Monday, March 2, 2009


Here's to another week of things I "did not" do! Click here to go to MckMama's blog!!

Ever since I got my new make up, I have not been getting ready as soon as I get up just so I could put it on!! I'm sure there are better reasons for me to get ready and showered first thing in the morning!

When I went to the movies with my mom last week, I totally did not put M&M's in my popcorn again. Even I know how fattening the popcorn is just by itself!

I did not try to think of things to buy to put in my purse because it is so big!

It was not me who let my son get candy by the pound at the movies. A small bag of Hot Tamales did not cost $6+ dollars!! That is so not highway robbery! And you can believe me when I say I will never randomly buy candy like that at the threater again.

At an "all girls night out" at my friends house, we did not T-Pee our friends house! You'll read about this tomorrow! :)


Denise said...

lol, I love it!!

Christie said...

Good times huh!! i am jealous of your make up!! have a great Monday~

Angela said...

Oh how I miss t-peeing! I think I could have gone pro in that sport!!

Mo said...

hopefully it didn't rain after you t-pee'd the house. that is the worse! mushy toilet paper.

He & Me + 3 said...

Hot tamales are one of my favorites..I would have split the cost and the bag:) much fun! Can't wait to see the pics.

Beth in NC said...

Hey Sister! I have an idea for your big purse! Cook your own low fat popcorn and buy some regular priced candy and smuggle it into the movie theater! lol Not that I WOULD SUGGEST breaking the law and ROBBING the theater of making a killing off of their consumers. Hmmmmm. Nope, not me!

And you really make me want to try that makeup!

Happy NMM!

Debbie said...

Candy by the pound should be outlawed! It is always a rip-off.

Shasta said...

Those high prices are why I sneak my own food into the movies!! haha

Kelly said...

Everything is better with chocolate!! I use my BIG bag for treats for the movies!! :o)

Debra Kaye said...


When I get new makeup I do the same thing! lol

And how can you go to the movies and not get candy and popcorn? Too good!

Happy Monday, my friend! I've missed you!

Julie said...

That is the evil thing of big always have to fill them up!

Stacy said...

I think I might have to try the m&m's and popcorn!

It's awful how much they charge for stuff at the movies.

U still calling tonight?

Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

Those are fun! I love chocolate in my popcorn!

Anonymous said...

You are so funny!
That must be some really awesome makeup...maybe I will try it! I never get up and get ready first thing unless its absolutely necessary!! What kind of makeup is it again??

Laura Lee said...

Cannot wait for tomorrow!! :D

Kelli W said...

Great Not Me! Monday!! I still haven't tried the M&M's and popcorn...but I am going to have to soon! You make it sound so good, even if it is fattening!!

Sharon said...

Cannot wait to see the pictures!! sounds like so much fun. The prices they charge at the movies is terrible, especially how cheap popcorn is.
great,great post

Tanya said...

I love being excited about things like make up every morning. I mean, NO, not me!

Elisabeth said...

Great Not Me list! I totally DO NOT have an idea of whose house I'd like to t-pee right now!

Anonymous said...

I can not wait to read about the TP tomorrow :)

I have a huge purse and we always go and by the boxed candy at walmart before and I then just buy the popcorn and coke at the movies!!!
Great NM's
Have a wonderful day!!!

mama's smitten said...

Okay so the only benifit from having kids that have food allergies is that I don't have to buy them candy at the movies ! Girls night sounds like fun!

Erica said...

M&M's in popcorn sounds delicious! LOL at the TPing!

Daphine said...

I can't do without popcorn at the movies....but I can SURE do without the candy! Girl, you're so right! Highway robbery! Okay, I can't wait to read about you t-peeing someone's house. You?!?!?!?

Hapy Monday friend!

LucieP said...

oh my goodness that is hilarious!
Now I wanna try popcorn and m&ms...yummy!

Anonymous said...

Ooooo, you still have a mischievous streak in you with the tp naughtiness. I like that about you!

You're so cute with the new makeup happiness!

really.truly said...

You are too funny! M&M's in your popcorn.....sounds perfect.

Doesn't the make up go on so quick,too?! Love it!

Can't wait to see the t-peeing pictures. :)

momstheword said...

Awww, what a precious messy little face! Glad you had fun on your girl's night out! I hope you took pictures, lol!

McCrakensx4 said...

LOL and I totally agree with you about the movie candy! I never buy our candy at wal mart and then put it into my movie purse and take it with us! That would be breaking the rules! Happy Monday :)

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Ok, I'm going to have to try the m&ms in popcorn. Sounds yummy!

Susie said...

I love these:-)

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Great list! I remember the days of TPing friends houses...good times!