Thursday, March 5, 2009


I'm participating in a year long challenge, created by Carin. The goal is to be in one picture a week, for 52 weeks. Since us moms are always behind the camera, this gives us a chance to get out in front and be in the pictures with our family. Fun challenge, right? You can join too! Carin has added a Mr. Linky on that we can check out each others pictures.

This is just me and my oldest daughter, Miranda! I never used the "sepia" setting before so I thought I would just try it out on Photobucket! I think it looks pretty cool!


Debra Kaye said...

You girls are beautiful, Alicia! Thank you for the sweet comment about Krystle...I don't have a lot of current pictures but that one was taken at her graduation.

Happy Thursday, my friend. I hope all went well yesterday with the surgery. You were in my prayers.

Robyn said...

You to look great together!

I really like the Mom's day in pictures!

Shasta said...

I like the sepia setting too. This is such a great picture!

Kristin said...

Your daughter has such beautiful eyes!

Carin said...

This is such a beautiful picture of you two. I like the sepia tones very much.

Darcie said...

Great picture with you and your both make 'sepia' look great. :o)

Laura said...

Great challenge!!! You need to do a full body shot, lol! All your pictures are head shots ;) But who am I to talk? haha I hardly post any pictures of myself!

He & Me + 3 said...

Very cool and I love sepia pictures. You both are so pretty!

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Wow...your daughter has one intense gaze. Beautiful pic!

Sharon said...

What a beautiful picture! It's fun to play with our pictures and make them look so professional

Denise said...

Two cuties.

Debbie said...

It is lovely photo!

Kim said...

Great picture!

3 Bay B Chicks said...

I love that you are still following through with your photo challenge! Dedicated girl. (If you were like me, you would have abandoned this effort long ago.)

Thankfully, you are not and I still get to see your lovely photos. :)


Anonymous said...

It will be so cool in a year to look back at all the photos that you actually got to be in! You will be so glad you did this...I should do it but I hate pictures of me!!!!!!!

Kristin said...

I love the sepia setting as well - we used it a lot for our wedding photos - it adds a nice touch. You two are both beautiful in this picture!

Aubrey said...

You two are just lovely! I love the sepia color too!

momstheword said...

It does look cool. What a great picture! And no, I have't heard of Zumba (or however you spell it). I'll have to google it.

LucieP said...

gotta love self pics! I have many many many!!!

Kelli W said...

What a great picture! I love it in sepia!

R and R Stacy said...

Gorgeous darling....gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

I did not know that Photobucket had a sepia setting. That looks so cool. I learn so much from you!!!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

It does look cool! And you two look beautiful!

Unknown said...

Sepia looks good on you : ). Hee Hee.

chelle said...

I am doing the same challenge. Love your photo. CUTE! m