Friday, January 9, 2009


Well, not what you think, and not really "out" as in the literal sense of the word!! My eldest daughter decided to build a fort last night in the living room. She put some chairs together and draped blankets over and around it. She even made it comfy inside by adding more blankets and stuffed animals. On top of that she had bottled water and fruit snacks in case we got hungry! That's my girl! Of course, it was an "all girls fort", so no boys allowed, not even to peek in!

She was trying to talk me into staying home from my bible study so I could just stay in the fort with her and Veronica. I told her I'd be back before she knew it, and I PROMISED I would go back in the fort with them! When I was "all ready" to join them, I made hot cocoa for us and I let them have some other snacks. Might as well go all out, right? I kept telling them to keep it down so the boys wouldn't come out and want to see what we were up to. Is that mean? Anyway, we started taking pictures of us in the fort with my cell phone. My camera flash on my cell is so bright. It's literally like using a regular camera! We were laughing at alot of them because some of them came out so funky. We couldn't see when we were taking the pictures because it was too dark to make out our faces on the screen. Some of them had our body parts missing or chopped off, and in some of them our eyes are so squinty! I did endure, and slept in the fort ALL NIGHT. I woke up with a little ache in my back, but that's okay. I know my daughter was so happy that I did this with them! Honestly, so am I!! Moments like those are priceless!

My girls!
Trying to get a decent picture in the dark!
She had to approve the pictures of herself because she knew I was going to blog about it! Girls!
They wanted to take a picture that looked like they were sleeping!


Melissa said...

cute! we made a fort with Kendra today too, and it was so fun to crawl inside there and giggle with her!

The Farmer Files said...

Just starting to catch up! Happy New Year!

Alicia W. said...

Moments like that make for the best memories! :o)

Stacy said...

This is something they will remember forever!!

Happy Friday!!

He & Me + 3 said...

How fun...that is definitely a You're gonna miss this moment. Hope you back is ok...My kids love to make forts too.

Anonymous said...

Your girls are so looks like you guys had alot of fun. Times like that are the ones they (and you) will look back on and cherish. The comment before mine is exactly right...that was a you're gonna miss this moment!! Keep making those memories with the are a sweet mom.

Anonymous said...

I bet they'll be telling every other kid they know what a cool mommy they've got. That is a very sweet girls' moment!

Jane In The Jungle said...

Those are wonderful!! Don't ya love times like these with them!

Laura said...

Oh my gosh, that is too fun! Definitely memories your daughters will cherish forever. I cant wait until my kids are old enough to do that, hehe :)

Kimberly said...

This is the SWEETEST! Go Mom for sleeping in the fort all night! :)

Anonymous said...

HOW FUN!!! That is something that will always be remembered. The picture of them "sleeping" is the cutest thing ever :)
Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

First of all. Can't believe you guys kept the boys out.

Looks like they had a blast.


Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

That looks like a blast! What a great memory!

Jane Anne said...

You are such a great mom to do that. You made more than priceless photo ops- you made a special memory. Thanks for sharing. It reminds me it is okay to be a little uncomfortable and have fun with the kids. They will remember that for a long, long time!

Aubrey said...

This is something they will remember forever! As I'm sure you will to! What a fun thing to do with your girls. A "girls night out" indeed!

April said...

Hi Alicia,

So happy you dropped by! Your daughters are beautiful! What a great mom you are for just letting go and having some fun time with them. Trust me, they'll remember it forever and a day!

Debra Kaye said...


Your girls are just precious and I love how they 'mocked' sleeping for their photo op! So girls!

You are such a great Mom! What a great memory you made with them!

Happy Friday, my friend!

Davisix said...

Awww, what a sweet sweet post and what a COOL mom you are! :) Love it!!! xoxo Ang

Muthering Heights said...

That sounds like so much fun! Special girl time is the best...especially with hot cocoa. :)

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

how fun..what a good mommy, I don't think I could have done the whole night! lol. love the pics!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh how sweet! What precious memories! I love the pictures. Too cute!

Susie said...

How fun is that?

McCrakensx4 said...

Too much fun! My boys love to make forts too! I love that fact that you slept there all night...what a trooper! That is a You're Gonna Miss This moment! Thanks for sharing!

Daphine said...

I LOVED this post Alicia! How fun and soooooooooooo sweet! You're right.....these moments are priceless!

Lisa said...

I remember the fort making days and my kids do it too and oh when I participate I can feel your back pain, truly a time we will miss.

Everyday Mom Designs said...

That is so cute and fun! Good job sticking it out!

Oh, and yeah, I took tylenol for my back (I'm breastfeeding).

Unknown said...

What a fun Mom you are : ). Your girls are so creative. We used to love making tents in the living room when I was little. We always had to let my brother play though. I am sure it would have been much more fun if it was a girls only tent : ).

Denise said...

Fun, fun.