So, on that note, I want to give out some THANK YOU'S to a few bloggy buds of mine (and some of yours too)!
First, I want to thank my sweet, dear friend Lisa @ Family Life! It feels like she is someone I've known outside of blogging! I love it when you just "click" with someone without all the effort! She had a giveaway not too long ago, and I was the blessed winner!! Yay, me! She is a Mary Kay Consultant, and I got to choose which product I wanted! I opted for the Age-Fighting Moisturizer, because that's exactly what I'm trying to On top of that, she sent me TONS of samples! Now, who doesn't like getting free samples from the make-up counter? So, thank you, much!! I love everything, and thank you for your sweet note!
Second on my list are thank you's for some awards I received. I have to admit that I have been totally lagging on posting these, so please forgive me!!
Renee at Always A Southern Girl blessed me with this award! She is so sweet and I am always encouraged by her posts. She is so open and honest, and is always seeking the Lord for direction!! Thank you, Renee!

The next one is from a new blog pal from Together We Save. If you want the heads up on coupons and sales, this is the place to go!! I've seen this award before and thought it was totally cute, so I was excited that someone passed it on to me! Thank you so much!

Last but not least, this comes from my friend, Kelli at Random Thoughts Of A Supermom! She is super sweet and has the cutest boys!!! You should check out her blog, too! In fact, she is having an awesome giveaway right now!! Thank you so much, Kelli!

God truly has surrounded you with many 'crowns of splendor' (Isaiah) here at this beautiful blog Alicia. It's amazing to see the hand of God moving in your life. It is beautiful to be witness to it..Blessings to you and yours precious little sister in the Lord.
I am so happy you received it and so quickly. You deserve it and all those awards, you are my Filipino sis ya' know.
Enjoy the samples, I have so many and I use them to make up Emily's face for dance recital. It makes good stage make up.
Congrats! You really cleaned up :D
and it is well deserved!
Alicia, congratulations on all your awards!!! Very well deserved!
i love MK, congrats
Congrats on your awards and for finding so many wonderful people to add to your already shinning life. :)
What a great Mary Kay win! Congrats on that and the other awards.
I love samples of all kinds! So jealous, hehe. Enjoy your fabulous win!!! :)
You are a lucky girl! You got aome great stuff too! Congrats:)
Congrats on all of your bling! And that is the moisterizer I use....LOVE IT!!
oooh, lotsa goodies! How fun! I used to use Mary Kay long ago!
Please ignore my desperate emails, lol! I finally figured it out and the MYHSM meme is up. Woohooo!
Congrats on the awards...and have fun with the make-up samples! :)
awww, you're such a sweetie and a wonderful blogger friend as well! I love reading your blog and I love reading your sweet comments on my blog!
Have a wonderful week, sweetie!
Congrat on all your deserved them all! Blog Land is a FUN land. ;o)
You're so welcome Alicia, you deserve it.
I re-did my blog, check it out and let me know what you think. I feel it's a little, I don't know, different! (Ha, my Hubby says I have issues!!)
Anyway I hope you have a great week. are truly blessed.
You are such a great gal with a fantastic and approachable personality. I know the first time I visited your site it was like I had known you forever!!!
Congrats on your nice to have people think of us!!!! Yay!
Have a wonderful Monday....
Congrats on all of your awards sweetie.
You have touched a lot of people with your kind words. I for one want to thank you!
I agree with are such fun and so easy to get to know. I've loved getting to know you and always look forward to "chatting" with you back and forth :)
Congrats on all your goodies and thanks for being so friendly :)
Congrats on the giveaway win...MK stuff is so great! And congrats on all the SUPER deserve them all!
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