Wednesday, May 6, 2009


This is my son Eli's most recent painting he took home from art class on Monday. He did do this similar painting last year, but since two of his friends are taking the same class now, he decided to do the same one as them. I love it just as much as his first lighthouse painting!

But, he was upset when he came home because his friend accidentally spilled water on his painting (on the grass area). He fixed it when he got home, but I think because of the work and heart he puts into it, he just felt like it was ruined. I told him that it was beautiful and unique..just like him!

If you want to see his other paintings I posted, you can click here, and here.

He'll be 9 in June, and he says he wants to be an architect!
Be sure to visit 5 Minutes For Mom for more Wordless Wednesday, and 7 Clown Circus for Wordful Wednesday.


Denise said...

God has truly blessed your son with much talent, so beautiful.

Sara Elizabeth said...

That is a lovely photo. I would have never kown he spilled water on the grass area. He did a great job.

Happy WW from Sara @ the Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q.!

Marie Reed said...

Eli is 8!!! I am flabbergasted! This is truly phenomenal! You must be just beaming with pride and joy:)

mommy3 said...

What a beautiful blog! Your son takes after your artistic sense :) May you have a wonderful and blessed WW! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment on my WW photo!

Hootin Anni said...

9 years old?!!!!! This is amazing.

My Wordful is an update on my Sister's Day gift. It's very pretty right now. Come see if you can find some time today.

HAVE A GREAT MOTHER'S DAY this weekend. Happy Wednesday to you.

Unknown said...

Wow, that is amazing! I can only draw stick people....he has a wonderful talent!

Susie said...

That is just beautiful!! And he is only 9??? Wow! His life can take him anywhere!!

Monkey! said...

That is incredible talent! Great entry. Happy WW!

Stacy said...

It is a very pretty painting. Like I've said before he is very talented!!!

Rob said...

Wow, that is a great painting, he has talent. Happy WW!

The Blonde Duck said...

Popped in from SITS! That's really good!

Unknown said...

WOW he is talented!!! He's make a great architect

Lisa said...

Tell Eli I would have never known there was water spilled, it is just beautiful.

just another mother said...

What a talented young man!!

Alicia W. said...

WOW! He has a talent that's for sure. Bright future ahead of him, Alicia. I know he makes you so proud. Have a great day.

I am Harriet said...

That's really nice!

really.truly said...

You know what I think....that son of yours is amazing! This is truly a gift that he has!!!

Just beautiful.

Beth in NC said...

Wow! That is awesome. I especially love the clouds! Great job!

Stephanie said...

Wow..I've said it before but he is incredibly talented!!!!!!!!!

You need to frame those!

Brimful Curiosities said...

Wonderful painting. Quite talented fellow. Bet your walls are overflowing with beauty.

Denise said...

Wow, he is talented. Sorry to hear he thinks it is ruined, it looks wonderful to me.

April said...

Wow...your little boy has some fantastic art skills! Blows me away! I can barely draw a stick figure! LOL!

He & Me + 3 said...

I am waiting for you to quote me a price so I can purchase one. He is so talented.

Darcie said...

He does just amazing work, so beautiful! He has a wonderful future ahead of him.

Melissa said...

that is amazing! Not even 9 years old and already so much talent! That boy is gonna go places, that's for sure!


Amy said...

Wow that is so wonderful. I can't do that at all. Have a great day. Stop by on Friday for my Round Robin if you would like.

Erica said...

Great picture your son is really truly talented.

Hope it's okay if i follow your blog thanks for visiting my blog :)

annies home said...

really good work

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm super impressed!

Susan Cook said...

Terrific picture! Your son is very talented at such a young age.

Thanks for sharing. Happy WW!

Kelli W said...

What a great painting...especially for an 8 year old! I am SUPER impressed! My husband painted alot as a child and his grandmother still has some of his paintings in her kitchen! They make for really great memories!

jen@odbt said...

That is amazing - he's got a gift and would make a great architect.

tiarastantrums said...

WOW - that is amazing!

JMBMOMMY said...

Wow, I am impressed! He is good!

Sara said...

That is so amazing! All of your kids are so talented!

Anonymous said...

WOW! That is great. I never would have thought a 9 yr old did that. Awesome!

Thanks for stopping by!

Mrs. Chief said...

how wnderful and talented....If I haven't told you before...the video's you have of the kids playing worship music...*sigh*

Mrs. Davison said...

What a talented, sensitive, special boy you have there. You must be a great mom, for you have nurtured a wonderful little spirit!

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

Wow! The talent on that son is 7 and his worst subject is art....gotta love him for that but your son...put him to work for college...those are great!

Anonymous said...

He is very talented Alicia, this is a gorgeous painting and he is only 9. WOW he has a bright future ahead of him.

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

That is a beautiful painting! What a talented boy. :)

Daphine said...

WOW! How beautiful!!! You may ought to enter him into those kid drawing/art contest. They used to be around many years ago. I would bet that there still around. Seriously, he's got quite a talent there~!

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

Looks like he is a multi-talented boy - if he decides architecture isn't for him, certainly art is something he will excel at!

Staci A said...

Wow! He is very talented! Beautiful work!

Laura said...

Love his paintings!

Pam said...

Wow! He did a great job! He's very talented.

Serendipityissweet said...

Wow, he has some serious talent. Very nice!

Casey's trio said...

What a talent he has! The walls in your home must be lined with some beautiful artwork from your kids:)

Pilar said...

Wow, such talented kids you have ! What a blessing!

Joy said...

Oh my gosh! THAT'S AMAZING! You've got a budding genius on your hands!

Happy WW!

A Joyful Chaos said...

Wow he is very talented!

Jane Anne said...

That is a beautiful picture... especially amazing for an 8 year old. I love pictures from my children no matter how artistic they are. I know you are proud of him.

Leslie said...

I must say...

You have some very talented kids!

Happy WW!

Muthering Heights said...

He did a wonderful job! I have always been lousy with watercolors, so I can appreciate how much work and talent went into his work! :)

Unknown said...

This is really amazing Alicia! Take my breath away beautiful!

Erica said...

Alicia, I am playing tag and have just tagged you! If you are interested in joining the fun visit my blog for all the details.

Miti said...

Wow...Think of the beautiful architecture he'll be creating when he becomes that architect. Hey...we're thinking of building a house. Maybe he can our architect.

Michelle said...

Wow, that boy has talent!

Krisha said...

Wow, what an amazing painting! He is very talented & very blessed.

3 Bay B Chicks said...

Oh.My.Goodness. This is amazing! He will make a great architect. Really is he 9?


Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Truly beautiful. He is so talented and yo have every right to be so proud!

Milk and Honey Mommy said...


The picture is absolutely beautiful. He has a talent that I'm sure will bless many.

Carebear said...

Oh my gosh - he is so incredibly talented! Does he know it? What a gift he has - you must be very proud! All my boy manages to draw is graffiti scribbles on the furniture, LOL!

tiki_lady said...

i want one and I waNt him to sign it too! he's $$ in the making.

Kelly said...

And yet another beautiful picture!! I hope you are keeping all of these for a portfolio for him!

Lorie said...


Crazee Juls said...

His talent is unreal! I want to hire him to paint a mural on my wall....if there weren't those silly laws about child labor and all. :) Very good!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

What can I say that others haven't already? Truly a talent!


King J's Queen said...

Your son has some incredible talent! Impressive!

-stephanie- said...

Wow, that's great!

Helene said...

My jaw just hit the ground!! Your kids are so talented!! That is amazing!!!

Hajar Zamzam Ismail said...

This is beautiful, he is really gifted. :)