Thursday, December 9, 2010


When I reflect back on the last few months, I'm so thankful that the Lord allowed BIG doors to open for my kids to go to a private Christian school, and for also allowing me to work there as well. I know I've written about this before when I gave an update on changes in our family, but, it's just so amazing to me how the Lord totally knew my heart. He knew that although I was overwhelmed with homeschooling, I was not willing to give up. The only option (which seemed impossible at the time) was to send them (or even one) to a private Christian school. And not just any school, but one that we would be able to afford, and one that really focused not only on education, but also the kids spiritual walk.

When I prayed about just my oldest daughter going to this school, all I asked was for His will to be done, and not mine. Just a straight yes or a no. We would be satisfied with either answer because we knew that He knew what was best for us. 

I never imagined that the principal (who after only meeting one time for our orientation), would ask me a couple of days later if I wanted to enroll my four other children in exchange for me working there! And, mind you, my oldest daughter was accepted to go there on a 75% scholarship!!

I get to see my kids throughout the day, they are getting a WONDERFUL education, the teachers are awesome, I've made new friends, I get to fellowship throughout the day,  I get random hugs from preschoolers, and I get to work in a Christlike environment! Oh yah..and I get summers off too!! I could not ask for more!!

Wow...God's plans ARE definitely way better than ours!!!!

Proverbs 3:5-6
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths."

To read how others are thankful, you can click here to visit Iris's blog, "Grace Alone."


GottaLoveMom said...

i always admire your faith...and yes, it's true - we have to surrender to God's plan for us.

Susie said...

Sounds like you are living the dream.

Michelle A'etonu said...

wow! i am so happy for all of you guys :) God is definitely good!

gemini said...

Am so happy with you guys, family is one great blessing. Happy Holidays ahead.

Andrea said...

What an amazing testimony of God's ability to do exceedingly, abundantly above what we ask and think.

Joshlin said...

WOW! That is wonderflu! God answered your prayers and rewarded you faith! You are blessed!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

I'm so glad you guys are having a great school year! God is so faithful. He always meets our needs in amazing ways.

Blessings to you my friend!

Lauren said...

God is definitely SO good!!! :) I'm so happy that he provided like this for your family! :)

Jessica Kramasz said...

Oh wow - God has really answered your prayer in a very big way. What a blessing!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful testament to God's faithfulness and love for your family! I can't help but smile and rejoice with you. :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing...I actually really needed a reminder of this today :)

Darcie said...

This is really truly so beautiful how it worked for your family. I love when we can see God's hands in things so clearly. Thanks for sharing Alicia.

Kimberly said...

Amazing! Wonderful. Blessed!

Trish said...

I also love this verse! It truly is amazing when you put your trust in God because He's all knowing, he knows what's best for us. Thanks for sharing this! :)

Cathy said...

I totally missed this post, Alicia! I am so happy for you and the wonderful changes that have occurred in your family.

Whom God keeps is well kept, my mom always says. This is such a blessing. I know the feeling! I've been blessed to be able to teach at the same school that my kids attend also. I get to eat lunch with them every day! The great part is that they still WANT me to eat with them. :)

Yay for summers off!! I'm so happy for you. ((hugs))