Sunday, March 15, 2009


My friend Mariela planned another girls tea for my daughters and also for our friends daughters' on Friday night. It was perfect because the guys were at my house at our home fellowship. I will have to share pictures when my internet is back up and running because one of my friends put make-up on the girls for fun and my oldest daughter was loving it way too! She actually looked good, and it gave me a glimpse of her in the years to come! The first thing my husband says when we get home is, "Take that off right now!" LOL! But all the girls had fun and of course we had a little bit of dancing too! I think that's now becoming part of our "routine" when we have parties! Good fun though!! Anyway, just thought I'd give you an update. I'm glad I can at least blog from my cell!! Have a blessed Sunday,friends!!


Mel said...

i hope your internet is back up soon!! Wow you are a technological marvel to be able to blog from your cell!

Can't wait to see the pics it sounds like a great time!!

Denise said...

Sounds really nice.

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

Sounds like a fun time for the girls!

Anonymous said...

I bet you guys had a sounds that way! That is funny about the daughter will be 13 in two months and she started wearing makeup this year (7th grade). It does make her look older..but she is very good about making it look it's all good!

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

sounds delightful dahhhlings!!
hope you get your regular internet going soon!! love ya sweets <3

L2L said...

what fun, when my internet is down I think I go through witdrawals, lol. Can't wait to see those pictures!!!!!

Stacy said...

Sounds like a lot of fun. I'm be glad when your internet gets

He & Me + 3 said...

How fun...sounds just like my husband.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you can blog from your cell but I'm jealous!

Pamela said...

It sounds like you had a lovely time with the girls! :)

McCrakensx4 said...

Sounds like a fun tea party; can't wait to see the pics!

momstheword said...

I hope it gets running soon! Glad you can use your cell to blog! Looking forward to the pictures.

Aubrey said...

Ok! You are blogging from your cell? You go girl! LOL

Sounds like such a good time! Anytime there is dancing and a little makeup, there is bound to be fun!

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Sounds like a fun evening...
Hope your internet is up and running soon!

Unknown said...

What a fun night. Every time I read about the fun things your family does I want to move in with you : ).

Daphine said...

Sounds like great fun!

Girl, you are wayyyyyyyy better than me. I can barely use the cell phone that I have let something on my blog! I am so behind with today's technology. Seriously....

Have a fabulous week ahead!

Daphine said...

Sounds like great fun!

Girl, you are wayyyyyyyy better than me. I can barely use the cell phone that I have let something on my blog! I am so behind with today's technology. Seriously....

Have a fabulous week ahead!