Friday, March 20, 2009


I love taking pictures of my family, and I have so many from my pre-digital camera days! So, every Friday, I plan on scanning an old photo and sharing about it!

This is a picture of me and my eldest son Isaiah in 1996. I can't believe he was ever this tiny because now he is taller than me and practically has a "man voice." And he's going to be 13 years old in July! But, I remember this day like it was yesterday! He was one month premature due to a placenta previa. It all happened so fast, and I think that moment was just so surreal to me. When you are pregnant with your first child, you don't even think that there may be any complications at all. I just thank God that he pulled through! He had to stay in the NICU for a week because on top of the antibiotics he was getting, he ended up with jaundice. I tell ya though...there is no way to describe delivering a baby and going home empty handed. I mean, I knew he was going to be okay and come home eventually, but it was just weird to go out and people not know that I just had a baby. Hard to explain, but I'm sure you know what I mean.

This was the day after I gave birth. I was so anxious to see him. People were tripping out that I was walking back and forth from my room to the NICU to see him! He was 6lbs and 3oz!


Denise said...

Precious my friend.

really.truly said...

I've said it before....I love old pic's! This one is so cute, you look so cute. You look so young...and you look just like you do today-minus the glasses.

We had to leave the boys at the hospital as well. It DID feel so strange!

Susie said...

You are a beautiful new mother!!

Always a Southern Girl said...

I have a 13 year old too. I think 13 year old girls are much harder. Talk about attitude!!> Was I ever like that? My Mama says yes! LOL!! Cute pic. Thanks for sharing that.

Anonymous said...

You look so young!! I love the first pictures of a mom with her baby :)

Kelli W said...

I love your Friday Photo Flashbacks!!
You look SO cute!!
My oldest had to stay in the hospital for a week when he was born too, so I completly understand what you are talking about!

Amber Dupree said...

This picture is precious.

BeLoVed AiMeE said...


Beth had jaundice too and we had to leave her in the hospital for two was horrible!
our eldests are about the same age!! Beth will be thirteen in December.

hello said...

Precious Alicia..... I love these flash backs!
Also, I am posting at my blog again and have revamped it a bit, made it public again (but Chris does not want me sharing pics when it is public, only downfall). Now I can do the Meme's though, which I have been itching to do... but it was pointless before since only a handful of people could see my blog, lol!! Anyway, just wanted to let you know!

Julie said...

Such a sweet pic! Trevor was a month early & was transported to a children's hospital. He was there for a week. It's hard to go home empty-handed period, but with your first it's a little harder I think.

Melissa said...

awww, that's such a sweet picture! he was big for being a month early! what a scary experience for a first birth though! praise the Lord that everything turned out so well and that he's here today!

thanks for sharing!

Laura said...

Oh my goodness! You look soooo young!! Like a teenager, hehe.

Sweet Blessings said...

I LOVE your flashbacks. How big are you babies normally? Mine are in the 6lbs full term:) I have wanted to scan some too-and share, but it'll have to be after moving and baby:) Love you girl! Amanda:)

amanda said...

i love looking at your friday pictures too. so fun. i really need to start playing along.

McCrakensx4 said...

He is so little! He reminds me of my Colin; he too was 5 weeks early due to Placenta Priva and was in the NICU and looked just like your little one when he was born, although from the size of him now, you would never now!!! You look so young, what were you, like 12?!

Lorie said...

You look like a baby yourself!
NICU is a weird was a wonderful blessing for us but also so hard to leave her there and go home "emptyhanded"! Thank the dear Lord that yours and mine eventually did come home.

Beth in NC said...

You look like a child yourself. Very sweet!

He & Me + 3 said...

So haven't changed a bit. I know what you mean...I left the hospital empty handed without Actress too. Very sad.

Daphine said...

Girl, first of looked like a kid yourself. What a great photo to share and you always tell your stories so well, Alicia! I always enjoy them!!

Have a great weekend!

Mo said...

Aww. Baby boy. So sweet. I remember when the drs took Colt away from me to go give him a bath for the first time. I was like...I don't think it feels right to be apart...but he's all bloody so it's ok :) haha.

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Great photo!

And I know exactly what you are talking about...I could have written that myself. :)

Jack stayed in the NICU for two weeks after he was born. I hated leaving that hospital without him.

The whole time I walked to the car (in an underground garage) I kept imagining how my hand (that I was dragging along the wall) and my feet on the floor were connected to the walls and floor of the room he was in. My husband had to practically drag me into the car. I had refused to be wheeled out in a wheelchair because he wasn't going with me though it was hospital policy.

And that was just the beginning...I remember not wanting to leave my house...not wanting to see anyone for fear of having to explain the situation. Such a bizarre feeling...

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

This is such a fabulous idea!!!

I am stealing it... Ok, may I steal it?

R and R Stacy said...

Aww, cute baby!

Thanks for sharing your story. You are a beautiful lady!

Miti said...

Such a special picture. Flashback Fridays is a great idea for a blog. It's fun looking at all those oldies but goodies. I've heard people say that when a baby is premature, they grow up to be bigger and stronger than other kids. Hope so. When I went into labor with my little guy, my water broke as I was going to bed. Then he was born and everything seemed fine. My family came in right afterward but then I started to feel some cramps. I thought it was normal so I didn't think much about it until the nurse asked how I was doing. I told her about the cramps and she immediately told my family to leave the room. She said I was hemorrhaging. It was awful and scary too but eventually they were able to control the bleeding. I had been in labor for 24hrs and since my water broke, Mason also had to stay a week in the NICU. Fortunately, we were able to stay in one of the empty rooms in the hospital till he was released.

Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

What a wonderful idea! It is a great picture and memory!