Friday, September 11, 2009


I started "Friday Photo Flashback" because I have so many pictures from my PRE-digital camera days. I thought it would be fun to scan them and share them here with you. I'm having so much fun doing this, that I would love for you to join me, too! So dig out the photo albums and put your scanner to good use! Don't forget to sign in to MckLinky so we can all visit and comment on each others blogs!

I'm sure you can figure out that this was on Halloween! It's funny to look at that date, because exactly five years later, I would be giving birth to Veronica.

Anyway, Isaiah was a little over 2 years old and Miranda was almost 1 1/2. We went to my in-laws house after we took the kids to the mall so they could see them in their costumes. You know how grandparents always get a kick out of things like that!

It's funny how I used to think that Isaiah and Miranda were so active, but when I compare them to my younger two kids, they were like little angels!!!



Muthering Heights said...

Isn't that always the way? It makes you wonder why you ever thought they were wild, LOL!

Susan said...

Hey Alicia!

So blessed to join you this Friday! I thought this meme was a great idea, thanks for hosting this.

Enjoyed your picture, your children are precious!

Love you new makeover♥

The Blue Sparrow said...

The cutest darn elmo and cheerleader I have ever seen!

Denise said...

Such cuties.

Liz Mays said...

They are absolutely darling!

Robyn said...

They are darling! Fun to look at older pictures!

Jennifer said...

Oh my gosh, they're so little! And so cute! LOL! I love their costumes!

He & Me + 3 said...

Too cute. I love the costumes. Elmo is so cute.

Carin said...

Ahh, they look so cute!!

Mamí♥Picture said...

Love the costumes!

Collette@Jesuslovesmums said...

Hi Alicia!
Love this photo!! They look so so cute and Elmo is so sweet! How small were they then? Doesn't time fly!
Love Collette xxxx

Unknown said...

Love the photo with their grandpa.. Precious memory..

LivingforGod said...

They're adorable. Are you guys Cowboys fans :)?

For us, the first two kids were more challenging. Our youngest child is like an angel (I don't mind having 10 more just like him :)).

Anonymous said...

so cute!! :)

Susie said...

That is so cute but he does not look happy to be Elmo:-)

Veronica Lee said...

Too cute!! I think I will join you on Friday Flashback next week. Love the idea.

jen@odbt said...

They grow up so fast. sigh...

Very cute flashback!

Lorrie said...

they get big so quick....have a great day!

Hazel said...

Ah...grandpa is soo proud! They all look great. It's perhaps one advantage of having more than just one kid. Your vocabulary of comparative adjectives widens :)

Happy said...

They look super cute! Oh my...their little faces! I just want to squeeze their cheeks!

And they do look like a couple of wild ones! lol. :-)

Kimberly said...

Halloween photos are always such fun, and these are no exception! It will be October around here again in the blink of an eye!

Darcie said...

Would you just look at that little Dallas Cheerleader and Elmo...too cute!!

Thanks for linking me up.

really.truly said...

They are so cute! What do they think when they see those pictures now?! So little and so adorable.

Casey's trio said...

How cute! I don't think i ever realized how close in age your oldest two kiddos are.

Katy Montgomery said...

Too cute. I just love Halloween, mainly because it's the beginning of the holidays and I just love Christmas!! Our town hosts a great Halloween carnival and we all trick or treat the Saturday before Halloween. Gotta love small towns!!

Michelle said...

Too cute. Halloween is my most favorite holiday! :)

Susan Cook said...

That is a really cute photo. I love Halloween & Elmo. I always wanted my daughter to dress up as a cheerleader, but so far she hasn't.

Cute :)

Kelli W said...

They are too cute! I love the cheerleader outfit and Elmo is just adorable! We can't ever do the full suits like that here because it is usually still too hot and the kiddos would get way too sweaty!

Pam said...

Awww! Aren't they precious? This was when everyone was going through the Elmo craze, wasn't it? I remember one year everyone was fighting over Elmo dolls in the stores.

Nina said...

So cute! I love looking back at my kids old photo's. Especially when I look at the old of my oldest and see how much his little brother looks just like him.

Neisha said...

How cute!! They look adorable! Little Elmo and a DCC!! I loved the girls dresses for their Princess Ball. They looked absolutely beautiful!! I love to read your blog. Have a great weekend!

LucieP said...

I'm not playing along today but I could do it almost every day if I wanted--I love looking through and sharing old pics!!

Hope you have a great weekend!

Together We Save said...

Great picture!

Unknown said...

I finally joined today.. finally got to sit down at 10 ish. (my time) anyway...

What cuties! It´s so special to see Miranda as a tot. She is growing into a beautiful little lady!

Jane Anne said...

They were so cute! We had an Elmo one year. Maybe I'll have a cheerleader sometime, too.

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Such a cute cheerleader and Elmo! And it was Halloween? I dress my kiddos in costumes everyday! ;)

Stephanie said...

That is soo cute! Caleb was Elmo last! Love the picture of Miranda...time flies!

Anonymous said...

Miranda's face is SO sweet! It always amazes my how quickly children change form little ones to grown ones. Life goes on.

Daphine said...

Ahhhhh... they were still adorable back then too!