Love the pictures!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

I think I would have gotten the box! But I have to admit this is definitely one of the pluses of having an only child ;)

Staci A said...

I would've probably just taken it. So much easier than listening to whining and fighting! lol (I guess that probably isn't the best solution though).

LucieP said...

we are just starting this *fun* phase!
My preference would be that the box ended up being torn and nobody got it...or lil bro got it from big sis which he deserves since he was asked to give it to her and he did and then she didn't want it anyway...until she changed her mind.
She is such a girl! :)~

Sara Elizabeth said...

Cute photos, even if they are fighting. hehe

Happy WW from Sara @ the Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q.!

McCrakensx4 said...

Sounds like my house, except the 2 voices are those of boys! I would have thrown all of the boxes away!! I know, I am a mean mom!

Cascia Talbert said...

I bet Mom won and got to keep the box. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Neisha said...

I think neither won, I'm thinking that you took it away and it's now sitting in the garage. : ) I go through this everyday. Will it ever end?

He & Me + 3 said...

I would have put the box in time out. For later.
Too funny though. It happens so much around here.
But I would say that Eli got it.

Julie said...

Uh oh! So glad that I don't have that kind of problem yet!

Mommy24cs said...

This is something that occurs in my house on a weekly basis between my two youngest! I say that neither won and you took away the box :o) That's what I would do anyways lol.

Thanks for following me back. You have gorgeous children as well!! I'm looking forward to catching up with your blog and getting to know you :o)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

My guess to this game is…
You told Veronica that the box now belonged to Eli, but you told Eli that God loves a cheerful giver and encouraged him to share with Veronica even though Veronica did not deserve to have the box back, reminding Eli that in pleasing God, he stores up treasures in heaven. Then you left it up to Eli to decide.


momstheword said...

Can't wait to see what you did. My youngest often wanted what his older brother had (four year gap) and his older brother was always giving in.

We keep telling the oldest "How are we supposed to teach your younger brother unselfishness and to share if you keep letting him have whatever he wants? Stop letting him have his way all the time!"

Anonymous said...

At my house I tell the kids either to work it out nicely or what ever it is they are fighting over becomes mine.

Love that you took pictures of the fight, you are such a blogger :)

Darcie said...

I would be one of those moms that would tell them to figure and workout together. And if they couldn't then guess who gets it...MOM!!! Its so fun figuring it all out.

debi9kids said...

In my house, it would end with mommy winning the box ;)

Happy WW!

Jenjen @GottaLoveMom said...

Depends on my mood..but most likely I'll put the box in the recycle-bin,

Muthering Heights said...

Hmmm, did you win??

gianna said...

that's awesome! by the way, your family is beautiful!

Amy said...

Funny! I would have thrown the box outside for the snakes! Haha. Thanks for stopping by today - glad you liked my WW.

louann said...

I think I will be too exhausted listening to the complaining and wining and ranting that I would just make them settle it on their own. Their gonna have to eventually learn to do so anyway! LOL.

Momisodes said...

You're so good. I usually do my best to ask my daughter to work things out herself, too.

My bet is with Eli!

Kelly said...

I am still loving that you took pictures of their arguement. Hold on to them for later bribery!!! :o) Have a great weekend!

Daphine said...

Too funny! Girl, you really capture the moments, don't cha? lol!

Krisha said...

Neither! I think you took it away from both of them.

Well....that's what I do when this situation happens in our home. If they can't get a long then they lose whatever it is they are fighting over.