Wednesday, March 25, 2009


**Come see my giveaway that I'm having!**

Now, for the record, she does not go out like this, nor wear ANY make-up whatsoever!

Can you believe this is my soon to be 12 year old daughter?And, oh my gosh, my husband was not feelin' it when we came home either! First thing he said to her when she walked through the door was, "Take that off right now." Oh..and when I text'd a picture of her like this to my son, he said he went, "Ewww!" LOLOL! Typical brother!

Anyway, we were at the girls tea my friend had at her house two weeks ago and the girls' wanted to put on some makeup after they started their own fashion show! It is a total understatement when I say that my daughter was really getting into it!
She kept staring at herself in the mirror!! I don't even know where she learned half the poses she was coming up with! But, it was so funny, and the girls' were so cute! This picture was even before my friend put more make-up on her! Can you see the attiude in that pose???? Whoa!! It's like her expression is saying, "How ya like me now?" This gives me a glimpse of her in the future...say 10 years from now when she's allowed to wear any make-up! Oh..and by the way, those are her real eybrows!!

Some of the other girls having fun!

For more Wordless Wednesday, click here!

For more Wordful Wednesday, click here!


Simply AnonyMom said...

She is beautiful!

Thank you for visiting today

Mrs. Frogster said...

wow - that's amazing! she's beautiful and sure doesnt need the makeup.:)

Denise said...

She is lovely, no makeup needed.

Rob said...

Very pretty young lady.

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

She's got some serious 'tude in that photo! She's just beautiful!

Susie said...

She looks so grown up!!

Stacy said...

She is beautiful!!! But I understand why he said take it off. She looks alot older than almost 12:)

Dee said...

She's beautiful!!

Beth in NC said...

Oh my ... the cherry red lipstick! ha ha She is a beautiful girl.

I like your new layout. I like change too. :o)

Angela said...

Randy would have said the same thing,,LOL..

We have started to let Shaneah wear mascara and lip gloss. Some of her classmates LOOK like this already...thank God my daughter doesn't and couldn't care less.LOL. She definitely marches to Christ's drums and not the worlds...all glory to God Almighty.

Sheryl said...

oh boy - watch out!!! ha

Unknown said...

She doesn't need the makeup at all. Love the attitude. lol

Stephanie said...

oh that's husband would be the exact same way!

Debra Kaye said...

pretty girl.....and somehow i can hear the hubby saying that same thing! lol

Upstatemamma said...

My hubby would freak out (and my daughter is only six months but I know he would freak out)!!!! MY MIL bought her a belly shirt and mini skirt for the summer and Hubby immediately turned around and said; "She is NOT wearing that." Your daughter is gorgeous by the way.

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Uh, oh! Daddy might have to keep her under lock and key. :D She is beautiful!

Happy WW!

Hootin Anni said...

What a gorgeous young woman!!!

My Wordful this week is all about the birds and bees...errrr, um....maybe birds and cats. Is it Superman in the sky? Come find out.

Shasta said...

She's so beautiful! Love the attitude in the pic!

Love your header too!!

really.truly said...

She is beautiful!

And 12...I remember 12. It was filled with puberty, braces and a crush on Shaun Cassidy or someone. :)

Laura said...

She is beautiful with or without the makeup! I bet she had a blast!! :) Your blog background is definitely cute.. very summery-like (I know.. not a word!)!! ;)

Anonymous said...

That is so daughter gets those same attitude looks when she thinks she's lookin good!!

Robyn said...

Oh my! she is beautiful! I would have been like Dad and told her to get that off.........LOL

Always a Southern Girl said...

She's beautiful! I have a 12 year old too. She has some pictures of herself that she has taken with makeup on and Oh My!! They will be grown before we know it. Have a great Wednesday!

Cascia Talbert said...

She is beautiful but I see your husband's point. With that lipstick she looks a little too grown up for 12. I have a 12 year old daughter and I would never let her go out with make up on.

*Just Jen* said...

What a beautiful daughter you have!! Happy WW!

Unknown said...

She is pretty young woman.

Happy WW! :D

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

What a beautiful young lady.

Liz said...

She is so pretty! You better watch out for boys coming around!! :-)

Sweet Blessings said...

Daddy's are the best-lol! I know what you mean-you blink and they've become little women. How fun to share in this time with them-well most of the time-hello hormones!! Blessings to you! Amanda

momstheword said...

She looks so pretty, but much, much older, which is why dear hubby told her to take off the makeup.

I love the new blog look. You're right. Very bright, cheerful and springy!

Lisa said...

Oh Alicia, she is beautiful...Adrienne turned 14 and she is starting to fashion herself is fun to watch them progress. I feel like having Adrienne put make up on me. I never wear it and I sell Mary Kay, I just like the skin care.
Love you new look on the blog, boy I must have been gone a while, it is so tough to keep up with all I have going on...I am glad to keep up with the on FB.

Sara said...

Uh-Oh... those boys are going to start coming around! She's a doll! Love your new layout too..

Miti said...

She's so pretty! Her poor Daddy. I bet he's dreading the day she wears makeup for good. But you know what they say....Girls just wanna have fun! And it looks like they did. I really like your updated blog. It's so cute. I did some changes to my today too. I was wanting to do a scroll for all my followers buttons, but I couldn't figure out how to do it. How did you do yours?

cre8tivkj said...

She is a beauty. Doesn't need the war paint though. Happy WW!

Melissa said...

my word! Can't believe how grown up she looks!!! She is very beautiful though, just as she is! Most people would kill to have eyebrows that perfect!

(Did you get a new makeover here on your blog?!?! It looks great!)

Neisha said...

She is gorgeous. My daughter has to wear it for dance, but on a daily basis, no way. It's scary enough seeing her when she dances. She can wear clear gloss, and that is it.

He & Me + 3 said...

Gorgeous and watch out!

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

whoa is right. :P

Leslie said...


Get ready for the teen years. They're fun...

Stop by if you get a chance, I'm taking a survey and I'd like your opinion.

Unknown said...

She is so beautiful!!! wow!! You are going to have to keep her locked up till she's 30! LOL

My expressions LIVE said...

Very pretty...scares me to think of what I will be going through someday!

Aunt Julie said...

She's a gorgeous gal. With two girls of my own, we've had a few makeup/clothing issues. It doesn't get any easier!

Carin said...

She does have that pose down. Looks like they were having fun! with 3 boys I guess this will never be a topic here.

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh how fun! I remember parties like that.

She is beautiful! I can see why Daddy would be concerned :o) Good for him!

I like the new look too my friend! Very pretty!

Unknown said...

Alicia the blog make-over is GORGEOUS! Danielle does such a good job!

Oh your daughter is just like her Momma - BEAUTIFUL! Those eyebrows are insanely perfect!

Oh my husband would not be thrilled at all with make-up either. LOL!

Hugs and love,

jen@odbt said...

Beautiful girl. Agree with the others...great blog header.

Casey's trio said...

She is a beautiful girl! LOL at her dad's reaction:)

Michelle said...

Such a beautiful young lady. My 13 year old started with makeup this year. We are keeping it light. :)

Michelle Riggs said...

We have pictures of Sami like that. They try to grow up so fast.

I love your blog. We would appreciate your prayers for our daughter, Abby.

Katie@ThisCrazyLife said...

She is gorgeous! Reminds me of my sister, who is 14 going on 30!

Anonymous said...

She is such a looker already! And this is so a Spring blog! Very nice :D

Daphine said...

Uh.....WOW! B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!!

Anonymous said...

She is stunning and your husband better get ready the boys will be knocking down the door, which they probably are already!!
I really like your new look!

Pamela said...

Your daughter is gorgeous! So is your new blog design! So glad I visited today. :D

McCrakensx4 said...

Watch out better keep her locked up mamma!! She's a beauty!

tiki_lady said...


Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

What I love is how old she looks in the first photo and how even with all that make up she looks just like a little girl again when she is posing with the other girls... you can't hide innocence. Even behind lipstick and eyeliner!