Saturday, March 21, 2009


We finally got to take our puppy home this past Thursday! Our kids were just beside themselves as they could not believe the day had finally arrived!! You should have seen me at the store! I was buying everything I thought she would need! I was so tempted to buy her an outfit, but I thought I should wait for now. Besides, she looks so cute "as is!" It was like shopping for a brand new baby! But, before I get started, I want to apologize to all you animal lovers! When I used to see pictures of peoples pets, I didn't get all warm and fuzzy inside! But now, since having our own little puppy, I have taken pictures of her with both my cell phone and digital camera! I even uploaded them to my Facebook! Now, I would be the LAST, LAST, LAST person to even kiss an animal! I was the one who could not understand how someone could love a pet like their own family! I'm "one of those people"! I think she already knows she has us wrapped around her little paw!! Oh, and you should see the bed I picked out for her! Who wouldn't love THAT! She's got it made already! Next week, she'll be 8 weeks and we'll be able to get all her shots! We just love her to pieces!!! I could go on and on, but I'm sure you get the picture!

Isn't she sweet!!??!!
She loves her bed!


Melissa said...

She is so stinkin' cute!!!! I can see why you are falling head-over-heels! I would be too! (you're making me want a puppy!!!!)

ocmist said...

Did you ever find out what breed/s she is? I've been waiting for almost 10 mins. for her pics to upload and I still only have the top of her head on the top one and the top 1/3 of her body on the second one. Looks like she is turning red... The same color as our Dott. I'll bet they look a lot alike by the time yours is grown! It's way after midnight, so I'll probably have to come back when I've got more time to get a FULL look at her...

Linda (OC's Mom from )

Denise said...

Awwwwwww, she is so beyond cute.

Beth in NC said...

She is so precious! I can smell that puppy breath from here. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

Alicia W. said...

Oh Alicia! That face is just to die for! What a sweet sweet addition to your beautiful family. LOVE the name! Can't wait to see many more pics of the little cutie.

Have a great weekend.

Kelli W said...

She is too cute!! Puppies always look so sweet and innocent!

Julie said...

She's too precious! How could you not want to give her kisses?!?!?

Stephanie said...

She's so cute!!!!!!! Love Love Love her bed!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh how perfect and adorable, I actually squealed with delight!! (Seriously :D)

Anonymous said...

Oh my sweetness!!

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

What a cutie patootie! It's understandable how she has you wrapped around her paw.

I think we did things backwards. DH & I got a dog before having a family. She was our first baby...we did everything with her. But then 2 kids in 2 years happened and unfortunately we have little time for our pup, Marley. She still has a great life...just not as pampered as before, poor girl.

Mocha is lucky to have you all as a family!

He & Me + 3 said...

Oh my stinkin cuteness! How precious!

McCrakensx4 said...

She is about he cutest thing I have ever seen! My boys want a dog so badly, I am just not ready to take care of another thing though! Enjoy her!

Samantha said...

Apology accepted! LOL She is ADORABLE!!!!

Sara said...

How sweet is she!! How fun for the kids!

Laura Lee said...

She IS sweet--almost want one myself...almost. :D

momstheword said...

She is precious! I agree about your comments. I could never understand how people could love their dogs like they do.

But then I got my poodle puppy and I can hold her (I'm allergic to dogs) and now I understand. Well, to a point. I'm still not taking her out in a purse or painting her toenails.

Michele Williams said...

Oh... so cute!!! I just love puppies, kitties, babies of any kind!! Too cute!

Kelly said...

Awe, so sweet!! Can't wait to hear how it all works out!! Have agreat week!

Mozi Esme said...

Aww! What a cutie! Though I do find it amazing how other pets stink, but never mine... :)

Mo said...

Aww. Puppies are the best. Then they turn into dogs : ) haha. Enjoy them now!

Debra Kaye said...

Oh Alicia...cute doesn't even begin to describe that puppy! Wow...she is adorable. Hope you guys have a blast with her!

Big hugs to you!

Mel said...

ahhh Mocha what an incredible family you have!!

she is such a cutie.

Pamela said...

Absolute puppy perfection! What a sweetheart! Is Mocha a Welsh Corgi?

Congratulations on the adorable new addition to your family!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh she's adorable! I look forward to seeing more pictures of her. Hope you're having a great weekend my friend!

Aubrey said...

Oh. No.

My teeth are aching from all the SWEETNESS!


Muthering Heights said...

She is just PRECIOUS!!!! What kind of dog is she?

Daphine said...

Girl, girl, girl! She is adorable!!!! That bed she's napping on sure looks comfy! Ready for this? I am now letting Gooch sleep with me on the couch. Our friends are telling me that he'll be sleeping in our bed soon. hmmmmm...I REALLY don't think so. I love him, but that ain't happening. Lord, I hope you don't make me eat these words.

Enjoy your newest member girl. Let me know if you need any tips! I'm an ole pro!

Carin said...

First I said "Ahhhhh" and then I said "Ahhhhhh" again. She is SO adorable. What a great age to enjoy!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! She is so ridiculously adorable! I can't stand it! I am glad you have a new puppy to love! Kaish wants one so bad!

really.truly said...

She is soooo cute! You could just put her in your purse and take her everywhere. How fun!

hello said...

Awwwww..... how sweet!!!!

Miti said...

Congrats on your new addition! She's adorable! We've got a dog named Petey. I don't know what we'd do without him.

Laura said...

Oh my goodness, Alicia, your puppy is adorable!!! I just want to cuddle with her.