Tuesday, January 13, 2009


A few weeks ago, I made a promise to my in-laws that I would start my low carb eating plan with them. They kept up their end of the deal, but I have not. With my sister being here and going out to eat (here come the excuses), it was just so hard, and temptation got the best of me!

You know how you get to that point where you had enough? Well, that is me, and I decided to keep my word to my in-laws and start my low carb plan. I did this years ago combined with a treadmill, and the inches came off. For me, this is what works, and is also realistic for my lifestyle. Since then, the treadmill broke and I got back into my bad eating habits. But, no more! I know with the Lord, anything is possible, and I can only do it with Him. He knows what our weaknesses are, and He can sympathize with me, yet His strength will help me to keep me on track.

My husband runs and plays soccer twice a week, plus plays basketball at church on Sunday evenings. He always encourages us to get out more during the day and to be more active. The weather has been great the last two days, and last night we all went to the Sports Center and walked around the track. My husband and eldest son ran while I walked. Baby steps, right? I'm looking forward to doing that again tonight, and my husband is more than excited that I'm making that effort. So, this is not a "New Years Resolution", rather I'm making changes to a healthier lifestyle. Oh..and another great thing I almost forgot to mention. Me and a few girlfriends from church plan on walking around the parking lot after the Sunday night service instead of sitting in the cafe talking for two hours! We're also keeping each other accountable too during the week! So, here's to a healthier me!!!



Kelly said...

I am so famous for that!! It does help to do it with someone though! Accountability is key!!

Laura Lee said...

Fantastic, Alicia! Please share more. It seems that the carbs are a big problem for me and my near-death metabolism, too.

The weather has been great, huh?! We left yesterday with jackets on--big mistake. Being originally from Chicago, I am loving winters in California!!! Woo-hoo.

Anonymous said...

We can help each other out!!! I am going to stick with it and loose my extra poundage!!

Sara said...

The weather helps things so much doesn't it?? It's been so nice here, I had the windows open for a while yesterday. Good luck! You can do it!

Laura said...

Good for you, Alicia! I am starting to change my lifestyle, too. I am getting my friend to go with me to the gym 3x a week, tomorrow is my first day and I am nervous!!! We'll have to help each other keep accountable, too! I need lots and lots of motivation, lol.

Anonymous said...

I know you can do it! It's great that you actually have a plan which you know works for you, so you can keep that in mind when you feel like 'taking a break' and be encouraged that there will be results!

Sweet Blessings said...

Rooting for you!!Amanda:)

Anonymous said...

Hey...I here ya girl! I am doing the same thing...Emily and I are going to get started with the dvd in a few minutes! I decided I am doing it mainly for my health and then if I lose some weight in the process I will consider that a bonus!! I seem to be able to stick to it better when I think on those terms...instead of like I am depriving myself just to lose weight...does that make sense??

Anyway...I want to do the picture tag but I wasn't sure how to link it back to your blog and the others that I tag....in other words..I'm a little confused!!

Aubrey said...

Here's to a healthier you! Baby steps, that's where I'm starting! You can do it!

He & Me + 3 said...

That sounds like a plan. I wish we lived closer. To a healthier you! Cheers!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

That's great Alicia! I hope you can keep up with it! I am sure with the accountability of others you can. Keep it up my friend! You'll get there!

JMBMOMMY said...

I am joining you (I started Jan 2!) -- good for you!! Yes, baby steps, baby steps!!! We can do this!

Stephanie said...

Yay for you! I really think that if I had someone to do it with I would be able to commit alot easier. I have a hard time making myself stick to it.

Mrs. Chief said...

So proud of you Alicia

Susie said...

You go!! That is awesome:-)

Mc Allen said...

I am so proud of you!! You can do this and when I get back from NM Im going to try and do it too...I lost 100 pounds on low carb 3 years ago, I just have to be careful because i get so legalistic... I just know your gonna do great and I cant wait to hear!! ( if your struggling, let us know and we will rally!! ) ♥ LA

The Farmer Files said...

You can do it! I got to that fet up point and lost 20 lbs below my pre-pregnancy weight doing the low carb diet!

Anonymous said...

Good luck! I know you can do it!

tiki_lady said...

I am like that too, but baby steps are good! We can't expect to fly until we learn to take the leap of faith! You can do it.

Lisa said...

You go girlfriend, and keep me posted. We have had such record cold temps I have not made it to the gym.

Denise said...

You go girl, you can do it.