Thursday, March 26, 2009


You should have seen me yesterday! You would have thought I won the lottery! We got a package via UPS which was addressed to ME!
So naturally, I'm all excited and giddy, but I couldn't figure out who the person was who sent it. It had the return label but the gals name and company didn't ring a bell! My mind was working overtime to try to figure it out! While I was opening the package, this is what I was literally saying out loud.

"Who is Melissa??"

"What company is this?"

"Is this from a giveaway I won? But they would have contacted me!"

"Is this from Kelli from the Pay It Forward I participated in? Wow, she's fast!"

And can you imagine my entire family is just looking at me like, "Ooooooooooooooookay????"

So, I open it up, and this is what's in it! Hmmm??

I start thinking out loud again!

"What is this???"

"Is this a gift for Mocha?"

"Who would have my address and send me a gift?"

"Wow..I feel blessed!"

"Are these pockets?"

So, I hand them to my daughter who is trying to figure it out too! Finally, she says, "They're pillow cases!" I'm like, "Huh?? Pillow cases? Who would send me pillow cases??" (Mind you, I'm still thinking that somebody totally blessed me with a gift!) Well, I decide to look up the website to see if I can narrow it down to where they came from. On the website, I see this company sells Scandinavian design products. I'm still like, "Huh??"


They're not FOR ME! These are my sisters!!!! Since she lives in Hawaii, and many companies do not ship there. What she'll do is have it sent to me, and then I will mail it to her!! She usually gives me the heads up that "I'll be receiving a package in the mail," but this time she didn't! So, I refolded them nicely, put it back in the plastic it came in and shoved it back in the cardboard!!!

So much for me being blessed!!!


Anonymous said...

How disappointing is that?? You sound like me...I never get anything in the mail either!! Maybe we should just send each other!! Oh least your sister will be happy :o)

Susie said...

Ahh...what a let down.

really.truly said...

Oh bummer! I could feel the high and low you went through. When you said you shoved them back in the package I had to laugh.
Hope you get some big mail tomorrow!

JMBMOMMY said...

OH Snap--that is not cool! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Well poo!! Maybe tomorrow will be your lucky day!!

hello said...


Kelli W said...

I'm fast, but not that fast!! The package I sent should be there either tomorrow or Saturday!! Too bad this one wasn't mail twice in one week would be awesome!!

mama's smitten said...

Hey Cute new blog look! I have been sick :(. Missed ya!

Beth in NC said...

LOL ...

Liz said...

I bet that was kind of dissapointing! :-)

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

ahahaha suckah!!! just kidding. that stinks to be all excited and then it's your sisters lol. <3

He & Me + 3 said...

That was a big let down huh? Atleast you folded them back up...I would have shoved them back in all crumpled. LOL Kidding of course.:)

Jundy Bautista said...

ohhhh man...! i can't imagine getting a package, thinking it's all for me and then having to re-pack it! still, you did make me laugh with this posting... :-D

brionyskerjance said...

hahah that is awesome...that happened to me a lot when i was in school. all my friends that lived on campus would have their packages sent to my apartment so it wouldn't get lost in the schools slow mail system. i had a lot of roller-coaster moments then. haha

Melissa said...

LOL! That happened to me the other day too! I have quite a few of my Canadian friends that have their stuff shipped here, and then they come and pick it up. Usually they have it shipped in their name, so I never really get excited when I see a package, cause it's most likely not for me. Well yesterday a package came it was addressed to me!!! I looked at the return address and realized that it was for my friend and not me, and then I was totally bummed! :o( I really thought that maybe Curt had ordered me something on the internet just to be nice, or maybe someone had sent me something.

It's so dissappointing when that happens, eh?

Erica said...

Awh sorry you didn't get your surprise! I love getting unexpected things, it's so exciting, at least you had a few minutes of adrenaline rush! LOL!

Leslie said...

Booo! Oh man, what a letdown. Sending... condolences!

Stacy said...

That would so be! Well maybe you will "win" something from me!

Tabitha Blue said...

Aww that stinks... haha. I've had that happen before... my mom will have stuff sent to my house, and I get all excited about it, then have to take it to her. Maybe the next time it will be a present!!

Julie said...

That's hilarious...well, not really. Unless you didn't like them...then it's okay. :)

Muthering Heights said...

That was disappointing! :(

Lisa said...

NO heads up.....I would say I am keeping

momstheword said...

Bummer. Well, at least you had a little excitement today for a few minutes!

tiki_lady said...

LOL, well you had the fun of opening a package. LOL

Sara said...

Give me your address, and i'll send you a present in the mail! It's so fun to get stuff, that's sad that it wasn't for you... Seriously.. I'm not kidding!

R and R Stacy said...

Aww, that's so happend to me before. My street name is Mesa Wood and the package was suppose to be at the next street over Mesa sad for me. I hand delivered and explained what had happened. Ugh! lol

Alicia W. said...

Talking about bursting your bubble, lol. Awwww, Alicia! I hope a package comes in the mail JUST FOR YOU SOON! :o)

Aubrey said...

Oh NO!
But it did get a little giggle out of me!

McCrakensx4 said...

How sad, but there will be a day when you will be surprised!! They look really pretty!

Momisodes said...

Aww man.
What a let down :(

Neisha said...

Ahhh, bummer that they were'nt for you. They are pretty though. Did you get to see Twilight yet?
Thank you for the post about by dad.

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Thank you so much for letting me pick your very knowledgeable brain about homeschooling tonight! Your enthusiasm is infectious!

Thanks again!

Denise said...

This made me giggle, lol

Anonymous said...

That is so funny! Sorry for the letdown.

Laura said...

LOL.... haha.. I can't stop laughing. That is too funny!!! Poor thing!!

joanofalltrades said...

Well at least it made for a suspenseful story ;)

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

I was getting all excited for you and then... psssssssstttttttt.

what a bummer....

Christin said...

ha ha ha!! That is too funny Alicia!

I recently ordered our new curriculum for next year and I received over 20 books from amazon/ in the mail over a couple of weeks. I told my mail lady it's like "Christmas everyday!" I kept getting boxes and big envelopes. It was fun!

I'm still waiting on like 4 books, too!

Receiving things in the mail is alway fun!

Anonymous said...

lol - you're too funny.... I love you too!!!