Thursday, January 22, 2009


I'm so excited to do my first giveaway! I totally forgot to do one with my 100th post, and then my 200th post was right around Christmas time. Finally, I decided to wait until my 250th post, and IT IS FINALLY HERE! I had no idea I would love blogging as much as I do now, and on top of that, meeting so many awesome bloggy pals! That's the bonus!

Now, first about the GIVEAWAY!!

So, for the sake of my love for blogging, the winner will receive a CUSTOM BLOG MAKEOVER (sorry, no Wordpress Blogs)!!! It is so fun to have your own original page, so for you dedicated bloggers, I know you can appreciate this! I will be giving you the choice to pick from one of these two awesome ladies to create your new and improved BLOG LAYOUT!!

Tina is the gal who did my blog makeover. You can find her design blog here. I can tell you right now that she is sooo easy to work with! I never felt like I was bugging her, and she made it a point to make sure I really liked what I saw! She has a great personality, and you will be super blessed! By the way, she is the host of the Friday meme, Grilling Goodness!

Tara is from Our Princess In Pigtails, and I'm sure some of you have already heard of her! She is the gal who was doing the free favicons until she got bombarded with tons of requests. Now, she has started her own blog layout business and already completed her first makeover! She is so helpful and super friendly! You will be blessed by her too! Her blog design page is here!

So, the winner can check out both of their design profiles and kits, and then decided which one they want to go for! They are equally fabulous in my book! I will then notify Tina or Tara to set it up, and they will take care of you from there!

Now, the RULES:
1. Leave me a comment telling me you want to participate in the giveaway. That counts as one entry.
2. If you post about it on your blog, you will get you a second entry (but please let me know you did that, so I can make sure I put your name in twice).
3. If you are a follower (or you would like to become a new one), that will give you a third entry!

Ya still with me? That's it..pretty simple, right?

The deadline to enter is on Saturday, January 24th at 11:59pm (West Coast Time). I will pick the winner (by random drawing) on Sunday, and it will be posted that evening!

I'm so excited to see who wins!!



Anonymous said...

How cool! Count me in!

Elisabeth said...

I would LOVE to enter this contest! Thank you so much for this opportunity!! I am also a follower... Let me know if you would like a separate comment stating that I am a follower. When I blog this contest on my blog, I will come back post a comment stating it and leave a link for you.

Thanks again for this opportunity!

L2L said...

Alright Alycia, going to get this right:
1. I want a chance to win this blog makeover, yeah baby!!!
2. Already got a post up on my blog!!
3. And I'm already a follower, I'm the double hearts.
Sorry for the deletes, I double posted and then linked back to your blog and not mine. Oops

Lisa said...

Count me in Alicia, I would love to win a makeover. I was going to invest but I had a wave of guilt come over me given the fact I have comitted to become cc debt free this

Lisa said...

I posted about your blog and I was glad to do it...your blog rocks.

Shoebee said...

Please enter me in the contest. I believe that I am already a follower, and I am going right now to post about it on my blog. Thanks

Shoebee said...

Okay Alicia, already posted
Thanks for this awesome giveaway.

Debra Kaye said...


I so need a blog makeover. I'm leaving a comment so that's one entry and I've been a follower so that's two...right? Yay!

I'll try to get that posting up too!

Congrats to you on your 250th post, my friend. You are an awesome blogger buddy and I'm lovin ya!

Hugs to you!

really.truly said...

Count me in---I'm a follower as well! I'm so glad I found your blog:)

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

I'm in and I'm a follower!

Anonymous said...

Yes I would love to enter the contest! I am fixing to go post it on my blog and I am a follower! So that's three chances for me....yay me! Hope you have a great day!

Susie said...

Well, I just redid my blog so I don't need a makeover. But, I did want to congradulate you on your 250th!! That's amazing!

Denise said...

Great giveaway.

McCrakensx4 said...

OH! OH! OH! Pick me!! Pick Me!! I ssooo want to play! Please count me in for this great give away! So that's 1 entry...I am a follower, that's 2 entires, and I will post about it today after work, that's 3entries! Lucky me...3 entries...I am so excited!

McCrakensx4 said...

Oh and silly me...Congrats on your 250th! (I know it's not all about me all the time!) You ROCK!!

Krisha said...

Hi Alicia!
Please enter my name 3 times!  Yes, that right!
1.  I would like to participate in the giveaway!
2.  I posted about your giveaway on my blog.
3.  I am follower of your blog, you rock!
Congrats on your 250th post!

Angela said...

Oh my..would love to enter, but I'm getting a new blog makeover..Scrapping Servant is doing mine!! I told her I would be her 'guinea pig',lol. I will be the first blog makeover she will be doing. I LOVE your makeover, Tina did an AMAZING job!! What a sweet gift you are giving to someone..that is a HUGE blessing girl..((hugs))

Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

Girl thanks for the prayers! I want to enter! I am a follower too!

Anonymous said...

What a cool contest and congrats on the 250th post!! I am not going to enter just because I entered Tara's contest and won my blog makeover just the other day and let me just say she does a FANTASTIC job. Good luck everyone!!

Sara said...

Very fun! I'm in! You know what?? I'm not even a follower yet, and I check your blog all the time! Laziness... I will add you right now!

Sara said...

Ha ha - I just went to add you and you were already on there! What a dork!

Samantha said...

Congratulations on your 250th blog!! Don't worry about entering me as I have already won a makeover from Tara. I'm excited to see what she will come up with for my blog. Your blog is so cute! I always enjoy visiting you and seeing what is going on in your life. God bless you always!

Anonymous said...

To funny. You are really into this.

Congrats !


He & Me + 3 said...

I get two entries...& since I am the reason you got all crazy about blogging that gives me 10 entries. LOL Congrats on the 250th post! You Rock!

Anonymous said...

I loves me a giveaway!! I would totally have Tina do it too (she did my current blog design) I am adding myself as a follower right now!!

Daphine said...

Hey..Hey...Hey! Count me in friend! I think that I am already a follower, but will double check to make sure.

Congrats on your 250TH POST!!!!! WOW! That's big!

Happy Thursday!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Congrats on the 250th post! I don't need the blog makeover, but thanks for hosting it! You're a great blogging friend! And yes, who knew we would like blogging so well!

Nicole Marie said...

Haha..I totally want to be included in the giveaway. #2 I already follow you

Laura Lee said...

Alrighty, I'm in--what a great idea!!

Oh, and I'm blogging about ya, too!

Do somewhat-old followers count??


Kimberly said...

Gee, all I did for my 250th post was, umm, I don't remember. ;) You rock!

Color me entered, okay? And I'll get back to you on the blogging it. I'll have to try and sneak time in for that.

Aubrey said...

What an awesome giveaway! As you saw, I just had mine redone! I can't wait to see who the lucky winner is!

Sweet Blessings said...

Woohoo how fun! I cannot believe you've written 250+ posts! That's amazing! I'd love a make-over in any form-lol. I always love posting about you-I so appreciate your heart for others that is easily seen even through just knowing through your blogs. I'm a follower-woohoo makes 3! Blessings to you! Amanda

Beth in NC said...

Woo hoo -- count me in too. I get THREE entries. I gave you a shout out on my blog and I am now a "follower" ha. You can follow me too if you'd like. I love having new friends!

My blog could use a face lift!!!

Thanks Alicia!

Laura said...

Oooh, I would love a makeover!!!! Youre so kind to do a giveaway =)

I've got you subscribed via google reader.. does that count?? I actually have no idea what the following thing does.. LOL.

Muthering Heights said...

That's an awesome giveaway! I'd love to be considered. :)

joanofalltrades said...

ooo ooo pick me pick me! I really want an extreme blog makeover. I will be posting about this tomorrow in my Freebie Friday post. Thanks!

Jane In The Jungle said...

LOVE the new look!! I really would like a personal touch make-over! Put me in, and I'm following!

Jane In The Jungle said...

P.S. Congrats on 250th, that's amazing!! And I'm stealing your button!

McCrakensx4 said...

Come take a look...I just posted about your give away and I dared anyone to enter!! So that's 3 for me!!

Unknown said...

Alicia : ), you are so cool. Thank you for this giveaway. It is very thoughtful of you. Blogging is fun, isn't it? It's like free therapy : ).

Andy said...

I want in! I'm an follower and a friend. wink wink.

McFurr said...

I would love to enter!

McFurr said...

I am also now a follower

Jane Anne said...

Oh, this is fantastic! Count me in. I'd love to win and I am overdue for a blog makeover.

Stephanie said...

I'd love to enter your contest! I also posted about your giveaway and am a follower.

Have a great day!

Tammy said...

What a great contest! Congratulations on your 250th post. I really like the designs at For Goodness Sakes - but both ladies are really talented!

Kelli W said...

I'm in. And I am a new follower too! My blog could use a SUPER new look!

Julie said...

How fun! I wanted to do a blog makeover contest for my 300th post, but It would've been "You can win now, but I may not get to it for awhile." LOL! I didn't think that'd go over well! :)

Can't wait to see who wins & how it looks!

McKsMom said...

I would love to enter for your give away. I have posted about it on my blog and I am now a follower of yours! Your family is beautiful. I love the picture of your husband and girls at the ball!

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

um yes please!!!
I'm commenting.
Ive posted on my blog..
And I'm a faithful follower!
Yippeeeeee <3

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

oh such a gimme gimme I am, where are my manners...congrats on your 250th post!!! Your blog rocks and you've come a long way baby mmmuah! <3

Simply Stacie said...

Oh I really want to win this!!!!

Simply Stacie said...

I'm a follower.

Elisabeth said...

Hi Alicia! I just posted about this give away on my blog. The link is

This will make it my third entry! Remember, I made a comment already, and I'm a follower! Thanks again for this opportunity!

Mimi said...

Ooh, I would love to win!

betty said...

Alicia from Confessions of a Snowflake sent me over; I would love to win a blog makeover; I get so busy reading blogs I have had no time to "spruce" mine up


momstheword said...

O.k., here is my comment, I have been a follower for quite awhile (hey, I know a good thing when I see it) and I just did a post about it. So that makes three....wooohooo!

Simple Midwest Mom said...

Oh I hope I win! I would love to have a look all my own for my blog. I cna't ever find the pre-mades that really reflect me! Thanks for the contest Alicia. I am getting ready to do a post on mine too about the contest, thanks. That gives me 2 entries?

tsslug said...

Congrats! I love reading your blog
God bless

Sheryl said...

oh enter me please!! and congrats on reaching 250

Sheryl said...

i am following now too

Abby said...

Sign me up! I would love a makeover! And happy #250!

hello said...

fun give away Alicia!

Ruthie said...

I would love to win a blog makeover. I have changed mine several times, but never had a complete re-do.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

I am searching for a new layout, so this would be perfect, yours is adorable!