Thursday, May 19, 2011

Soccer Girl

Our school has one soccer game left!

I never get tired of watching my kids play.

Here is my daughter leading the warm up.

And being a goofball.

Her and her bff.

Love this capture! But, the ball didn't go in!


Susie said...

What a great year it has been!!

Darcie said...

What a great shot...that last one! I would have never been the wiser. I would have thought a goal for sure. It's always hard to see any sport come to an end, but amazing how quickly that something else comes in to take it's place.

Angela said...

great shots. she is soooo pretty.

Michelle A'etonu said...

she's gorgeous!

Liz Mays said...

That had to have been quite a powerful kick there!

Anonymous said...

She looks like she loves it.

Buckeroomama said...

That is such a cool action capture, that last shot! :) And in that first photo... what were the boys ogling at --her legs? =)

XmasDolly said...

Very handsome young man, and your daughter with her bff. Goodness can ya remember way back when when that was us with our bff except I was playing softball. What were you playing Alicia?

louann said...

Wow she is pretty! Nice shots especially of the one where she was about to kick the ball.