Wednesday, May 27, 2009


This is a picture that my friend took when they all went camping last weekend. Four of the guys and my daughter, Miranda, climbed up a steep trail on the side of that cliff and they all took turns jumping off it, which was approximately 35 feet down! Apparently, my friends (the girls) didn't know that my daughter had no fear of heights, and they thought she was going to get in trouble by my husband for jumping off. Of course, the guys that were up there with her were totally encouraging her to do She was totally not in trouble! My husband was like, "Wow, Miranda!!" But, just so you know, our friends waited right there at the water to make sure she was okay!

See my girl in the middle of the picture??? She rocks! You go, girl!

Be sure to visit 5 Minutes For Mom for more Wordless Wednesday, and 7 Clown Circus for Wordful Wednesday.


Sarah A. Galang, Ph.D. said...

wow, this is steep going up! My hubby really love it.
Thanks for sharing

Alicia W. said...

Now that's my kind of fun right there! What an amazing place and FUN jump. Great WW sweetie!

Beth in NC said...

That is a great picture, but as a Mom - I would have been freaking out. lol Of course, you've been doing this longer than me, but still ... yikes!

Love ya!

Stacy said...

I was looking up on the rock for her! Wow, that is a long way down!she is a brave girl:)

Miti said...

GOOD GOLLY MISS MIRANDA!!! That's impressive! I didn't notice her until you pointed her out. You weren't kidding when you said she wasn't afraid to try anything. I totally would have chickened out.

I am Harriet said...

Holy cow!
Not me!

Staci said...

Wow!!! What a cool picture! I would have been a major chicken!! You go girl!

Shasta said...

Oh goodness! My husband, my little brother and my SIL did that last year off of some very high cliffs. I can't even swim and even if I could, no way would I do that!! lol

She's a brave girl!

Kelli W said...

Wow! That is really high. She must be really brave, because I would have been SUPER scared to even climb up there!

Lorie said...


Anonymous said...

Holy Moly!
She's soooo courageous!
That's awesome!

really.truly said...

Wowzers! That is high. I bet they had a blast.

Jane In The Jungle said...

WOW!!!! My heart's in my throat just looking!!

Laura said...

Oh, my goodness!!! No, thanks!! How scary!! LOL

Darcie said...

Oh my word! I am screaming for her the whole way down....can you hear me?

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Woohoo! You go Miranda!

Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

Looks like a BLAST!

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Yikes! That would not be me standing by the edge. I wish I had the courage. Way to go!

just another mother said...

wow!!! happy WW!

Anonymous said...

HOLY $%*!
I would be freaking out, yelling at mu husband for letting my kid jump, yelling at my kid for jumping, and then if i still had a voice, yelling at everyone else involved.
But..since it is not me..great picture!!

McCrakensx4 said...

It took me a few seconds to find her...WOW is all I have to say! You go girl! I would love to try something like that!!

Eco-Friendly Mommy said...

Oh my! WOW! She is very brave. I have to admit, I have a thing for heights, and I could never do that! YOU GO GIRL!

Happy W/W!

Sara said...

Such a cool shot! How fun!

He & Me + 3 said...

THat is so crazy. NO WAY! I cannot believe she did that. Holy moly. She is one brave girl.

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh wow! That makes my heart skip a beat just looking at the picture. She is one brave girl! I hope she had a great birthday! They are growing up way too fast my friend!

Stephanie said...

Wow!!!! #1 that's a great picture and #2 she's a brave girl!

Susie said...

Wow!! No fear:-)

Pilar said...

Wow, you are raising a strong fearless girl!

Amanda said...

Wow!! Thats amazing!!! Talk about no fear. Good for her!

God bless-

Sawatzky family said...

Holy Cow!
Brave girl is right :)
Amazing picutre!

Sharon said...

Wowwwwwwwwww, you are so brave, hahaha It looked really high!
so Way to Go!!

Serendipityissweet said...

OMG, what a brave girl! Not me, no way.

amanda said...

umm. nope. would not see me up there. wow! way to go!

jen@odbt said...

Go girl! That is so brave. What a cool thing to do...jumping off a cliff into a body of water would be on my bucket list.

Angela said...

OMG she is so brave.

Banteringblonde said...

wow i'm totally not that brave!

Unknown said...

Oh my word! I am totally not ready for this with my boys! Thankfully I have one that has a huge respect for heights. (like me) it´s gotten worse for me though through the years.

It is awesome that she can do that! What an incredible feet!

Susan Holt Simpson said...

I think I would've fainted as she jumped - - - and missed the shot!


Mozi Esme said...


These things leave me petrified, but my husband does them all the time, so I'm sure my girl will be attempting some crazy stunts, too.

Staci A said...

That's one brave girl! I could never do it!

Joy said...

That is so BRAVE! Yep, I'd never do it! But I've never denied the fact that I'm a chicken.

Happy WW!

Neisha said...

Wow, that's all I can say. I'm having anxiety just looking at the picture. I am so afraid of heights it's pathetic. Good for her!!

Muthering Heights said...

Oh my goodness...I am so afraid of heights, I would have FREAKED OUT if my daughter did that! LOL!

Lisa said...

Wow a shot in mid air, i kept looking for her at the top of the hill until I followed down and saw she blended in with the
she's got guts.

joanofalltrades said...

Wow! Great action shot! She is really brave. Is she the only one who lives one the wild side or are your other kids fearless too?

Night Owl Mama said...

Wow that is absolutley amazing. Beautiful picture to Treasure

Carin said...

oh wow! that is AMAZING!!!! Way to go!

momstheword said...

I thought you meant in the middle of the guys on the rock so couldn't find her till I looked down the rock.

I would have had a fit. Lol! Seriously, I would have curled up in a corner somewhere freaking out!!!

Jennifer said...

AGH!!! I'm scared of heights AND drowning! So what she's doing is superhero status in my book! LOL!

Jenjen @GottaLoveMom said...

WOW! How did she do that?
Stop and visit to grab some awards -

Joyeful said...

Oh my goodness!! How was your heart faring, little mother? My, she is a brave one!

Mamí♥Picture said...

That is an Amazing Picture! You have a BEAUTIFUL BRAVE Daughter!!!!

Claremont First Ward said... That's amazing. I'm impressed. Love the picture of you above, too.

Melissa said...

WOW! I jumped off a 50-foot cliff in Jamaica, and will NEVER do that again! It was such a long fall, that I (for some unknown reason) thought that I should have hit the water already, so instead of keeping my legs straight, I bent them into a sitting position. So, yah, my tailbone took the brunt of the fall, and it broke! OMG! The pain was unbelievable and I still had to swim back to the boat.....

So, yah, your girl is pretty brave! Rock on girl, and always remember to KEEP YOUR LEGS STRAIGHT!

Daphine said...

Are you kidding me?!?!?!? What a brave thing she is!!! I am so not afraid of heights either, but I sure wouldn't have been bold enough to jump off this cliff and into the water! Oh my goodness! I am tripping on!