Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wordful Wednesday

Sometimes you just gotta have that In N' Out Burger fix!

However, I do want to add that I will take a burger that was cooked on grill over this any day!


To view more WW, click here!


debi9kids said...

You know, when we traveled out west, I told my husband we HAD to find an In -n-Out Burger because all my CA friends had told me I had to try them.
So, we did and honestly, I was not as impressed as I was hoping I'd be :(
Maybe it's a west coast thing? Kind of how us east coasters love Pork Roll sandwiches? LOL

Veronica Lee said...

That looks sooooo yummy, Alicia!
Happy Wednesday!

Sasha said...

That loos sooo yummy! The day we get an in and out around here will be a day that my tummy is super happy. nom nom nom : )

Anonymous said...

This looks great! I haven't had a burger in sooo long.

Beth in NC said...

Girl! You and your food shots! Well, I took pictures and posted them today too. Ha.

Have a super blessed day. Now I'm hungry. :o)


louann said...

I've heard of those burgers. One of our local celebrities here even craved for In -n-Out burgers when she was pregnant and even had a friend bring her a burger all the way to the Philippines! I'm curious!

TheAtticGirl said...

That looks so good! I'd definitely have one of those.

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Yum Yum!!!!

Happy Wednesday my friend!

Stacy Uncorked said...

We used to have an In N'Out Burger here - but it closed a long time ago and left us with none! That looks yummy - guess I'll just have to live with burgers from the grill! ;)

WW: Curriculum Fair Fun with YoYo's

Susie said...

I have never had one of those!!!

Lyryn said...


Marice said...

now im hungry!!!!

Serendipityissweet said...

We don't have those here :( We did have a Backyard Burgers that was fabulous but sadly, it went out of business last year. I miss those burgers!

Happy WW :)

Anita Johnson said...

Looks like our "5 guys" burgers. And now I want one.