Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Random thoughts...
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Mother/daughter sleepover!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008
VBS coming to an end!!
Tomorrow night, we are having a mother/daughter sleepover at our church. We had one a couple of years ago and it was so fun!! The only difference now is that I'll be able to take Veronica also! I'll have lots of fun pictures! We also have our home fellowship at our house tomorrow evening, so I'm thankful for the friends that will be here to help my husband clean up!!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Happy 6th Birthday, Daniel!!!!
My grandparents left today back to Virginia. I know they are excited to be back home after being gone for almost two months. After I dropped the kids off at VBS, me, Miranda, and my mom dropped them off at San Francisco Airport. I made it back in time to pick the little ones up. My mom surprised them by getting them Mickey D's for lunch! The real excitement started for Danny when he opened his cards from my in-laws. What kid doesn't love getting Toys R Us gift cards? Shortly after my hubby came home, I took Danny shopping to use his money and gift cards that he received. He was on cloud nine!! He got EVERYTHING that he wanted for his birthday! My sister in law came over after work and we went to his favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner, and then home for cake! All the kids love the cakes I make them. They prefer that instead of one that I can order (go figure). They all love the same thing....yellow cake with chocolate frosting! Well, I'm pooped again. Gotta get up early for VBS!
Oh...and on a side note, Isaiah is not in any pictures because he is spending the week at his friends house. His friend Freddy was here this past weekend, and now they are switching to his I hope they don't get too sick of each other!!
Eli, Danny, & Veronica right after VBS
I love this picture of Miranda & Veronica. The colors were pretty, but I like how this sepia looks!

Being silly after dinner!
My sis in law with the girls
Miranda & Daniel
Close up of his birthday cake!
Monday, July 21, 2008
VBS (Vacation Bible School)

Sunday, July 20, 2008
Yum...our fave..crab legs!
Grandpa & hubby
Danny loves the calamari rings! (Onion rings to him)..shhh!
Watching their 63rd anniversary DVD on the puter. Look at grandpa snoring! Veronica sitting with my mom. Four generations right there (me taking the picture).
Grandpa say "cheese!"
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Great weekend!!!
My Daniel!!
Miranda chillin'
Done swimming!
It was my friends son's birthday party yesterday, so the kids went swimming again!! They have an awesome pool at their condo! In fact, this is where the kids go swimming sometimes during the week. Thank God they live 5 minutes away!!
Miranda playing some worship songs.
Happy Birthday, Josiah!!
"J" & Veronica
Eli having fun!
Danny, Miranda, Isaiah, & Eli
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Happy Birthday, Isaiah!!!
So, here is a recap of his birthday-day!
His friend Freddy spent the night on Thursday (he is in the picture below). On Friday morning, Isaiah & his buddy stayed home while I took all the kids to church for camp. When I came back, I was supposed to take them to breakfast, but they decided they'd rather go out for lunch instead. That was fine because it gave me a chance to straighten up around the house. So, at 11, we headed out to (where else) Macaroni Grill. Gosh, it seems like we're there every couple of weeks! When we were done, Isaiah asked if we could go to Starbucks so he and Freddy could get a decaf white chocolate frappucino. Anywho, got their "coffee" and then headed home so we could put our leftovers in the fridge. So then I tell Isaiah that I had to do an "errand" at T-Mobile before we head back to church to watch the kids play/musical. He had no idea I was planning on upgrading his phone. The one he had was fine, it just didn't take video. So, now his new upgraded phone takes video, plus more. He is stoked, to say the least!!
Anyway, after the play, my sister in law tells Isaiah to get his gift out of her car. He comes back in the gym and lo' and behold he gets a PSP, video game, plus cash. There was also a gift card in there from my mother in law. One of his buddies also gave him a GameStop gift card, and also got $40 from his other buddies. He was so blessed last night, and I was so happy for him!! Oh...and five of his friends spent the night and are going to the movies this afternoon. They are all such good boys, and although they can get loud and want to wrestle and box each other (with gloves of course), they are very respectful to me!! It's kinda funny being called "Mrs. Minyard." LOL. I was bummed yesterday because my hubby forgot to bring my camera to church. So, I don't have any pictures or video from the play!!!!! The only ones I have yesterday are from our lunch at Mac Grill.
Birthday boy!

His buddy Freddy (one of the SWEETEST boys ever)!!

They tore up that cake!!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Well, today is Day 4 of camp, and I didn't have to do one thing! I mean, my friend took all the kids for me (normally I do it and stay at church to help out) and she ended up staying there all day. It was totally perfect timing because I was able to do so much at home. Tomorrow, the kids have a play at 4, and then I need to come home right away to get ready for our home fellowship.
Tomorrow is Isaiah's birthday. I can't believe he is going to be 12!! He is just as tall as me now (scary)!!! I'm going to surprise him in the morning and take him to T-Mobile to upgrade his phone. He has no idea! He's really responsible with the one he has already, but I know he would really appreciate one that can take video. I'm also going to take him out to breakfast. We're due for a "mommy day out" anyway, so tomorrow is perfect for that! Anywho...I'll post pictures tomorrow, and maybe even a little clip of the play!! Be blessed!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Wordless Wednesday....
Well, kinda wordless. The quality from this picture isn't that great. It was in the gym, and there wasn't enough light for my cell to take a good picture. Anyway...3rd day of camp, and it's going great. Went out for Chinese food with my friend and I was super stuffed the rest of the day! I think I'm taking a day off tomorrow from helping out. I know, I said that before, but my friend said she will take all the kids to church in the morning. This gives me time to really clean up!!
Veronica & Juju (again)
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Day camp-Day 2-HOTTTTTT!!
I didn't take too many pictures today since it was pretty much a repeat of yesterday. Here are Veronica and two of her little friends during "break" playing Ring Around The Rosie, and a close up picture of my friends son. He has such beautiful eyes and I love how the picture captures it!!
"Ring Around The Rosie......"
Love "M's" eyes!!
Monday, July 7, 2008
2nd Summer Day Camp-Day 1
Had to take a picture before they went in!
Veronica (in the middle) and two of her little friends!
Isiaiah, Jeremiah, & Eli
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Happy Anniversary hubby!!!!!
Oh my husband and I totally forgot it is our 12th year anniversary today (although we starting going out in 1988)!! My daughter handed me a card when we got home from church and in the front it said "Happy Anniversary." I still didn't catch on until I opened it up and it was a card for my hubby & I! I was like, " you know what today is???" LOL, I was just as guilty as him! With our anniversary right after the 4th of July and two of our boys birthdays coming up, it just got forgotton about. How sad is that! Well, still no excuse! Anway, we have church again tonight, so we can't do anything special later. I'm sure we'll plan something next week (God willing). Either way, it really doesn't matter if we do or don't. I'm just so thankful to have a husband that is so committed to me and our family. He is just one of those hands on dads and works hard so I am able to stay home with our children. Thank you, Lord!!!
Well, the only picture I took today was with my Blackberry, and it was me getting some of the kids in the car. Of course, here is Veronica hamming it up again. I just love this dress anyway and wanted to take a picture of her in it!!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
San Franciso outing!
SF Zoo!!
Veronica & grandma
Eli & Daniel
Loved the flamingos!
Looking at the penguins.
Miranda posing again!
Love his little face!
My lil' monkey!
At Emmy's Chinese restaurant. Yummy!
That's how we do it!